What is mini tummy tuck?

Author: Aiyana Cronin  |  Last update: Monday, May 29, 2023

While most people think the term “mini” simply implies a shorter incision, the actual medical definition of a mini tummy tuck refers to removing some skin in the lower abdomen without incising around the belly button or tightening the muscles above the belly button.

How long does a mini tummy tuck last?

Tummy tuck results are considered permanent in that the skin and fat cells that Dr. Greenwald removes during the procedure cannot grow back. Likewise, any internal sutures that he places to repair stomach muscles are designed to remain in place indefinitely.

What is the difference between a mini tummy tuck and a full tummy tuck?

A full tummy tuck corrects sagging skin and loose muscles over the entire abdomen, while a mini tummy tuck is for women whose loose skin, lax muscles, and fat deposits are concentrated below the belly button. The choice, ultimately, comes down to your needs and goals for the procedure.

Is it worth getting a mini tummy tuck?

A mini tummy tuck is generally ideal for people who just have a small area of concern below the navel where there is a “pooch” that protrudes. It's a less invasive procedure that is often easier to heal from while still providing you with the flatter, more toned tummy that looks great in fitted outfits and swimwear.

Is a mini tummy tuck cheaper than a full tummy tuck?

Answer: Mini Tummy Tuck - Cost

Mini tummy tucks are less expensive than full tummy tucks. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of patients are ideal candidates for the procedure.

What is mini tummy tuck by Dr. Iraniha

How painful is a mini tuck?

Patients do not experience pain during their procedure. After the skin and muscles of the lower abdomen are tightened, patients may feel sore, tight, and tender for several days. Comfort can be maintained with rest, limited activity, and appropriate medication.

What are the risks of a mini tummy tuck?

  • Fluid accumulation beneath the skin (seroma). Drainage tubes left in place after surgery can help reduce the risk of excess fluid. ...
  • Poor wound healing. Sometimes areas along the incision line heal poorly or begin to separate. ...
  • Unexpected scarring. ...
  • Tissue damage. ...
  • Changes in skin sensation.

Do you have drains with a mini tummy tuck?

Drains used to be in place for weeks. They were uncomfortable and a potential site of infection. Drains can be difficult for patients to manage, are uncomfortable, and must heal after removal. The new method of tummy tuck surgery uses no drains and eliminates the space for fluid to accumulate.

Does a mini tummy tuck remove fat?

(“Mini” refers to the amount of fat and skin removed.) During a mini tummy tuck, Dr. Ortiz will make a small incision similar to the incision made during a cesarean section. Through this incision, he tightens loose muscles, removes excess fat, and removes excess skin to flatten and smooth your abdominal wall.

How many sizes do you drop with a tummy tuck?

Most women lose between 2 and 3 pants sizes after a tuck, but there are patients who lose even more. If you had a lot of loose skin before the procedure, for example, you could go down 4 more pants sizes.

Do you have to be put to sleep for a mini tummy tuck?

Yes, you can have a tummy tuck without general anesthesia-either IV sedation or epidural.

How do you sleep with a mini tummy tuck?

After your tummy tuck, sleeping in an elevated and slightly bent position is key to increasing your comfort and ensuring optimal results. Elevated sleeping is essential in ensuring a safe and healthy recovery from your tummy tuck in Beverly Hills. An easy way to achieve this position is to sleep in a recliner.

Is a mini tummy tuck a faster recovery?

Shorter Recovery Time

Because of the less invasive nature of a mini tummy tuck, the recovery time required is typically shorter than that necessary for a full tummy tuck procedure. The surgery itself can often be completed in as little as two hours and patients can return home shortly afterward, on the same day.

Do you get a new belly button with a mini tummy tuck?

Is the Bellybutton Involved in a Mini Tummy Tuck? A mini tummy tuck is appropriate for patients with minimal excess skin and whose concerns are limited to the area below the bellybutton. So, no incision is made around the bellybutton, and it's not moved or reshaped.

What can I do instead of a tummy tuck?

5 Common Tummy Tuck Alternatives
  • Liposuction. Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures. ...
  • ThermiTight. ThermiTight is a reasonable tummy tuck alternative that utilizes a special Thermi device to apply heat energy to the abdominal region. ...
  • CoolSculpting. ...
  • EmSculpt. ...
  • Renuvion.

Who is a candidate for mini tummy tuck?

The best candidates for a mini tummy tuck will have minimal amounts of loose skin or muscle tissue that they'd like to have tightened to create a firmer, more toned look. Thus, men and women with very thin, slender builds, or those who are very active and physically fit can typically benefit from a mini abdominoplasty.

Can I walk after mini tummy tuck?

You can take a short walk after a few days and light exercise after a few weeks. The more you are active, the more prompt the recovery. Staying active will help to reduce swelling, minimize the risk of blood clots and make you feel better too.

Is a mini tummy tuck safer?

Mini tummy tucks are typically considered safe. However, risks include infection, irregular scarring, or fluid accumulation under your skin.

When can you lay flat after mini tummy tuck?

If you have a “mini tummy tuck” with a smaller incision, you'll likely need between one and three weeks of elevated sleeping. On the other hand, full-tummy tuck patients require about four weeks, with six weeks of limiting any strenuous exercise or lifting.

Who should not get a tummy tuck?

Obese or overweight. Body Mass Index (BMI) over 30. Any previous clotting issues or surgical complications. Currently taking any medications, anticoagulants, or supplements that might interfere.

What can you not do after a mini tummy tuck?

Avoid Drastic Weight Gain

Your skin will stretch back out, resulting in a return of the dreaded loose skin that your tummy tuck surgery removed. In order to make sure the results of your tummy tuck last, try to keep your weight from going above the level it was at when you underwent the procedure.

Does a mini tummy tuck get rid of FUPA?

The definitive way to be completely rid of a FUPA, if you are done having kids, is a Tummy Tuck.

Why is my stomach flabby after tummy tuck?

Additionally, the skin, muscles, and fat of the abdomen were all repaired or altered during the procedure. These structures need time to heal and settle into their new positions. This causes inflammation, swelling, and other temporary side effects that can contribute to the look of the stomach.

What happens after a mini tummy tuck?

Side effects following a mini tummy tuck include uncomfortable swelling and tenderness in the affected area, both of which tend to go away in a couple weeks. During the operation, a small incision is made above the pubic area and liposuction is commonly performed.

How do you shower after a mini tummy tuck?

Clean gently with soapy water on a soft cloth. Use antibacterial soap to help prevent infection, but avoid putting soap directly in the wound. Adjust the spray of the shower head to the gentlest setting, or keep your incision area away from the spray. Air dry.

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