What to expect after threading?

Author: Marguerite Hintz IV  |  Last update: Thursday, April 27, 2023

After your procedure is complete, there will be a feeling of tightness, some slight swelling, redness, possible bruising and inflammation. You've had a foreign substance threaded through your tissue to tighten it, so these feelings are normal.

How long does threading take to heal?

The recovery period for a PDO thread lift is approximately two weeks; however, the majority of your restrictions and limitations will apply during the first 24 to 72 hours immediately following treatment. During this time, temporary soreness or face swelling can be expected, and it will fade quickly within the week.

What should you not do after face threading?

To ensure the best results, there are several things you must avoid after a PDO thread lift. These include sleeping on your stomach or side, wearing makeup, drinking alcohol, making extreme facial expressions, and receiving facials and facial massages.

What to expect after face threading?

Following PDO thread lift, patients may experience mild swelling, bruising, or tenderness at the suture sites. Over-the-counter medications can help these symptoms, which should resolve within about 3 – 5 days.

How long does it take for thread lift to settle?

You will probably see some initial firming and lifting right after your procedure, with your thread lift face results continuing to take shape over the next three weeks or so. As your body begins to naturally generate collagen, your tightened, lifted outcomes should continue to improve for the next few months.


What is the downside of a thread lift?

Complications: Although thread lift is considered minimally invasive, some sutures and cuts are required. There is still a risk of complications such as bruising, thread breakage, thread extrusion, fever, and infection.

Do and don'ts after thread lift?

Experiencing slight discomfort in the first two days after the procedure is normal, it will gradually reduce. Try keeping your head elevated for a week. Don't pull your facial skin, massage, scrub or exfoliate the skin for at least three weeks. You are also not supposed to wash or touch your face for at least 12 hours.

How do you sleep after threading your face?

Sleep on your side

Sleeping on your side, or even on your stomach, results in pressure on your face. You need to avoid this for about a week after your thread lift procedure. Try to sleep on your back with your head propped up on a pillow to minimize swelling after a thread lift.

How long after threading can I wash my face?

A gentle face wash a few hours after your treatment is recommended but ensure you don't exfoliate for at least 24 hours after your treatment.

How many hours should I not wash my face after threading?

Wait for a time period of at least two hours after threading face for taking a hot bath or shower. The threaded area can be gently washed with the help of anti-bacterial soap.

Is it OK to thread your whole face?

But while threading is most commonly used for brows, it's worth noting that it's also a highly effective way of removing unwanted hair on the entire face and upper lip area.

How do you close your pores after threading?

Since threading involves removing hair from the root, it opens up the pores. So the first thing you should do post threading is to apply ice over the area in a circular motion. This constricts the blood vessels and closes pores, in turn reducing swelling and redness.

Are there side effects to the threading?

Its increase in popularity is related to its being efficient and inexpensive, especially for removing extra hairs around the eyebrows. However, complications of facial threading, including irritant dermatitis, folliculitis, koebnerization, verrucae, and impetigo, have also been reported.

What is the downtime after a thread lift?

The downtime after the PDO thread lift is quite short: around two to three days. Like with all procedures, there may be some bruising, swelling, or mild tension in the threaded areas. Recovery from the treatment is minimal, and you're often able to return to work the very same day.

Does threading hurt for the first time?

This isn't painful per se, but if it's your first time, it may be uncomfortable enough that you need to ask for a short break between brows. Don't be afraid to speak up. After several sessions, many people no longer feel the pain. It's still less painful than waxing and less permanent than microblading.

Should you moisturize after threading?

A great way to treat skin irritation after threading is done, is to always try to apply a light nourishing moisturizer to calm your skin down. It's also very important that the moisturizer you pick would be free of perfume or any alcohol.

How long does face hurt after threading?

Most of your discomfort occurs in the first 24-48 hours following surgery and will decrease each day thereafter. You may resume normal activities as tolerated. Normal activities include caring for yourself and lifting routine objects.

Why do we get pimples after threading?

Threading pulls hair out from the follicle root. When the hair is pulled out, the pore is opened. If the area is not clean, bacteria are able to enter into the pore, clogging it, and thereby causing a breakout.

Why no alcohol after thread lift?

You should avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for at least 14 days after a PDO thread lift for the most effective results. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it causes you to lose a lot of water and essential nutrients necessary for proper healing. Drinking alcohol can also cause a dangerous increase in blood pressure.

How often should you thread your face?

But, the average person should get their eyebrows threaded every 2-3 weeks. Since the process removes hairs from their roots, the time for the hairs to grow back will be dependent on many factors, but we recommend coming in for eyebrow threading treatment every 2-3 weeks.

Can you smile after thread lift?

By the end of week 1, I could give a pretty good smile but I was still cautious but by the end of 2 weeks, I was able to smile and laugh as normal. Mineral make-up may be applied gently after 24 hours. A stinging or “pulling” pain or discomfort is normal.

What is the fastest way to recover from a thread lift?

3 Tips for Thread Lift Recovery
  1. Avoid Rubbing Your Face. We recommend that you avoid rubbing your face for the first few weeks following the procedure. ...
  2. Avoid Specific Sleeping Positions. Some sleeping positions are better than others when recovering from a thread lift. ...
  3. Avoid High-Intensity Workouts for a Short Period.

Can you mess up PDO threads?

PDO Thread Lift Complications do occur and dimpling, puckering and thread visibility are often the most troubling to patients and physicians. These complications can be applied to PDO, PCA and PLLA threads. Most providers choose PDO threads as they are dissolvable, therefore making this problem only temporary.

What age should you get a thread lift?

The ideal thread lift candidate is usually in his or her late thirties to early fifties, whereas most patients over the age of about 55 will benefit more profoundly from facelift surgery.

Does thread lift look natural?

Because it relies on your body to increase collagen and elastin production to lift and tighten the skin, the results look completely natural. You'll have an improved appearance, but you won't look as though you had some type of surgical procedure done to achieve younger-looking skin.

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