Not to worry though, lumps following a filler treatment are completely normal. The lumps you may experience are often caused by swelling and bruising of the treated area. We would not recommend massaging or using force to reduce the lumps yourself, as this may impact your final results.
The most common cause of lumps after a filler treatment is swelling and bruising from the injections themselves. These should naturally subside within the first week.
Experiencing lumps in lips after injectable filler is extremely common—and lumps most often resolve naturally with time. Gentle lip massage 5-7 days after the treatment can help smooth any lumps and bumps in the lips.
Lumpiness is very common to feel in your skin in the days after injection of dermal filler into the face, including the upper lip body and the cheeks and the chin area and along wrinkles and folds when injected to lift these. It will usually resolve within a couple of weeks.
Smoothing Out the Lumps
The good news is yes, those pesky filler lumps will in fact go away. It's actually quite uncommon for patients to experience any irritation or lumps following their procedure, but if you do, then you should expect them to dissipate after a few days.
Not to worry though, lumps following a filler treatment are completely normal. The lumps you may experience are often caused by swelling and bruising of the treated area. We would not recommend massaging or using force to reduce the lumps yourself, as this may impact your final results.
While massage can sometimes improve mild symptoms such as moderate lumpiness or slight asymmetry, don't perform massage on your fillers unless instructed to do so by your plastic surgeon or injector.
Gentle massage
Gently press your lips between your thumbs and forefingers and roll your lips between your fingers. Massage your lips 2-3 days after having a lip injection.
In some cases, we recommend our patients massage their fillers following treatment to smooth them out below the skin; however, too much massage too soon may cause the filler to migrate slightly.
Your lips look like they have been stung by a bee.
You may have too much dermal filler injection if your lower lip can no longer touch your upper lip. As a result, your lips may appear too big and not proportional.
Your lips may feel stiff or rigid immediately after injection with dermal fillers. Don't worry — this is entirely normal, and the lip fillers will soften with time. Your lips may also be swollen and tender, which can contribute to the lip filler feeling hard under the skin.
The upper lip should be slightly larger than the lower lip with a gentle curve that peaks at what's called cupid's bow. The hinge of the upper lip comes in the form of the central philtrum that separates the two sides. Your upper teeth should also overlap the lower teeth by one millimeter.
That said, these injectable treatments take some time to integrate into your tissues, and it's normal for your dermal filler to take up to two weeks to fully settle into your face.
DON'T: massage your lips.
Massaging freshly injected lips risks moving the filler around causing the possibility of desportation and undesirable results.
Fillers remain moldable for 1-2 weeks, and pressure can deform your filler.
"Lip filler migration is generally a result of the fact that hyaluronic acid fillers absorb water, and they can begin to create some extra volume and extra absorption of volume in areas that were outside of the primary injection site," says Dr. Karam.
Whilst it is somewhat normal to feel small lumps, depending on how thick the filler used was), if they feel one lump in particular, they can gently massage it in between their finger and their thumb, over a period of time, and it will help to “break down” the lump.
Check with your provider to ensure that the lump is not an uncommon complication, like an infection or a vascular block; if you're in the clear, there is no need to worry, and the lump will usually resolve itself within one to two weeks. You can minimize the swelling by icing or applying a cold compress.
After lip fillers, I like to have the patient gently massage their lips, a finger inside, a finger outside, and gently massage. I don't want them to tightly compress, because they're going to squash the filler, and early on they could push fillers into a different area of the lip.
Fillers come in pre-filled syringes, usually with 1 mL per syringe. To avoid duck lips, stick to one syringe per treatment. Honestly, some times we won't even use the whole syringe to avoid the risk of duck lips.
Answer: Filler to the Lips
Hi, Yes! you can massage the fillers and have some movement, especially the first day or so. I would be careful though and make sure you speak to your injector first as you can also move the filler out of the lip and undo the work you had done.