What is better Botox or Dysport?

Author: Cleo Gutkowski  |  Last update: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Dysport is a great option for those who have moderate to severe frown lines. Botox, on the other hand, can be used to treat many different types of wrinkles, including crow's feet, forehead wrinkles, and laugh lines. If you have mild to moderate wrinkles, Botox may be a better option for you.

What lasts longer Botox or Dysport?

Dysport lasts between 3 to 4 months needing additional treatments to keep the amazing results. Botox is a safe, effective treatment that can last for as long as 4 months, although it can possibly last for 6 months, depending on the location of the injectable.

Which is safer Botox or Dysport?

Are Botox and Dysport Safe? The good news is that both Botox and Dysport are totally safe and FDA-approved to treat wrinkles. That being said, any medical treatment comes with the risk of unintended side effects — Dysport and Botox are no exception.

Is Dysport more natural looking than Botox?

Dysport's diffusion rate is higher, therefore, the product leaves a trail edge effectively smoothening the complexion and creating a more natural look without obvious zone of non-treatment. Dysport users subjectively report a feeling of less tightness on treated areas than Botox users.

How long does Dysport last in forehead?

Each patient's final results will vary, but Dysport typically lasts 4-5 months after each treatment. There are several ways to enhance and prolong your final results, including scheduling touch-up injection sessions, additional anti-aging products and treatments, and good skincare and sun protection habits.

Dysport vs. Botox ~ My Experience

Is there anything better than Botox?

Dysport is more diluted than Botox. The difference in concentration typically occurs because Dysport uses smaller protein molecules to induce muscle relaxation. These smaller proteins are less likely to be broken down by antibodies, making the results of Dysport injections quite desirable for patients.

Why is my Botox wearing off after a month?

The results from Botox last anywhere between 2-6 months; the average result lasts about 3-4 months. Why does Botox eventually stop working? Your body makes new neurotransmitters all the time, so the “blocking” effect of Botox gradually wears off as these chemicals start circulating in your body again.

What's better than Botox for wrinkles?

Dysport® is BOTOX®'s most well-known competitor. Unlike BOTOX®, which takes five to seven days to act, Dysport® can create visible results in as little as two days. The active ingredient in Dysport® also contains smaller molecules, so you may need less product if you choose Dysport®.

Does Botox get rid of existing wrinkles?

Botox doesn't actually erase wrinkles

“Any line that is present at rest, whether it is an etched in frown line, or a deep wrinkle, is not going to disappear with Botox.

What's better Botox or Xeomin?

Botox has the advantage of being around longer, making it a trusted brand. This means that most patients interested in injectables would opt for Botox. However, Xeomin is just as effective at reducing wrinkles in areas like eyebrows, the forehead, and around the eyes.

What is cheaper Dysport or Botox?

While cheaper than Botox, it typically it takes twice as many units of Dysport to achieve the same result. According to self-reported reviews on Real Self, that average cost of Dysport is $450 dollars per treatment nationally. Botox injections average at a slightly higher rate nationally at $550 each session.

Can Dysport raise eyebrows?

Eyebrow Lift.

Many people don't know Botox and Dysport can lift the outer edges of the eyebrows up a little--anywhere from 1 to 3 millimeters up--for a stunningly gorgeous feminine frame for the outer corner of your eyes.

Does Dysport make you look younger?

Typically, Dysport injections are given between your eyes or above your eyebrows. So when a person moves their forehead to make an expression, the forehead does not crinkle in the same intensity. It is more relaxed, which means that you look younger and also prevent future wrinkles from forming.

Is 50 units of Dysport a lot?

Unfortunately without personally evaluating you I cannot say how much Dysport would be recommended. For the majority of patients 50-60 units adequately injected into the glabellar muscles and 35-50 into the forehead are required to minimize their movement sufficiently.

How do you make Botox last longer?

If you've been wondering how to make Botox last longer, here are four ways that you can extend the longevity of your Botox results.
  1. Seek A Skilled Injector Like Dr. Wong. ...
  2. Engage Facial Muscles Post-Treatment. ...
  3. Avoid Rubbing Your Face for 24-48 hours After Botox Injections. ...
  4. Limit Sun Exposure and Photo Damage.

How many units of Dysport is equal to Botox?

So 1 unit of Dysport is equal to 1 unit of Botox.

Is 50 too late for Botox?

There is no definite age when you should start BOTOX®—it's more about the state of your skin, and everyone's timeline is different. For wrinkle treatments, it's best to start when you notice forehead lines, frown lines, or crow's feet even when your expression is neutral.

Is Botox worth the money?

You may think that the cost of Botox is not worth it. However, Botox has both short-term and long-term benefits. Botox doesn't only reduce wrinkles and stop ageing but also offer medical benefits. On a short-term basis, Botox can immediately improve the appearance of your lines.

At what age should you start getting Botox?

If you want to prevent the earliest fine lines from becoming full-blown wrinkles, preventative Botox can be the solution. Botox is approved for patients who are 18 years and older and most experts agree that patients in their mid to late 20s and early 30s are at a good age for preventative Botox treatment.

What is Botox competitor?

Major Botox Competitors

Dysport® (abobotulinum toxin type A) Xeomin® (incobotulinum toxin type A) Jeuveau® (prabotulinum toxin type A) Neurobloc® (botulinum toxin type B) Myobloc® (myobotulinum toxin type B)

What happens when you stop using Botox?

If you stop BOTOX treatments after many years of regular injections, the only effect will be that your wrinkles will return, albeit a bit more slowly than if you had not been using BOTOX. It's true: Even after you stop, you will still look younger than you would have if you had never been injected.

What is the new Botox alternative?

Jeuveau is an FDA-approved neurotoxin and a new alternative to Botox. Accordingly, it is called “Newtox” as a catchy title. Jeuveau was developed by aesthetic company Evolus and is designed to smooth moderate to severe wrinkles.

Will more units of Botox last longer?

Use more units of BOTOX

The most effective way of getting BOTOX to last longer is simply using more units. The way BOTOX works is by disrupting the release of chemicals from nerve endings. The effect fades because our nerves have the ability to create new endings in a nearby area of that muscle.

What can 20 units of Botox do?

If you receive up to 20 units in your forehead, you could be looking at a total of about $200 to $300 for treatment of horizontal forehead lines. Forehead injections are often paired with injections for glabellar lines (lines between the eyebrows, which can also be treated with up to 40 units).

How often should you get Botox?

In general, most people should have Botox injections once every four months is usually an ideal frequency for this treatment. But because everybody has a different body, you may need your injections more or less frequently.

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