How do I show up to a massage?

Author: Joany McCullough I  |  Last update: Thursday, March 27, 2025

Show Up Fresh & Clean Be sure to come in fresh and clean before your appointment. You don't want any sweat, chlorine or grime rubbed into your skin. Plus, it's just the polite thing to do for your massage therapist. If you have time, a nice, warm shower can help relax your mind and your muscles before your treatment.

How should you show up to a massage?

Take off only as much clothing as you are comfortable removing. If you don't want to remove your clothing, wear clothing that will be comfortable during the massage and will allow the massage therapist to touch and move the areas of your body you expect will need to be massaged.

What should you not do before a massage?

  • 1. Eating a heavy meal before the massage
  • 2. Drinking alcohol or caffeine before the massage
  • 3. Being dehydrated
  • 4. Wearing jewelry or other accessories that could interfere with the massage
  • 5. Not communicating with your massage therapist about any injuries or areas of sensitivity Upvote Profile photo for Ssaamir

Do you have to turn over during a massage?

During the massage, your therapist is likely to ask you to turn over. For example, when they have finished working on your back and are now ready to begin working on your arms or front of your legs. Your therapist will inform you what is about to happen.

Do I talk during a massage?

It's preferable that you do not chat while you are getting a massage. The only time you should talk is if you are uncomfortable, in pain, or would like the therapist to focus on another area. If you are getting a relaxation massage, not chatting is the perfect route to take.

Massage Basics: How to give a shoulder/neck rub

Is it normal to turn on during massage?

But don't worry—it's not an uncommon reaction. During a massage, the combination of physical touch and deep breathing relaxes your body. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for “rest and digest” body functions such as slowing the heart rate, digestion, and yes—arousal.

How do you tell if your massage therapist is into you?

Changes In Behavior

The therapist might seem more flirtatious, and even seductive. You might find the session dwells on personal conversations, instead of focusing on treatment. Changes in body language might not be immediately obvious, but they can indicate a shift in the relationship.

Is it normal to release during massage?

Massage and Emotional Release: It's Totally Normal! When you think of massage, common assumptions would be that it's relaxing, peaceful and restful. And these are all true, but there are other emotional releases you might experience - and they're totally normal.

What is the first rule of massage?

1. Slow down when you need to. Speed up when you don't need to slow down.

What is not OK during a massage?

These include direct manipulation of the spine, the front of the neck, and any visibly injured or inflamed areas. Avoiding these areas helps protect the client from unnecessary pain and complications, which is why therapists need to be well-versed in anatomy and safe massage techniques.

How do I not be awkward during a massage?

8 Tips From Massage Therapists To Save You From Embarrassment
  1. Don't lie about your medical history.
  2. Don't wear the wrong undergarments.
  3. Don't skip a pre-treatment shower.
  4. Don't be late.
  5. Don't book a massage without understanding what it is.
  6. Don't stay mum with your massage therapist.
  7. Don't show up stressed.

What is the most pleasurable type of massage?

The Most Relaxing Types of Massages
  • Swedish Massage. The most common type of massage therapy, Swedish massage will help to relax you with a combination of specific movements including: ...
  • Hot Stone Massage. Another very relaxing type of massage is the hot stone massage. ...
  • Chair Massage. ...
  • Aromatherapy Massage.

Can you get wet after a massage?

The bottom line is that you can shower after your massage if it's your preference, but you should shower safely. Take your time getting up from the massage table, listen to your body before stepping into the shower, and monitor the heat of the water to make sure the temp doesn't get too hot.

What is a red flag in massage?

Discomfort or Pain During the Massage

While some discomfort can be normal, especially with deep tissue massage, it should never cross the line into sharp pain. If you leave feeling no relief from tension or soreness, that's a major red flag that the massage was ineffective.

Do I take my bra off for a massage?

It's up to you. Women usually remove their bras to allow the massage therapist to work on the back and shoulder area without getting massage oil or lotion on the bra. If your problem area is your low back, hips, buttocks, or groin, tight-fitting or large underwear can sometimes get in the way of massage work.

What is the most favorite body part to be massaged?

The back is one of the most requested areas in any massage. It's where many people carry stress, tension, and discomfort from sitting, standing, or physical activity. Therapists focus on the upper, middle, and lower back to release tightness and improve mobility. The neck and shoulders are another high-tension zone.

How much clothing do I take off for a massage?


Always leave your underwear on. Women should wear a bra and briefs / pants, while men should wear briefs / boxer shorts - imagine what you would wear to the beach. 2. If you're feeling uncomfortable taking your clothes off, talk to your massage therapist.

What are the four T's of massage?

The four T's of massage are:
  • Skin/body temperature.
  • Muscle/facia tone.
  • Muscle or tissue texture, and finally.
  • Tenderness to palpation – which is subjective to the patient.

Do you talk during a massage?

Talking during a massage is a personal preference. Some people find that light conversation helps them relax, while others prefer silence to fully immerse themselves in the experience. Let your therapist know what makes you feel most comfortable.

Why do I smell after a massage?

In conclusion, it is not uncommon to notice a smell on your skin after receiving a massage. Factors such as the type of oil used, sweating during the session, and poor hygiene practices can all contribute to any odors present.

Can a massage turn her on?

Spending time exploring each others' bodies is a simple way to build intimacy and increase arousal. Different types of massage have been connected to sexuality for thousands of years. Today, there are a wide variety of different types of sexual massage, including sexual reflexology.

What happens to knots during a massage?

Massage therapy techniques can help to relieve, reduce or even prevent muscle knots. Deep tissue massage or sports massage techniques work on the muscles that are tight or have the knots. Trigger point massage can be firm and specific pressure to the areas of restriction or “knots” and cause release of that knot.

Is it OK to touch your massage therapist?

No. Please don't touch us. unless you are deaf and that's how you communicate. If that is the case then we can discuss beforehand that a light tap signals too much pressure and two taps means more pressure, or whatever we can agree on is an appropriate way to express yourself during a massage.

How far along do you have to be to get a massage?

Women can begin massage therapy at any point in their pregnancy – during the first, second, or third trimester. Many facilities will refuse to offer massage to a woman who is still in her first trimester because of the increased risk for miscarriage associated with the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Can I ask out my masseuse?

Is it unprofessional or unwise to ask your massage therapist out? It's not unprofessional, because you (the client) have no professional duty to them. However, it's most likely unwise.

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