Does insurance cover belly button surgery?

Author: Miss Gretchen Kshlerin DDS  |  Last update: Friday, June 16, 2023

Well, the good news is when it comes to an Umbilical Hernia Repair, insurance will usually deem this a medically necessary procedure. If performed in conjunction with a Tummy Tuck, that portion will have to be paid for out of pocket, since it is considered an aesthetic or cosmetic procedure.

How much does it cost to get your belly button removed?

An umbilicoplasty can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000. The actual cost of an umbilicoplasty is dependent upon location, board certified plastic surgeon, and length and involvement of the plastic surgery.

Can I get my belly button surgically removed?

Belly buttons can be removed, but you would be exchanging a belly button for a scar. The procedure would also be very difficult to reverse and recreate a belly button after it has been excised.

How much does it cost to fix a belly button hernia?

How much does hernia repair surgery cost? The average cost of hernia repair surgery—with or without mesh—in the United States is $7,750, though prices can range from $3,900 to $12,500. The average cost for an inpatient hernia repair is $11,500, while the average cost for an outpatient procedure is $6,400.

Why would you need surgery on your belly button?

Many people seek belly button surgery because they want to change their “outie” belly button to an “innie.” Others have belly button surgery to restore the shape of their navel after pregnancy, dramatic weight loss, or an umbilical hernia. During an umbilicoplasty, which is performed under general anesthesia, Dr.

Will Insurance Cover Your Tummy Tuck? Tips from a Certified Plastic Surgery Medical Coder

Can you fix your belly button without tummy tuck?

Umbilicoplasty Without a Tummy Tuck

While an umbilicoplasty is often performed to enhance the results of a tummy tuck, it can also be performed as a standalone procedure. Umbilicoplasty restores a natural look to a naval deformity, repairs a hernia, or alters the appearance of an outie or an innie belly button.

Does belly button surgery hurt?

You should expect pain around your belly button and plan for approximately 6 weeks of recovery time, during which you will not be able to exercise. You should be able to return to work or school in just a few days, however. Your incisions will be closed with skin glue, sometimes called “liquid stitches”.

Does insurance cover hernia surgery?

Most major insurance companies cover hernia repair surgery as long as you meet their requirements, and we work routinely with most of the major insurance carriers.

What happens if you don't fix a belly button hernia?

Complications can occur when the protruding abdominal tissue becomes trapped (incarcerated) and can no longer be pushed back into the abdominal cavity. This reduces the blood supply to the section of trapped intestine and can lead to abdominal pain and tissue damage.

How serious is belly button hernia surgery?

Umbilical hernia repair is a fairly quick and simple operation. It takes about 20 to 30 minutes and it's usually possible to go home on the same day. However, some people stay in hospital overnight if they have other medical problems or if they live alone.

Does belly button surgery leave a scar?

There will be a small scar after the procedure, which is usually hidden inside the new navel, and it will fade over time. There are a few risks associated with having an umbilicoplasty, such as those associated with anesthesia.

How long does it take for belly button surgery to heal?

After belly button surgery, there is an initial recovery period of about one week. During this time, you can expect swelling, bruising, and varying discomfort. Still, most patients are able to return to work and other activities in just a few days.

How long does a belly button incision take to heal?

An average time length that a lot of people say with an abdominal incision is about one to two months or even just six weeks to where you really want to let it heal and you try not to put too much pressure on your abdomen during that time.

Can I replace my belly button?

Umbilicoplasty is a procedure that changes the appearance of your bellybutton. It was originally used to treat umbilical hernias in infants. In recent years, it's become a popular cosmetic surgery. The goal of umbilicoplasty is to give the bellybutton a more vertical shape instead of a horizontal one.

What surgery can be done through the belly button?

Laparoscopy is a procedure a doctor uses to look inside the abdomen (belly) and pelvis. This is done with a laparoscope, a thin, flexible tube with a light and a small video camera on the end. The tube is put in a small cut made through the abdominal wall near the navel (belly button).

Can I reshape my belly button?

Umbilicoplasty, or belly button reshaping surgery, is designed to address navel deformities or scars, transform a protrusion (outie) to an inversion (innie), reduce excess navel skin, correct a hernia that caused the skin to stick out, and eliminate irregularities or bulging in the belly button region.

Can you live with a hernia in your belly button?

Umbilical hernias are not always obvious, and it's possible you've been living with one for a while. However, umbilical hernias can threaten your overall health when complications occur.

Is umbilical hernia surgery worth it?

Many doctors recommend surgery because it prevents a rare but serious problem called strangulation. This occurs when a part of intestine or a piece of fatty tissue is trapped inside the hernia and is cut off from its blood supply.

How do you fix a belly button hernia without surgery?

It is possible to treat a belly button hernia that has developed during pregnancy, without any surgery. Practicing some regular exercises such as yoga, aerobic and stretching can help. Additionally, pregnant women with an umbilical hernia can try breathing exercises, yoga, stretching, cycling, and meditation.

What type of doctor fixes umbilical hernias?

What type of doctor treats hernias? Your primary care provider can diagnose a hernia. In most cases, your doctor will refer you to a general surgeon for a surgery evaluation.

Can insurance deny hernia surgery?

All insurances cover hernia consultations as well as hernia surgery if needed. Hernia treatment is never considered 'cosmetic' or 'elective'.

Can a tummy tuck be covered by insurance with a hernia?

Will insurance pay for a tummy tuck if you have a hernia? Most insurance agencies will only cover the costs of the tummy tuck if the procedure is deemed medically necessary. In MOST cases, insurance will only cover the cost for the hernia repair.

Can you live without a belly button?

While some people find the absence of a belly button a cosmetic concern, you can take comfort in knowing people like Kurkova that take photos for a living do just fine without a belly button.

How do you poop after umbilical hernia surgery?

If your bowel movements are not regular right after surgery, try to avoid constipation and straining. Drink plenty of water. Your doctor may suggest fibre, a stool softener, or a mild laxative.

What happens to your belly button after surgery?

Your belly button will look completely natural by the time you've healed from your abdominoplasty (usually within three to four months). You may notice your belly button growing smaller over the course of several weeks, which is a sign that you're properly healing.

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