What is scarless thigh lift?

Author: Alessandra Farrell DVM  |  Last update: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

A scarless thigh lift is a cosmetic body contouring surgery that gives you the best of two worlds. On one hand, the procedure converts saggy and dimpled upper thighs to smoother and tighter “pins.” And on the other hand, you have no visible scars.

How long do thigh lifts last?

While some changes will be immediately apparent, most patients see a noticeable improvement in six weeks. The results of a thigh lift can continue to improve for up to 12 months after surgery.

Where are the scars on a thigh lift?

Types of Thigh Lift Scars

Generally, a thigh lift scar will be located in the crease between the front of your upper thigh and the pubic area. These scars are extensive but can be usually be well-concealed by undergarments and bikinis.

Do thigh lift scars go away?

Following a thigh lift, skin quality is improved both in appearance and feel. Some visible scars will remain, but the overall results are long lasting, provided that you maintain a stable weight and general fitness. As your body ages, it is natural to lose some firmness.

Is a thigh lift worth it?

Medial thigh lift is a satisfying procedure because it provides aesthetic improvement in terms of skin excess and laxity. Complications are frequent but life-threatening complications have not been reported. The use of a vertical incision (wider than the horizontal one) is related to a higher risk of complication.

SCARLESS THIGH LIFT using BODYTITE! How I melted fat and tightened my skin with radio frequency!

Can you walk after a thigh lift?

Bed rest is also recommended for the first few days of recovery. However, patients are encouraged to take short, light walks, as walking is beneficial to the healing process. Patients should avoid strenuous activity, such as squatting, climbing stairs, or running, as well as avoid stretching the thigh tissue.

Does a thigh lift hurt?

Like other cosmetic surgeries, thigh lifts are considered major procedures and you'll need to take time off work to recover. You'll likely experience pain, bruising, and swelling for a few days after the procedure.

How do you go to the bathroom after a thigh lift?

You may roll to your side and then sit up or stand up. Have an adult assist you the bathroom the first few times. Always get out of bed to go to the bathroom. Begin to walk as much as possible as soon as you can after surgery.

Does thigh lift help cellulite?

During the thigh lift process, the surgeon removes excess skin while tightening the rest. This plastic surgery procedure creates smoother and shapelier thighs and improves the appearance of cellulite. In some cases, it can even make cellulite disappear.

How do you sleep after a thigh lift?


For the first 72 hours, sleep with pillows under your legs to keep them in an elevated position. Full leg extension may be impossible for the first week. You may begin walking when you are comfortable. Don't overdo it, use your discomfort as a guide.

How do I fix saggy skin on my thighs?

Although muscle tone can be tightened with targeted exercises, surgery is the only solution to remove excess skin. Surgical removal of excess skin and tissue with a thigh lift can slim the lines of the inner and outer thighs.

What is a spiral thigh lift?

Thigh lift surgery reshapes the thighs by cutting down on the excess skin and fat. A spiral thigh lift is also known as a total thigh lift. It targets the front, back, inner, and outer thigh all at the same time. It can also improve the contour of the buttocks by lifting and toning the gluteal area.

How is a thigh lift performed?

A lateral thigh lift is performed to lift skin and improve the contour of the outer thighs. This lift is performed through an incision that is made high up on the thigh, near the outer waist and can be concealed in the underwear. It can also be performed as part of a lower body lift without any additional incisions.

Can a tummy tuck and thigh lift be done at the same time?

Tummy Tuck Along with a Thigh Lift

YES, having the excess fat and skin removed from your inner thighs is an ideal time to be performed at the same time as your tummy tuck. Dr. Kronowitz, located in Houston, TX, uses completely hidden incisions to perform both procedures.

What's the price of a thigh lift?

The average cost of thigh lift surgery is $5,355, according to 2020 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This average cost is only part of the total price – it does not include anesthesia, operating room facilities or other related expenses.

Is thigh lift permanent?

Because thigh lift surgery involve s a long incision, a permanent scar will remain after surgery. However, this scar will be placed in an area that can be hidden as much as possible by clothing or swimsuits and is likely to fade with time.

Can you do CoolSculpting on thighs?

CoolSculpting thighs is one of the most popular treatment areas for this fat freezing procedure. Women can select to freeze away the fat in the inner and outer thighs thanks to Cryolipolysis, the science behind the treatment. The CoolSmooth applicator is used on the outer thighs or saddlebags.

Does CoolSculpting work on cellulite?

CoolSculpting is an excelled weapon in the fight against fat -- but does not reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Can cellulite be removed surgically?

Liposuction and/or fat grafting can improve the appearance of cellulite in properly-selected patients. But for the best results, techniques that are specifically designed to treat cellulite are most often the best.

How long do you wear compression garment after thigh lift?

Plan to wear the compression garment for three to four weeks following surgery. Resting – During the first week after your thigh lift, keep your legs slightly bent at the hips.

Can I sit after a thigh lift?

You will be able to sit after a thigh lift, but it's not recommended that you sit for long periods of time during the first week of recovery. In fact, we tell patients to go on bed rest for the first week, as the thigh lift incisions may be at risk for splitting with too much movement.

When do stitches come out after thigh lift?

Your sutures will be removed in 7-10 days if they are not dissolved. Generally they are dissolvable and will fall out. You will then schedule follow up visits at 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3-6 months and 1 year for post-op check-ups.

Is a thigh lift major surgery?

A thigh lift tightens the skin on the upper thighs, but involves a permanent scar that may be quite visible and is considered major surgery.

What can I expect from a thigh lift?

Your thigh lift surgery will take place under general anesthesia. You might feel tired, nauseous, and sore when you first wake up. This feeling is normal and can last for up to 3 hours. Your thighs will be wrapped in bandages, and you may be given a special compression garment.

What is a posterior thigh lift?

The Procedure

A posterior thigh lift from Dr. J starts with an infragluteal crease incision made under the crease of a buttock to lift the excess, sagging skin on the back of the thighs. Putting the incision in this location will help to hide scarring by placing it in the most inconspicuous area.

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