One to 2 weeks after birth, this stump falls off and what remains is your belly button. As a result, your belly button is essentially a scar. Whether it's an innie or outie depends on how your skin grows as it heals. The way your belly button looks is mostly by chance.
An outie belly button can be converted to an innie by a procedure called an umbilicoplasty.Be certain to consult a plastic surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, experienced in tummy tuck surgery and umbilicoplasty, and who is anexcellent reputation in your community.
About 20 percent of all newborns have an "outie," also called an umbilical hernia. This is a bulge caused by the umbilical cord as it enters the baby's abdomen. After birth, as the umbilical cord heals and falls off, the opening to the abdomen usually closes spontaneously.
If a child is born with an "outie" belly button, there is a 90 percent chance that it will close on its own by the time the child turns 5 years old. However, if the defect is not closed by age 5, the chances are much less that it will ever close completely.
Because a belly button is essentially a weak point in the abdomen, the extra pressure could cause an “innie” belly button to become an “outie.” However, this occurrence usually reverts after a woman gives birth. Some women do notice their belly button changes shape after pregnancy.
Belly buttons are essentially an anatomical wildcard. They're a scarred area in the abdominal wall where your umbilical cord once was. Having an innie or outie doesn't mean anything for your health.
If your belly button is “leaking” clear or colored discharge or blood, you may have a bacterial, fungal, or yeast infection. Crusty skin, strong odor, itching, and redness are also signs of infection. If discharge and crust stick around after you wash your belly button, you should see your doctor.
But aside from an umbilical hernia-related "outie" belly button eventually becoming an innie, you're basically stuck with the belly button you're born with (unless you decide to get a plastic surgery procedure called an umbilicoplasty).
Despite common folklore, you can't flatten an outie by strapping something across your baby's belly or by taping a quarter over it. In fact, there's nothing you can (or should) do to change an outie. Instead, as your child grows, help them understand that it's just another way a body can look.
A majority of people around the world have an innie belly button, but outies are incredibly common as well. The cause for concern about an outie belly button is when that outward bulge is actually a medical condition known as an umbilical hernia.
Pregnant women know that an innie can temporarily become an outie as their abdomens grow and their belly buttons pop out. All of this is normal. That being said, innies do seem to be the more desirable belly button.
The main sign of an umbilical hernia is a visible bump under the skin by the belly button. The hernia can get bigger and smaller: It can get bigger when a child does something that creates pressure in the belly, like standing up, crying, coughing, or straining to poop.
Located directly behind the stomach, the pancreas lies deep in the center of the abdomen. Its position corresponds to an area 3-6 inches above the “belly button”, straight back on the back wall of the abdominal cavity.
Your belly button can change throughout your life, depending on how much fat you have around your middle. It can also change from an innie to an outie when a woman is pregnant, but usually goes back to pretty much how it was after her baby is born.
Richardson cautions against touching your belly button with your germy fingers, as it can lead to serious infections.
This part of your abdomen is referred to as the umbilical region. It contains parts of your stomach, small and large intestine, and your pancreas.
Most belly buttons are indented so act as a trap for sweat, dead skin, and dirt. Few people wash the belly button with soap so germs can develop. The most common cause for a belly button smell is poor hygiene. All areas of the body need to be washed regularly to stay clean and healthy.
If you're an innie and not an outie, your belly button is home to at least 60 to 100 or more species of bacteria, fungi and yeasts, according to new research. If you're an innie and not an outie, your belly button is home to at least 60 to 100 or more species of bacteria, fungi and yeasts, according to new research.
It usually forms when the surface skin is folded in on itself, which is often the case in a belly button. As skin grows, dead skin cells can't be shed like it can elsewhere on the body. It can leak a cheese-like substance and have a foul-smelling odor, but it is typically not dangerous and does not require treatment.
Belly buttons are barely a few millimetres deep at a young age. At a young age, belly buttons have an elongated shape. The diameter of the navel varies from fifteen to twenty millimetres. The body weight, pregnancies and abdominal wall hernia can influence the appearance.
A bulge in the area on either side of your pubic bone, which becomes more obvious when you're upright, especially if you cough or strain. A burning or aching sensation at the bulge. Pain or discomfort in your groin, especially when bending over, coughing or lifting. A heavy or dragging sensation in your groin.
Umbilical hernias are not always obvious, and it's possible you've been living with one for a while. However, umbilical hernias can threaten your overall health when complications occur.