What is Platysmaplasty surgery?

Author: Filomena Luettgen  |  Last update: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Platysmaplasty is a rejuvenation procedure performed to increase the definition of the neck from the angle of the jaw down to the chin, thereby restoring a youthful and aesthetic contour to the face.

How is a platysmaplasty done?

In order to perform a Platysmaplasty, small incisions are made around the ears and/or below the chin. The skin around the neck is then tightened and repositioned, and excess skin is removed. This procedure typically takes about 2-3 hours to perform.

How long does it take to recover from platysmaplasty?

Most patients recover smoothly, without complications, in 2-3 weeks, with some returning to more sedentary jobs after 7 days. More strenuous jobs may require 2-3 weeks off work.

What is the difference between a neck lift and a platysmaplasty?

The platysmaplasty procedure usually takes between 2 to 3 hours and requires the patient to be under general anaesthetic. This surgery is different to a normal neck lift because it focuses on where the platysma muscle is at its weakest, which is under the chin.

What does a platysmaplasty do?

A platysmaplasty is named for the platysma muscles which run along the front of the neck. The surgery tightens the skin and underlying muscles to lift the neck. 1 It also improves and sharpens the contour of the jawline.

Watch Live Neck Lift Procedure!

Is platysmaplasty permanent?

The Benefits of Platysmaplasty

These include: Long-lasting results. Visibly more youthful profile. A permanent solution to platysmal bands.

What is the cost of platysmaplasty?

How much does a neck lift cost? The average cost of a neck lift is $5,774, according to 2020 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This average cost is only part of the total price – it does not include anesthesia, operating room facilities or other related expenses.

What is anterior platysmaplasty?

Platysmaplasty is a rejuvenation procedure performed to increase the definition of the neck from the angle of the jaw down to the chin, thereby restoring a youthful and aesthetic contour to the face.

How long does tightness last after neck lift?

The initial discomfort and swelling after neck lift typically resolve within 1 – 2 weeks, but it is normal for tightness and/or numbness to last for several months. In some cases, patients still have a feeling of tightness or numbness for up to a year after surgery.

What is a mini neck lift?

A mini neck lift is a surgical procedure that tightens and removes sagging skin in the neck and under the chin. The goal is to reposition the soft tissues in the neck and redefine the jawline and create a smoother contour and a more youthful appearance.

Are neck Lifts worth it?

Receiving a neck lift is an excellent way to correct extra fat, wrinkles, and other aesthetic problems that affect the appearance of this area of your body. This procedure is very quick, and your neck is likely to look firm and youthful for a long time.

Is a neck lift painful?

Neck Lift Surgery: Procedure and Care

Sedative medications allow the patient to remain awake but relaxed, with local anesthesia so there is no pain. The procedure itself takes several hours, during which the surgeon makes small incisions around and behind the ear, and a very small one under the chin.

What surgery gets rid of a double chin?

Face-lift: This surgery allows doctors to remove fat and loose, saggy skin around the chin and neck, removing a double chin.

What can I expect after a neck lift?

After a neck lift, you're likely to have swelling and bruising. You might need to wear a special garment that compresses your neck and helps reduce swelling. You'll also need to keep your head elevated above your heart and to keep it straight. Don't twist or bend your neck.

Will a neck lift get rid of neck bands?

Benefits of nonsurgical neck lift

Surgical neck lifts are the gold standard for removing excess skin, tightening loose skin, and reducing the bands (or “cords”) on the neck.

How common is otoplasty?

Otoplasty, also known as ear pinning surgery, is performed to change the appearance of protruding ears (see Figure 2). Nearly a third of otoplasty patients are between the ages of 14 and 19 years, making it the second most common cosmetic surgery among adolescents after rhinoplasty.

How painful is neck lift recovery?

For the first week, you will experience some degree of soreness and a good bit of tightness. Most neck lift patients describe their pain as being mild. More often than not, these patients list their main cause of discomfort as a feeling of tightness.

How do you wash your hair after a facelift?

1. You may shower and wash your hair with a mild shampoo 48 hours after surgery. Your hair may be dried with a blow dryer on a cool setting since you may not have full sensation in the operative areas. Gently wash your face and neck at this time.

How long do I wear chin strap after facelift?

You must wear the chin strap continuously for the first two weeks after surgery except while eating and showering/cleaning incisions. The strap helps fight the forces of gravity immediately after surgery and helps improve any swelling.

Does Botox help Platysmal bands?

Botulinum toxin is a highly effective treatment for isolated platysma bands. A safe injection technique is described and recommended for clinical practice.

Can neck bands be removed?

To fix these lines during neck band surgery, your surgeon will bring the edges together and secure them with stitches. This process completely removes the lines, because the edges have been brought together, and creates a smoother appearance in the neck.

What is removed if you have a rhytidectomy performed by a physician?

Rhytidectomy, a surgical procedure commonly known as a facelift, involves the removal of excess facial fat, the tightening of facial muscles, and the trimming or redraping of facial skin to approximate a smoother, firmer facial appearance.

What is the best surgery for turkey neck?

Cosmetic surgery including cheeklift, facelift and necklift

A facelift is a surgical procedure that involves tightening and lifting weak facial and neck muscles along with removing excess loose skin to create a smoother, more toned jowl and neck.

What is the best treatment for turkey neck?

Ultherapy is the only procedure approved by the FDA for lifting and tightening the skin of the neck and chest without surgery. This non-invasive treatment for turkey neck can be completed in just one ultrasound procedure with no downtime. And it's completely safe.

How long is the recovery from a mini facelift?

Recovery time after a standard facelift, mini facelift, or neck lift is fairly quick. Most patients will be back to their day-to-day routine after one to three weeks.

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