According to a study published in the Annals of Plastic Surgery, pain tends to peak around 4.4 hours after surgery. Likewise, swelling peaks at 17 hours, blurred vision at 8.7 hours, and bruising at 33.6 hours. The pain is typically mild to moderate and can last for up to seven days.
Your Recovery
After surgery, your eyelid may feel tight and sore. Your eye may be watery, dry, sticky, itchy, or sensitive to light. Your vision may be blurry for a few days. Your doctor will give you medicines to help with pain and discomfort.
This is not a painful procedure and blepharoplasty recovery is relatively easy. Any pain following surgery will usually be slight and can be managed with the appropriate painkillers. These should be distributed to you after the procedure.
Generally, an upper lid blepharoplasty is a non painful procedure that patients can usually have performed, and enjoy a minimal amount of post-operative pain medicine, because the procedure is very mild. It's almost like a skin excision, and the eyelid itself is not particularly painful.
After blepharoplasty surgery, the eyelids will be bruised and swollen for one to three weeks. However, most patients say their eyes look normal and better than before after one to three months.
Your eyelids will probably look puffy after surgery. The incisions will probably look red, too. The swelling and bruising involved with blepharoplasty recovery tend to resemble a black eye. That is all normal.
The surgery is worth it for people who want to look younger and better rested in and around the eyes. The results are subtle but dramatic, and recovery is minor with little pain reported.
The short answer is yes – you may not look the best right away, but you will be able to see, but swelling will vary from patient to patient. Your eyelids will be puffy, your incisions may appear red, and the swelling and bruising may resemble a black eye.
Avoid activities that raise your blood pressure, including bending, lifting and rigorous sports. Keep activities to a minimum for 3-5 days; avoid strenuous activities for 2-3 weeks. Read or watch television after 2-3 days.
Sleep in a correct position
After blepharoplasty, we recommend that you sleep on your back with your head elevated for at least 3-4 weeks. This helps reduce eyelid swelling and speeds up recovery.
Blepharoplasty and eyelid surgery does require some form of anaesthesia. There are three types of anaesthesia - local, sedative anaesthesia and general anaesthesia. Local anaesthesia involves injecting numbing medicine at the area to be operated on and means that you are awake.
To keep you comfortable during your procedure, you will be given local or general anesthesia. Local anesthesia numbs the eyelid and surrounding area, while keeping you sedated but awake during surgery. General anesthesia keeps you asleep throughout the entire procedure.
Among the top five most common cosmetic surgeries performed each year in the United States, most doctors consider it to be safe. But there are risks. Patients often have temporary side effects including bruising and swelling. Less commonly, they may have complications such as impaired eyelid function or loss of vision.
How Much Time Does an Eyelid Lift Take? Blepharoplasty surgery takes between one and two hours. If you're opting for surgery on just the upper lid or just the lower lid, the procedure takes around an hour. If you're treating both the upper and lower lids, the surgery will last about two hours.
Winter is often the best season for eyelid surgery for a variety of reasons. Below you will find why it's the most helpful time in regard to your recovery and what to expect if you decide to move forward with the procedure.
You can have a blepharoplasty at any time. But if you're seeking one due to aging, you'll usually get the best results after age 40. People who are advanced in age should generally avoid the procedure because of the risks of surgical complications.
Answer: Eyelash regrowth following eyelid surgery
Patients are often concerned about their cut lashes or burned lashes following eyelid surgery. The good news is that the lashes grow back normal within 2 months and usually even sooner.
There is no upper age window for blepharoplasty. Patients in good health can get eyelid surgery even in their 60s, 70s, or 80s.
An adult should stay with you for at least the first 24 hours after surgery. You should rest with your head elevated in a recliner or with at least 2 pillows for the first 48 hours after surgery. Take the prescribed pain medications before you begin to feel discomfort.
After 1 week, you can shower normally, but do not rub your eyelids, forehead, or cheek because the wounds are still healing. Gently pat dry the area. Rubbing the wounds after showering is the second most common way a wound will accidentally open after surgery.
Answer: Post bleperoplasty swelling
Post surgical swelling of the eyelids always cause the eyes to appear more closed in the early post op phase. As the swelling subsides, they return to a more pleasing and youthful appearance.
The results of your blepharoplasty become more visible as side effects, like swelling and bruising, subside. Most patients love their outcomes and do not seek repeat treatments. While future aging may cause your eye bags to return, this ultimately depends on your age, skin condition, and lifestyle choices.