What kind of doctor should I see for eyelid drooping?

Author: Sasha Altenwerth  |  Last update: Sunday, August 6, 2023

Blepharoplasty is the type of surgery that repairs droopy eyelids. An ophthalmologist or a plastic and reconstructive surgeon can perform this surgery. During the surgery, the surgeon makes an incision in the natural fold of your eye, and removes excess skin, muscle and possibly fat along your upper eye lid.

What does a drooping eyelid indicate?

Drooping of the eyelid is called ptosis. Ptosis may result from damage to the nerve that controls the muscles of the eyelid, problems with the muscle strength (as in myasthenia gravis), or from swelling of the lid.

Should I see an ophthalmologist for ptosis?

All children with ptosis—whether or not they have surgery—should see their ophthalmologist regularly for eye exams. Ask your child's ophthalmologist how often exams are needed. Because kids' eyes grow and change shape, they need to be checked for amblyopia, refractive disorders, and other eye problems.

Should you see a neurologist for ptosis?

Patients with ptosis should be investigated clinically by an ophthalmologist and neurologist, for blood tests, X-rays, and CT/MRI scans of the brain, orbita, and thorax.

Can an eye doctor diagnose ptosis?

Ptosis is typically diagnosed by an ophthalmologist, who can also frequently determine its cause. The ophthalmologist tests for visual acuity, and may perform a visual-field test, a slit-lamp examination and, possibly, a tension test.

What causes a droopy eyelid?

What neurological causes droopy eyelids?

Neurogenic ptosis occurs when there is a problem with the nerve pathway that controls movement of the eyelid muscles. Causes of neurogenic ptosis include myasthenia gravis, third nerve palsy, and Horner syndrome. In myogenic ptosis, the levator muscle is weakened due to a systemic disorder that causes muscle weakness.

When should I be worried about a droopy eyelid?

If you suddenly develop a drooping eyelid, you should contact your doctor. Because the involved eyelid may sag to the extent that it covers the pupil of the eye, it may interfere with normal vision by obscuring the upper aspect of the field of vision.

What disease makes your eyelid droop and?

Blepharoptosis (blef-uh-rahp-TOH-sis) or ptosis (TOH-sis) is a drooping of the upper eyelid that may affect one or both eyes. The eyelid may droop only slightly or may droop enough to cover the pupil and block vision. Blepharoptosis can occur in adults or children.

What happens if ptosis is left untreated?

If left untreated, ptosis and other eyelid problems can cause: “Lazy eye” (amblyopia): Inability of one eye to see well (in spite of glasses or other means) Eyesight problems such as astigmatism (poor eyesight caused by irregular eye shape) Permanent disfigurement.

When should I go to the doctor for ptosis?

Call your doctor now or seek immediate medical care if: You have new or worse eye pain. You have vision changes. You have double vision.

How much does it cost to fix ptosis in one eye?

For some adults, blepharoplasty will restore sight and can be considered a medical treatment for ptosis. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reports that the average cost of blepharoplasty is $3,022.

Can you fix ptosis without surgery?

Apart from reversible medical causes, where treating the systemic disease reverses the ptosis, there is no non-surgical treatment of ptosis.

How do you fix ptosis in adults?

For adults, treatment usually does mean surgery. Your doctor may remove extra skin and tuck the muscle that lifts the lid. Or the doctor may reattach and strengthen that muscle. You may also be able to wear glasses with a special crutch built in.

How do you fix ptosis without surgery?

Certain prescription eye drops are available, which can serve as a temporary solution to address the condition of ptosis. The effect of the treatment can last for about eight hours, and can be repeated for maintain the look. Botox may be used in some cases to treat the muscle that is causing the eyelids to close.

How do you fix a droopy eyelid naturally?

Some of the most common solutions include:
  1. Placing cold cucumber slices, tea bags or other cold compresses over your eyes. ...
  2. Eating certain foods, such as grapes or carrots. ...
  3. Supplements like B12 or lutein. ...
  4. Eye patches. ...
  5. Doing facial exercises.

How do you fix droopy eyelids fast?

How to fix droopy eyelids without surgery
  1. Injections. Injection of products that contain botulinum toxins (such as Botox or Dysport) can help tighten sagging skin and reduce wrinkles around your eyes. ...
  2. Fillers. ...
  3. Chamomile tea bags. ...
  4. Eyelid surgery. ...
  5. Fat removal. ...
  6. Fat repositioning.

How do you diagnose a droopy eyelid?

Ophthalmologists also assess your eye muscle function by having you look in different directions. The degree of the eyelid droop is determined by measuring the marginal reflex distance, which is the distance between the center of the pupil and the edge of the upper lid.

Can ptosis come on suddenly?

Neurogenic ptosis caused by one of these conditions occurs suddenly, with symptoms worsening in a matter of days or even hours. Patients who experience sudden eyelid drooping should seek medical attention immediately to determine whether the underlying cause is a serious one.

Is droopy eyelid reversible?

It is not possible to cure ptosis unless the cause is a Botox injection, but treatment can easily manage the condition.

Does floppy eyelid syndrome go away?

Patients with FES and obstructive sleep apnea may have an improvement in their ocular signs and symptoms after long-term therapy with continuous positive airway pressure. In refractory cases, a corrective surgery that addresses the eyelid laxity can result in significant improvement.

What does floppy eyelid syndrome look like?

The lateral upper eyelid may appear elongated and imbricate (overlap) over the edge of the lower lid margin. Chronic severe papillary conjunctivitis with whitish mucus discharge is often present. Occasionally, this condition may be associated with a keratoconus.

Can a brain tumor cause a droopy eyelid?

A drooping eyelid, also called ptosis, is often a symptom of aging, though it can be a sign of something more serious such as trauma or diabetes, stroke, Horner syndrome, Myasthenia Gravis, a brain tumor, or a cancer that affects nerve or muscle reactions.

Can you self treat ptosis?

According to the National Stroke Association, forcing your eyelids to work out every hour may improve eyelid droop. You can work eyelid muscles by raising your eyebrows, placing a finger underneath and holding them up for several seconds at a time while trying to close them.

How painful is ptosis surgery?

Most patients report the procedure is painless or only mildly uncomfortable. Post-surgical discomfort is usually manageable with an over the counter Tylenol. Recovery usually takes place in stages. During the first one to two weeks, it is normal to have some bruising and swelling.

Does ptosis get worse with age?

Ptosis is often a long-term problem. In most children with untreated congenital ptosis, the condition is fairly stable and does not get worse as the child grows. In people with age-related ptosis, however, the drooping can increase gradually over the years.

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