Spock brows happen when Botox is injected only at the central part of the upper forehead, leaving the sides untouched. When the central forehead is weakened and the outer sides remain active, it causes the central brow to drop and the outer brow to appear like it's lifted too high. The result: Spock brows.
Usually, a small amount of the Botox spreads to the nearby central area of the frontalis muscle. This makes it harder to raise the inner eyebrows. However, the outer part of the frontalis muscle is working normally. So the outer eyebrows are lifted and you see a peaked appearance.
The key is to balance the forces between the forehead elevators and depressors. Typically, a “Spock Brow” is due to overtreating depressors and/or undertreating elevators in the outer half of the forehead. It can be corrected by placing a small amount of Botox into the elevators in the outer forehead.
It performs equal to Botox's strength and lasts the same 3 to 4 months. The good news is that it begins working within several days of the injection.
Answer: Dysport
Spock brow after neuromodulator treatment (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) is easily fixable by using a small amount of product, anywhere from 1-3 units of Botox or 5-10 units of Dysport.
Unfortunately there's no antidote to (counteract Botox). Eyebrow drop is so annoying to patients but thankfully the effects of Botox are not permanent.
Signs of a Bad Botox Injection
There are two signs you've had a bad Botox injection: Unusual results such as facial asymmetry (one side doesn't match the other), overarching eyebrows, a drooping eyelid, or not being able to move the forehead at all.
Answer: "Spock Brows"
This is a very common complication of Botox that can be easily fixed with a small touch-up.
Heating pads: DON'T apply heating pads until 2 weeks after treatment. After 2 weeks, apply heating pads can help increase the blood supply to the affected areas, allowing Botox to wear off faster!
A heavy brow can be adjusted by injecting the orbicular part of the orbicularis oculi muscle and by also avoiding injections at the levator palpebral muscle which can lead to lid droop. Understanding anatomy and vectors is important when trying to prevent or adjust a spock brow.
Yes, Spock eyebrows are an easy fix. You just need to wait for botulinum toxin to be in full effect, meaning you need to wait 10-14 days and then go back to your doctor's office.
A qualified, experienced injector should never inject the area near the orbital bone right above the pupil. If Botox is injected here, it can drift down toward the upper eyelid and cause an eyelid droop. This can last from weeks to even months.
You can also have a quick laser skin tightening treatment on your upper forehead. This will pull the eyebrows up and correct the heavy feeling. Sometimes you will need multiple laser skin tightening treatments and you can do them once a week. Dr.
Unfortunately, not all cosmetic boutiques have our expertise, and the injection of Botox that leaves an unnatural appearance is a common problem. Even small amounts of Botox applied in the wrong place can lead to overarched eyebrows.
Too much Botox in the frontalis muscles can cause the eyebrows to arch too high on the forehead. The face looks surprised all the time. Too much Botox in the forehead muscles can cause the eyebrows to droop, making the upper eyelids look very heavy and hooded. The face may look angry or sad all the time.
However, BOTOX results are day by day, as it takes a few days to settle into place. Some patients may see the impact of their treatment as early as 3 – 4 days, but most people begin to see results in about 10 – 14 days.
The simple answer to this question is no Botox cannot be reversed. There is no known 'antidote' to Botox although this does not necessarily mean there is nothing that can be done if you experience certain unwanted results.
This is a side effect of Botox treatments, which can be caused by having an injection done too close to your eyebrows, which pushes them down and in turn, makes your eyelids droopy and puffy.
Answer: Botox
Sometimes there is some asymmetry in the eyebrows following Botox injections. You should make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your concerns. It is possible that the issue can be fixed with a simple Botox touch up.
The result will last 3 to 4 months. Unfortunately, massaging will not effect or speed up this process.
How long does eyebrow heaviness last? Rest assured, heavy eyebrows after Botox are temporary. The heavy sensation will completely go away once your Botox wears off in 3 months. But it usually becomes less noticeable after a week or two.
Specifically, injections on the forehead or between the eyes may spread into the eyebrows and cause the brow to lower, causing a droopy eyelid. In most cases, droopy eyelid occurs between one and three weeks after treatment, and patients typically experience this adverse effect for just a few weeks. According to Dr.
Answer: Botox can slightly alter the shape of the eyebrow
Botox injections relax the muscles in which it is injected. It can be used to lower the arch in brows, or to lift brows. It can be used to alter the shape of the brow slightly, but it would most likely not be a drastic change.