There is no evidence that eating large amounts of fruits like pineapple or banana will significantly change the smell or taste of a vulva.
But here's the thing: we keep hearing about pineapple in this context because it actually works. Pineapple is incredibly sweet and citrusy, and it helps our bodies to knock out odor-causing bacteria. Drink and eat extra pineapple, and you might notice a subtle change in the way you or your partner smells.
Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which can help balance the pH levels in your stomach and aid digestion. However, it's important to note that eating pineapple alone won't significantly alter the overall pH balance of your body.
You may have tried the pineapple hack and found that even with an acceptably ripe pineapple, it failed you. (It happens to the best of us.) But if you get yourself a very, very, very ripe pineapple and approach it like a man stranded on a desert island, then the hack will work for you.
Yes, ladies — and men too, for that matter — drinking a good sized glass of pineapple juice a couple of hours before the deed can help make your bodily fluids taste and even smell better. Fruits in general are good because they contain acids and sugars. But, Paget cautions, avoid some vegetables, like asparagus.
We get it — it's a common problem, but sometimes it can make you self-conscious (“wait, can other people smell that, too?!”) and affect your confidence. Inner thigh odor is caused by various factors, including excessive sweating, fungal infections, poor hygiene, and hormonal changes.
Many people find that they suffer from urge incontinence or stress incontinence, particularly as they age or after having children. This incontinence means that urine leaks onto your pants, causing an ammonia smell.
Sometimes, just taking a shower or bath and changing your underwear and pants can help get rid of a fishy vaginal smell. If you don't have time to take a bath or shower, use a warm washcloth and wipe down the area until you do. It's important to include the folds between your legs and belly, as they can trap odor.
The word “pineapple” is often used as a stand-in for sex—so, if you're texting your partner and things get a little NSFW, use the 🍍 emoji to get your message across. Specifically, the pineapple is often used to represent "swinging," or an open relationship/marriage.
The pineapple has earned the moniker “ultimate libido enhancer” from certain people. Also, cranberries and pineapple juice are natural energy boosters. It is often believed that these fruits can detoxify the body and enhance the flavor of body fluid. Pineapple and cranberry juices boost Immunity and libido.
There is no evidence that eating large amounts of fruits like pineapple or banana will significantly change the smell or taste of a vulva.
The pineapple is a loose, high ponytail on top of your head that prevents the frizz, knots, and flattened curls that come with lying on a pillow. Only the back and sides of your hair will be subject to your tossing and turning.
Pineapple is often talked about because it is acidic and can help decrease the alkalinity of semen, making it less bitter. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that eating pineapple or other fruits can make semen taste sweeter.
Men are, however, more attracted to the scent of women with rare HLA alleles. Men's arousal can be influenced by a variety of odours. For example; pumpkin pie, liquorice, doughnuts, and lavender can increase penile blood flow consequently causing arousal.