What is considered a medium chemical peel?

Author: Michelle Halvorson  |  Last update: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

A medium chemical peel removes skin cells from the epidermis and from portions of the upper part of your middle layer of skin (dermis). It's used to treat wrinkles, acne scars and uneven skin tone. You might need to repeat the procedure to achieve or maintain the desired result.

What percentage is a medium chemical peel?

A medium-depth chemical peel containing 35 percent trichloroacetic acid is a safe, effective, and reliable method for treating fine lines and wrinkles.

What is a medium strength chemical peel?

What is a medium chemical peel? Acne scars, deeper wrinkles and uneven skin color can all be treated with a medium chemical peel. The chemicals used for this type of peel will remove skin cells from both the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and upper part of your middle layer of skin (dermis).

Is 15% TCA a medium peel?

This is a 1.5 pH light to medium peel and is our lightest TCA Peel. WHAT DOES IT DO: TCA peels are designed to take years off your skin. The 15 percent TCA Peel is also a powerful and effective way to reduce oil and resulting acne or blackheads.

What are the different levels of chemical peels?

The Three Levels of Chemical Peels and How They Help You
  • Types of Chemical Peels. A superficial or light chemical peel is the mildest type. ...
  • What Are the Vi Peel and Vi Plus? A Jessner peel is a type of medium peel. ...
  • What Is the Deep Peel Like?

Do Chemical Peels Really Make A Difference?

What is a Level 4 chemical peel?

A Medium-depth Level 3 or 4 (TCA) Peel, involves the application of a chemical exfoliant that causes controlled damage of the epidermis and part or all of the papillary dermis (top layer), which ignites regenerative changes and restores the skin's tone and texture in just a single setting.

Is the VI Peel a medium peel?

A VI Peel is a medium-depth chemical peel that penetrates your top layer of skin, called the epidermis, reaching into the dermis underneath.

Which is stronger TCA or glycolic?

Not as high as other acids (glycolic acid peels can range from 20% to 70%!), but there's a good reason for that. TCA is more powerful. Any higher and they'll destroy your skin.

Is TCA stronger than glycolic?

Since the TCA peels exfoliate deeper into the dermis than a salicylic acid or glycolic acid peel, they have more potent and longer lasting results. That is why a TCA is typically used for quick treatment of a bad scar or freckles, and to lighten tattoos.

Is 20 TCA peel strong?

The 20% TCA Peel is a medium strength peel, but it should be noted that TCA is stronger than other peels so moderate to significant peeling is expected. When the peel is applied you may feel a stinging sensation as the acid penetrates the skin. You can use a fan or an ice pack to alleviate any discomfort.

Is glycolic acid a medium peel?

Glycolic acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid, derived from sugar cane, sugar beets, and other substances. It's used as a medium-strength chemical peel.

What is considered a deep chemical peel?

A deep chemical peel involves the use of a chemical called phenol. This is a powerful chemical that penetrates more deeply into the skin than other chemical peels. This means you will probably need a local anesthetic to numb the area and a sedative to help with any possible discomfort.

What strength is medium TCA peel?

TCA 20% Peel - Medium Strength.

What percentage is a mild chemical peel?

Chemical peel side effects

For lightweight peels like 15 percent salicylic or 25 percent mandelic acid, there'll be little to no side effects. A little bit of redness post-peel will occur, but should subside in an hour or two. Skin peeling may occur within two to three days.

What percentage is a deep chemical peel?

Commonly used deep-depth solutions.

The two most commonly used deep peels are high concentration TCA (≥50%), and the phenol peel.

What percentage is a light chemical peel?

Light: A light, or “superficial,” peel involves the use of 20% to 30% glycolic acid, which is applied for just a minute or two. This will only peel the surface layer of the skin, which is helpful for mild hyperpigmentation.

What is the difference between a TCA peel and a chemical peel?

Chemical peels can be superficial, medium, or deep strength. TCA peels are considered medium strength, meaning they should only be applied by a certified skin care professional. The ideal candidate for a TCA peel: is not breastfeeding or pregnant.

What is the difference between a TCA and Jessner peel?

Jessner peels are milder than TCA peels and are recommended for patients with darker skin tones or for those who suffer from melasma. Jessner peels can be used to improve the tone and texture of the skin, reduce the appearance of large pores, and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

What strength TCA peel should I use?

TCA peels with 10–15% concentrations (light) can treat skin issues like hyperpigmentation, while peels with a 20% concentration can treat sun-damaged and aging skin or skin with minor scarring. A peel with a concentration of 30–35% treats deep wrinkles, more severe scars, and precancerous skin lesions.

What is yellow peel?

The Yellow peel is one of the most effective treatments against pigmentation caused by sun exposure, ageing, scars and inflammation. It is a fast recovery peel that delivers significant benefits with minimal social downtime.

What is a PCA skin peel?

A PCA peel is a brand of chemical peel manufactured by PCA Skin. The company offers a wide variety of professional chemical peels as well as everyday products to: rejuvenate your skin. correct the effects of the sun. reduce scaring from acne or trauma.

Which VI Peel is the strongest?

VI Peel Advanced is 30% stronger than Basic, for mature skin, to help enhance collagen stimulation, address wrinkles and fine lines. Blended peel that can simultaneously address multiple skin conditions. VI Peel Precision Plus addresses skin discoloration.

What is a TCA peel?

TCA (trichloracetic acid) is an analog of acetic acid (like vinegar) and is an active ingredient in many popular chemical peels. When applied to the skin, TCA peels exfoliate the top layer of skin over the course of several days, exposing a smoother and more attractive new layer of skin underneath.

What is a Level 2 chemical peel?

The Level 2 chemical peel contains lactic acid, salicylic acid, and resorcinol. It is applied evenly over the entire face and neck after a few minutes this chemical peel will become neutral on the skin, and therefore it is not necessary to remove it after application.

What happens after Level 1 chemical peel?

A common recovery timeline may look like: First few hours – you'll notice some redness, tingling, or burning. First few days – you may notice some dryness, irritation, and mild swelling. Two to Three days – your skin may look flaky or peel, and discolorations or imperfections may temporarily be more noticeable.

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