What is a vertical facelift?

Author: Katelynn Bartell  |  Last update: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

What Is a Vertical Facelift? A vertical facelift treats sagging facial skin in the lower face. In doing so, the procedure helps patients address hanging skin on the jaw or chin and make the skin on the lower face appear tighter, firmer, and more youthful.

How long does a vertical facelift last?

This is also why Vertical Restore creates results that last 10 to 15 years, which is effectively three times longer than what one might enjoy after a traditional facelift.

Is a vertical facelift the same as a deep plane facelift?

The vertical facelift requires an extensive skin elevation off the underlying muscles, where the deep plane facelift requires only approximately a 5 cm dissection away from the ear out towards the nose.

Is a mini facelift the same as a lower face lift?

A mini facelift can be thought of as a smaller version of a lower facelift surgical procedure designed for younger patients to catch signs of aging early on. It's definition will vary from surgeon to surgeon.

What is a mini vertical facelift?

A mini facelift is a modified version of a traditional facelift. In the “mini” version, a plastic surgeon uses small incisions around your hairline to help lift the lower half of your face to help correct sagging skin.

Where are the facial incisions for a facelift? Incisions for Vertical Restore™ Facelift

What is the least invasive face lift?

A thread lift is a minimally invasive facelift that can instantly tighten and lift areas compromised by volume loss and sagging such as the nasolabial folds, neck, cheeks, jowls, eyebrows, and eyelids.

What is a ponytail facelift?

Generally, a ponytail lift involves incisions made high up on the face – above the front of the ear or beyond the hairline. The facial cosmetic surgeon then pulls the ligaments below the skin to adjust and reduce sagging.

How painful is a mini facelift?

Is a mini facelift painful? Whenever you have a mini or full facelift, there is some pain and discomfort that follows the procedure. With the mini facelift, there is less pain because only certain parts of the face were tightened. This pain is much less significant than those who undergo a full facelift experience.

What is the best age for a mini facelift?

In general, good candidates for mini facelifts are men and women in their mid to late 40s up to 60s or 70s. There is not a cut-off age, per se, but instead we look at one's overall health, mobility, and treatment goals.

How many years does a mini facelift last?

While every patient is different, most people can expect their mini facelift results to last anywhere from five to ten years.

How much does a deep plane facelift cost?

Deep plane facelifts range in cost from $15,000 to $25,000. For comparison, SMAS facelifts average from $10,000 to $15,000. A deep plane facelift is more costly than a regular facelift because the surgeon will be working with deeper layers of tissue and the procedure takes more skill and care.

What is Platysmaplasty surgery?

Platysmaplasty is a rejuvenation procedure performed to increase the definition of the neck from the angle of the jaw down to the chin, thereby restoring a youthful and aesthetic contour to the face.

Where are incisions for deep plane facelift?

The incision of the deep plane rhytidectomy extends superiorly past the anterior temporal hairline and posteriorly into the postauricular hairline.

When are you too old for a facelift?

Can Someone Be “Too Old” for a Facelift? There is no age at which an individual is too old for any cosmetic enhancement, so long as they are healthy enough to undergo the rigors of surgery, anesthesia and recovery from the procedure.

What's the difference between a neck lift and a lower facelift?

Basically, the lower face lift addresses issues of the mid-face except for the forehead and crow's feet, which require treatment with other procedures. By contrast, a neck lift focuses specifically on improving skin laxity of the neck and removing fatty tissue beneath the chin.

How long does vertical restore last?

Results not only last longer (up to 15 years), but restore the position of the midface, diminish nasolabial folds, smooth the jawline, and lift the neck.

Where are the scars for a mini facelift?

Mini facelift scars are minimal

Traditionally, an incision is made in the hairline near the temples on each side. The incision goes in front of the ear, down the front of and hugging the earlobe area, then back to the lower scalp behind the ears.

What does a full facelift include?

A “full “ facelift means the entire face is lifted. That means your forehead, brows, eyes, jawline and neck. But a full facelift isn't just one surgery. Since you're lifting the entire face, different surgeries are indicated for specific anatomic areas.

Does a mini facelift tighten the neck?

Although the mini facelift is designed primarily to tighten the lower half of the face and focuses mostly on the jawline and jowls, a slight amount of upper neck tightening can also be achieved. In a traditional facelift, the focus is mostly on lifting and smoothing the neck more dramatically.

How many years can a facelift take off?

Face-lift results are not permanent. With age, the facial skin may begin to droop again. In general, a face-lift can be expected to last 10 years.

What does a mini facelift include?

A mini facelift involves the placement of incisions in front of the ears which extend from the hairline to the bottom of the earlobe. The surgeon will then gently pull the skin and tissues up and outward the ear. Excess skin and tissue are removed to tighten the appearance of the skin.

What is the best procedure for sagging jowls?

Neck lift surgery (platysmaplasty) is the most effective, but also most invasive, treatment for jowls. It may be the only option available to patients with severe jowls or substantial laxity.

What is the best facelift procedure?

The deep plane facelift is generally considered the most comprehensive and long lasting type of facelift. This facelift involves the layer of muscles under your facial skin. These muscles are responsible for much of the drooping or sagging you may experience in your face as you age.

What is a liquid facelift?

"Liquid facelift" is the phrase used for a combination of injectable procedures that can address some of the issues associated with aging – like loss of volume or the appearance of wrinkles – without going through invasive surgery or recovery.

How much does Dr Kao charge for a ponytail facelift?

Kao goes in-depth about his clinic's popular "ponytail facelift," which lifts skin vertically instead of the more common horizontal pull. The results are similar to how one looks when wearing a high and tight ponytail, but forever. (Ouch.) Price ranges from $30,000 to $40,000.

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