What to ask when getting fillers?

Author: Cade Klocko  |  Last update: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Common Dermal Filler Questions:
  • What are Dermal Fillers? ...
  • What is the Difference Between Botox and Dermal Fillers? ...
  • What are Some Examples of Dermal Fillers? ...
  • What Does the Treatment Involve? ...
  • How Long Will Dermal Fillers Last? ...
  • Are There Any Side Effects? ...
  • Are Dermal Fillers Considered Safe and Effective?

What to Know Before Getting fillers?

Dermal Fillers: Do's and Dont's
  • DO Educate and Prepare Yourself Before Getting Dermal Fillers.
  • DON'T Take Over the Counter Pain Killers Before the Procedure.
  • DO Follow Instructions about Skincare and Supplements Prior to the Injections.
  • DON'T Drink Alcohol for at Least 48-72 Hours Before the Procedure.

What to avoid when you have fillers?


Avoid taking aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Advil®, Motrin®, Nuprin®, Aleve®, Celebrex®, Fish oil, Gingko Biloba , St. John's Wort and high doses of vitamin E for at least 7-10 days before your appointment, unless medically necessary.

How do you prepare for filler injections?

2 Days Prior to Injections
  1. Avoid topical products such as Tretinoin (Retin-A), Retinol, Retinoids, Glycolic Acid, or any “anti-aging” products.
  2. Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing, or using hair removal cream on the area to be treated.
  3. Do start taking Arnica two days prior to the procedure.

Should I tip for filler injections?

You should NEVER leave a tip for your PA/NP or nurse injector. Injectables are medications, just like a blood pressure pill or a thyroid medication. You would not tip your primary care provider for doing an EKG on you so no need to tip on our medical services either.

5 things to know before getting lip filler

How much do you tip for a $150 facial?

A good rule of thumb to go by is tipping your aesthetician 18 to 20 percent. "It also depends on how much you enjoyed your treatment," said Saime Demirovic, a cofounder of Glo Spa NY. "The amount someone leaves as a tip can really send a message of how they felt about their facial."

Can you get lip fillers in one lip?

There's no rule against getting both lip fillers and a lip flip! In fact, this two-pronged approach is growing in popularity. You can get a dermal filler in the lower lip and a lip flip above, or maybe you want to add on a lip flip to lip fillers injected a few months ago to enhance the shape and extend the results.

Can I drink coffee before fillers?

Avoid caffeine for about 24 hours before your procedure and avoid other foods or drinks that have a dehydrating tendency, as this could slow the healing process. It's a good idea to reduce your salt intake for a couple of days before your appointment, especially if you're getting dermal filler.

Can I wear makeup when getting fillers?

Makeup is one of the most important things to avoid after your dermal filler treatment. This is largely because your dermal filler injection sites need to remain sterile and clear of all bacteria for at least six to 24 hours.

How do you sleep after fillers?

Make sure to sleep on your back with your head elevated using 2 pillows for 3 nights-this will ensure that the newly injected filler stays in place. Another option would be to use a wrap around neck pillow to stabilize your head.

Does drinking water help fillers?

Drinking plenty of water can keep your skin hydrated and enhance the effect of hyaluronic acid fillers. After your treatment, we can recommend skin care products that complement the effects of your filler type.

Does 1ml of cheek filler make a difference?

Treating with 1ml at a time is certainly appropriate for some areas, such as volumising lips or having smaller tweakments into other areas of the face. Sometimes, however, more than 1ml may be required – in the cheeks, for example – as 1ml may not make a discernible difference.

How long does it take for filler to settle?

In reality, fillers take up to four weeks to “settle,” according to Healthline. Different types of fillers can settle more quickly, and your lifestyle and similar factors can also affect the amount of time it takes to settle.

Do fillers look better over time?

The Results Improve Over Time

Even as the hyaluronic acid is processed by your body, healthy collagen and elastin grow at a more significant rate. This means you will see initial improvement nearly immediately. They will improve over six to eight weeks.

Do and don'ts before lip fillers?

7 Do's & Don'ts You Should Know Before Lip Injections
  • DO take it easy after your procedure. ...
  • DON'T take blood thinners for the whole week before the procedure. ...
  • DO stay hydrated. ...
  • DON'T exercise after you receive lip injections. ...
  • DO ice after the procedure. ...
  • DON'T drink any alcohol for at least a week before the procedure.

Can you wash your face after fillers?

Avoid excessive touching or massaging the treated areas for about 6 hours after the injections. The treated areas can be washed with a gentle cleanser such as Cetaphil® Cerave® or Dove® unscented. Your satisfaction is important to us!

Is there bruising after fillers?

Bruising is the most common side-effect associated with fillers, especially when injected into the lips or tear troughs. Bruising is a perfectly normal response to injections of any kind; we stress to our patients that they should not be concerned if do bruise a little.

Can I drink after fillers?

It is best to avoid drinking alcohol or smoking for 24 hours after getting lip fillers. Alcohol can act as a blood thinner, which increases the likelihood of bruising, inflammation, and swelling.

Should I take vitamin K before fillers?

Take Vitamin K a couple of days before treatment. Eat fresh pineapple a couple of days before treatment. Take arnica for 2-4 days leading up to your treatment and for 2 days after treatment.

Can you put Vaseline on lip fillers?

Please don't apply make-up or products to the area for 24 hours, if you want to apply balm to your lips only use Vaseline for 24 hours after your treatment appointment using a clean finger or a cotton bud. After 24 hours you can apply make-up and apply your usual lip balm.

How much arnica should I take before fillers?

The recommended usage is to take 5 pellets of Boiron Arnica three times a day, beginning two days prior to your procedure. You can continue taking arnica until your symptoms improve up to a week after the procedure.

Can you feel lip fillers when kissing?

Yes, you can but it may be a bit tender and the kisses should be gentle! And in order to increase the longevity of your fillers, you should avoid touching the area for at least 2 days, so avoid wearing lipstick or applying lip balms.

What are Russian lips?

The Russian technique accentuates the cupid's bow to resemble a heart-shape by injecting additional volume and lift into the center of the lips, while the sides still remain relatively in line with the face. The result is doll-like while still appearing naturally full and plump.

What can't you do after lip fillers?

do avoid kissing or massaging your lips directly after the procedure and possibly for up to 24 hours if it is your first lip filler injection. do be gentle with your skin while washing for 24 hours. don't use and exfoliating agent for 24 hours or any harsh cleaning brush. don't have a facial massage for at least two ...

How much do you tip a hairdresser for $150?

Remember the golden rule: "You should tip 20 percent on the entire service cost, not per individual," says Schweitzer. So if your haircut and blow-dry cost $40 total, and your color was $60, your total service cost comes to $100. That means you should tip $20 divided between the colorist and stylist.

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