Is 1 mL of Juvederm enough for cheeks?

Author: Leopoldo Breitenberg  |  Last update: Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Treating with 1ml at a time is certainly appropriate for some areas, such as volumising lips or having smaller tweakments into other areas of the face. Sometimes, however, more than 1ml may be required – in the cheeks, for example – as 1ml may not make a discernible difference.

How much Juvederm is needed for cheeks?

Juvéderm for Sunken Cheeks? To help restore lost volume in the cheeks, so you have a fuller, more youthful look, you're likely to need one syringe per cheek.

Is 1 syringe of cheek filler enough?

One syringe of cheek filler is often enough to achieve the desired results. However, touch-ups may be necessary if the initial results are not as desired. If you want a larger result or if you are using lip filler for the first time, it is best to start with a smaller amount and work your way up.

How long does 1ml of cheek filler last?

For cheeks, typically clients require 2-6ml for cheeks or 1ml for a 'top up'. The cheeks are a large surface area and so require more volume to see a significant change. How long does cheek filler last? Dermal filler the cheeks lasts around 9 months to a year on average according to manufacturers.

How much is 1 ml of cheek filler?

Most syringes contain 1ml of filler, or about 1/5 of a teaspoon.

How our faces age: What can one syringe of filler do?

Will 1mL cheek filler make a difference?

Cheek filler

They are ideal for replacing volume loss, enhancing cheek volume, and can improve the appearance of the lower eyelid by volumising the upper cheek area. We recommend using as little as 1ml per session for an enhanced appearance.

What is the best filler for cheek volume?

Best Fillers For My Cheeks
  • Juvéderm. Made from hyaluronic acid, Juvéderm is designed to add both volume and hydration. ...
  • Juvéderm Voluma. This is the first FDA-approved injectable gel that will instantly add volume to the cheek area. ...
  • Restylane. Among the most commonly used dermal fillers is Restylane. ...
  • Radiesse. ...
  • Sculptra.

Is 1ml filler noticeable?

It's a common misconception that dermal filler is going to dramatically change your appearance with the very first treatment. In actual fact, 1ml of dermal filler is just enough to create a very subtle result that clients can then build upon over time (if that's your goal).

How much filler is normal for cheeks?

So how much cheek filler will you need? Again, it all comes down to the individual and the results they're looking to achieve, but practitioners will generally use 1-3ml cheek filler per cheek.

How much filler is typically used in cheeks?

In general, the amount of filler you will need for your treatment will depend on the severity of skin laxity in your cheeks and your aesthetic goals. Voluma syringes are typically one cc and many patients need between two and four syringes to complete the treatment, which can be one to two syringes per cheek.

Will one syringe of Juvederm make a difference in cheeks?

Generally, one syringe provides a mild or moderate enhancement to the cheeks or lips. In short, yes, one syringe of filler can make a difference. However, if you want an exaggerated result, or have lost a large amount of volume you may require additional syringes.

Will one syringe of Juvederm make a difference?

One syringe of Juvederm is sometimes sufficient for mild nasolabial folds. For lip augmentation, one syringe will sculpt and enhance the lips. The change will be noticeable but subtle. Two syringes will give a more dramatic size increase and enhancement.

Do cheek fillers look uneven at first?

It is not uncommon to experience a small degree of asymmetry immediately post-treatment due to the potential for swelling and bruising. Juvederm can take up to 4 weeks to integrate, so it is best to wait and review in 2-4 weeks with your Injector at which point you will have a better idea of the final result.

Does 1ml of Juvederm make a difference?

The amount of ml of dermal filler will influence the size difference before and after treatment. The most common treatment amount for thin lips lies between 0.5ml and 1ml. More than 1ml of dermal filler is possible, but this would create a much more dramatic look.

Is 2 syringes of cheek filler too much?

Depending on the injection site and amount of dermal filler, most HA fillers last from 6 – 12 months on average. Regardless of which dermal filler you use, two or three syringes are almost always recommended in order to achieve the most gorgeous outcomes.

Which Juvederm is best for cheeks?

When it comes to the cheeks, the most common form of Juvederm generally chosen is Juvederm Voluma XC. This is one of the densest Juvederm fillers available, one designed to add volume under the skin's surface while contouring the cheek area to your liking.

How long does it take for cheek filler to look normal?

Fortunately, dermal fillers work very quickly, and you won't have to wait twelve months to see the full benefits of your injections. That said, these injectable treatments take some time to integrate into your tissues, and it's normal for your dermal filler to take up to two weeks to fully settle into your face.

Do cheeks go back to normal after filler?

Can your face go back to normal after fillers? Many patients fear that when the filler wears off, they will look worse than before. Though fillers may stretch your skin, it is elastic enough to revert to its original form before your treatment. However, anything that's too much is also not good for you.

Do cheek fillers get bigger?

Unlike other dermal fillers such as Sculptra, Juvederm does not significantly expand after injection. This allows Juvederm to create a smooth result and for the patient to immediately get an idea after treatment of the result that they will live with.

Can 1mL filler migrate?

Filler migration is the movement of a dermal filler from its injection site to another area of the body. While it is possible for fillers to migrate, this side effect is extremely rare and can be avoided by choosing a qualified injector.

Is 1mL of filler a full syringe?

How much is in one syringe of filler? Most fillers come in a syringe with 1mL of product. That is approximately 1/5th of a teaspoon. A small amount of product can go a long way, but many times optimal results require more than one syringe to obtain.

How can I make my cheeks fuller with fillers?

One of the best ways to increase the cheeks' cheeks is to use dermal fillers, such as Voluma, Sculptra, Juvederm, or Restylane. Your plastic surgeon or healthcare professional can inject one of these fillers into the cheeks to give them the fullness you had when you were younger.

Which cheek filler lasts the longer?

Many plastic surgeons say that Juvederm and Restylane are the most durable and longest-lasting fillers available. Both contain hyaluronic acid and are good for smoothing wrinkles and lines. Hyaluronic acid carries 1,000 times its weight in water and makes the skin look young, supple, and soft.

How many syringes of cheek filler do you need?

Cheeks: Cheeks are very versatile and also the most challenging region of your face to treat. For each treatment, you'll need 10 to 15 filler syringes. Injecting too much filler might result in undesirable side effects, including a “duck-billed” appearance.

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