What is the most effective exercise for biceps?

Author: Mohamed Welch PhD  |  Last update: Saturday, March 22, 2025

We've put together a list of the very best bicep exercises – that aren't your standard dumbbell bicep curl.
  • Concentration Curls (short head)
  • Hammer Curls (long head)
  • EZ Bar Curls (long / short head depending on grip)
  • Preacher Curl (short head)
  • Single Arm High Cable Bicep Curl (short head)

What is the very best bicep exercise?

The one that achieved the greatest muscle activation was the concentration curl. The authors of the study suggest that it's the most effective bicep exercise because it isolates the biceps more than any of the other exercises. To do a concentration curl: Sit at the end of a flat bench with your legs open in a V shape.

What is the king of all bicep exercises?

Nippard crowned Bayesian cable curls king of biceps exercises; preacher curls a close second! Though the biceps are small muscles that flex the arm, when well-developed, they command a visual prominence comparable to much larger muscles, which requires proper training.

How can I build my biceps fast?

To get bigger biceps, start by doing biceps-specific exercises like dumbbell curls, concentration curls, and chin-ups to build muscle. Next, build the muscles that surround your biceps by incorporating pectoral fly exercises, push-ups, and daily stretching into your exercise routine.

What is the scientifically best bicep exercise?

Concentration Curls

This increased mind-muscle connection during the concentration curls could be part of the reason why it has been rated as the best bicep exercise in several studies [3, 4].

The ONLY 2 Exercises You Need For Massive Arms

What exercise hits all three bicep heads?

The Weighted Chin Up is the best biceps exercise for hitting all three functions (elbow supination, elbow flexion and shoulder flexion) of the biceps with overload. This exercise will help you build strong arm muscles as well as build muscle mass and should be a mainstay in all your upper body workouts.

What is the highest activation exercise for biceps?

Concentration curl (~98% activation) Cable curl (~81% activation) Chin-up (~80% activation) Barbell curl (~76% activation)

How can I get bigger biceps in 2 weeks at home?

The ultimate home workout for biceps:
  1. Diamond Push-Ups. Traditional push-ups target your chest, shoulders, triceps, and abs. ...
  2. Reverse Hand Push-Ups. Reverse hand push-ups put even more emphasis on your biceps than diamond push-ups, so get ready! ...
  3. One Arm Push-Ups. ...
  4. Side Plank. ...
  5. Plank Up-Down. ...
  6. Pull-Ups. ...
  7. Chin-Ups. ...
  8. Curls.

Do pushups work the biceps?

Do Push Ups Work Biceps? Whilst the biceps help to stabilize the shoulder and elbow joints during the lowering phase of a push up, they don't directly work the biceps. If your goal is to build your biceps, you'd be better off focusing on bicep isolation exercises such as bicep curls, hammer curls, or chin ups.

How long does it take to fully grow your biceps?

Typically, it takes around 6-8 weeks for you to start noticing changes in the appearance of your arms. At around the 12 week mark, this is typically when you can expect to see more significant changes, especially if you didn't already have a large amount of muscle mass in the area!

What exercise gives you the biggest biceps?

11 great exercises for building bigger biceps
  • Lying incline death curls for bigger biceps.
  • One arm cable curls for bigger biceps.
  • Incline bench curls for bigger biceps.
  • Hammer curls for bigger biceps.
  • Machine bicep curls for bigger biceps.
  • Concentrated curls for bigger biceps.
  • One arm preacher curls for bigger biceps.

What is the queen of all exercises?

The Squat is the king/queen of movements – no other movement is as complex or as basic as a squat.

Can I hit biceps everyday?

Therefore, you must give yourself enough time to recover in between your bicep workouts. Generally, a 24-48 hour resting period is sufficient to avoid any injury. In case you're using heavy weights, make sure to rest at least for two consecutive days.

How do you get killer biceps?

Try This Killer Bicep Bootcamp to Make Those Gunz Grow
  1. Narrow Underhand Grip Lat Pull Down 12x3.
  2. TRX Inverted Bicep Curl 12x3.
  3. Cable Rope Curls 12x3.
  4. Bench Supported KB Twist Curls 15x3.
  5. BB Pyramid Curls 20, 12, 10, 8 (increasing # with each set, if fail use swing and make eccentric)

What exercise works the peak of the bicep?

Research shows that the cable curl is one of the best bicep peak exercises for women and men. The arm positioning in this exercise makes it one of the best to target your bicep long head. Muscles worked: Biceps, brachialis, forearms, anterior deltoids.

How many pushups a day for biceps?

Doing 100 push-ups a day can be an impactful element of your overall strength-building and -maintaining routine. And you don't need to be at a gym to do them. “It's a quick and efficient way to strengthen some upper body muscles,” Rad says.

Do planks work biceps?

While planks focus primarily on the core muscles in your abdominals and lower back, they also work your shoulders, chest, triceps, biceps, back and legs. Planks are an especially great exercise for people who want to develop core strength and improve posture, especially if you sit for long hours or have low back pain.

How to work the whole bicep?

How To Get Bigger Biceps: The 6 Best Exercises
  1. Concentration Curls (short head)
  2. Hammer Curls (long head)
  3. EZ Bar Curls (long / short head depending on grip)
  4. Preacher Curl (short head)
  5. Single Arm High Cable Bicep Curl (short head)
  6. Chin Ups (long / short head depending on grip)

What is the fastest way to build biceps?

Here are three of the best compound moves that will treat all your arm muscles equally.
  1. Try These: Military Press.
  2. Dips.
  3. Close-grip bench press.
  4. Try this: Reverse-grip bicep curl.
  5. Try this: Cable bicep curl.
  6. Try this: Barbell bicep curl.
  7. Diamond push up.

Do pull-ups work biceps?

Pull ups and chin ups are a multi-joint movement, meaning that they engage multiple muscle groups (lats, biceps, shoulders, and upper back). They promote overall upper body muscle development and can lead to some serious strength gains.

Which food increases biceps size?

High-protein foods –– such as chicken, fish, and tofu –– provide amino acids that help your body repair muscle damage and build muscle. The best muscle-building foods may also contain other nutrients, like omega-3 fatty acids and iron, that help fuel muscle growth.

What is scientifically the best bicep exercise?

And when scientists examine all bicep exercises, they conclude the most effective one is the concentration curl (1,2). The concentration curl is so effective because it takes out the use of the anterior deltoid (front of the shoulder), that's utilised quite heavily during other bicep exercises (3).

Which bicep exercise hits all heads?

The Weighted Chin Up hits all three functions of the bicep: elbow supination, elbow flexion and shoulder flexion. We can utilize an intensity technique if we pair up the Weighted Chin Up with heavier weights in a drop set with the Peak Contraction Chin Up.

Should you do reps or weights for biceps?

In general, like all muscles, the biceps benefit from weights in the 30%-85% 1RM range, which in many people roughly translates to a weight that results in between 5 and 30 reps on a first set taken to failure.

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