How many sessions does it take to dissolve lip filler?

Author: Dr. Rachel Larson DVM  |  Last update: Sunday, April 16, 2023

Depending on how much filler was initially injected, it can sometimes take two treatments to dissolve all the filler, but the results will almost be immediate! What are the Risks of Dissolving Lip Filler?

How many units does it take to dissolve lip fillers?

A consensus opinion in the literature states five units of hyaluronidase is needed to break down 0.1ml of 20mg/ml HA, although there is quite a range. It is recommended to inject as much hyaluronidase as required to obtain the desired effect rather than following an absolute dosage.

How many sessions does it take to dissolve lips?

How long does dissolving lip filler take and what is the process involved? 'It's possible to dissolve lip fillers within one procedure, which can take around 15 minutes. But, I always warn patients that they might need two sessions to actually get the results that they require,' explains Dr Chantrey.

How many times do I need to dissolve filler?

Often filler can be dissolved in 1 treatment, however it can take up to 3 or more treatments in some cases.

Does lip filler dissolver work immediately?

Hyaluronic acid fillers such as Juvederm can be dissolved with the hyaluronidase enzyme, which begins to work almost immediately. Many patients experience slight swelling or bruising after these injections, so you may not see most of the settled effect until 2-3 days after injection.

How To Dissolve Lip Filler | AAFE

How can I speed up dissolving fillers?

So while the body naturally breaks them down over time, there is a way to speed up the process: Injections of hyaluronidase. Hyaluronidase is what the body produces naturally to break down fillers, so by injecting more, it allows the lips to regain natural shape quicker, usually going down within 3-4 days.

Can dissolving filler go wrong?

While it is largely unreported on in the press and in medical literature, many people suffer from injuries and other problems after having Hyaluronidase injections to dissolve lip filler gone wrong.

Does dissolving filler get rid of it all?

Lots of patients have their filler dissolved, often to erase the previous work and get back to a blank canvas. Once the filler is completely dissolved and swelling has subsided – usually after about two weeks – it is safe to have filler injected again in the same area.

Is it worth it to dissolve filler?

Dissolving Filler: Part of Your Optimal Plump Lip Routine

Lip filler treatments can help you achieve the perfect pout. However, dissolving lip filler every few years is a worthwhile addition to your beauty routine if you get treatments regularly. That way, you can retain the naturally plump look you desire.

How much does lip filler dissolver cost?

According to, the cost ranges between $50 and $1,625, with an average cost of $450. The internet tends to suggest you can DIY pretty much anything, but this isn't something you should attempt to do yourself. You'll need to get lip fillers dissolved in a clinical setting, by a skilled medical professional.

What are the risks of dissolving lip fillers?

Dissolving lip filler is an incredibly safe procedure and comes with little to no risk. It is possible you'll experience swelling or light bruising at the injection site but there are no major caveats with this treatment, so long as you aren't allergic to any of its ingredients.

Is dissolving lip filler painful?

For some, getting their fillers dissolved is painful, whereas for others it doesn't hurt as much as getting filler in the first place. Numbing solution or anaesthetic is applied before the filler dissolving enzyme is used, in order to make it as comfortable as possible.

Can hyaluronidase cause permanent damage?

A published journal article states that higher doses [of hy'dase] can lead to damage of native extracellular matrix glycosaminoclycans, leaving a gaunt appearance with poor skin texture (Figure 4). Patients are increasingly presenting with hyaluronidase-related damage, which is often untreatable.

How many vials does it take to dissolve lip fillers?

A good rule of thumb for hyaluronidase dosing is 1 vial of hyaluronidase for 1 mL of filler. Hope this helps.

Does hyaluronidase remove all filler?

Hyaluronidase is used to dissolve hyaluronic acid fillers that have been placed incorrectly, excessively, or unevenly. It is injected into the same locations that the filler already is. It does not remove all of the filler entirely, and Dr.

How long does lip filler take to dissolve after hyaluronidase?

What can Hyaluronidase dissolve? Hyaluronidase permanently dissolves hyaluronic acid fillers and will break down the hyaluronic acid within 24-48 hours.

How long does dissolving filler take?

Dissolving filler is a very simple and quick treatment. It involves no more than 1-4 injections of hyaluronidase into the area that the filler needs to be dissolved, meaning the treatment time takes up to only 10 minutes.

How long after dissolving lips can you refill?

You won't be able to have a dermal filler treatment immediately after your Hyalase treatment, as the product needs time to dissolve the older filler and for your lips to settle into their natural shape and projection. Expect to wait for 10 to 14 days before new filler can be administered.

Will migrated lip filler eventually dissolve?

How Long Does Lip Filler Migration Last? The good news is fillers are only semi-permeant. Depending on how recently the filler was injected, the migration will last approximately 6-18 months. During that time your body will naturally metabolize and break the filler down over time if left alone.

Why is my filler not dissolving?

If the filler is in a location further away from direct blood flow than other locations, then this means that cells that secrete hyaluronidase will not be able to reach the hyaluronic acid gel, and will therefore be unable to dissolve it.

Can you dissolve filler after 3 years?

Answer: Dissolving Filler Late

No, a filler cannot be dissolved after two years. There are two reasons for this. First, after a short while the filler is essentially incorporated into the surrounding tissues and becomes like the tissue itself.

How do you dissolve migrated lip fillers?

Dr. Frank says the best way to deal with migration is to dissolve the filler with hyaluronidase (an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid gels). In just a few hours, hyaluronidase softens the filler and returns the lips to a more natural shape, projection, and size.

Does hyaluronidase cause sagging?

These patients report that hyaluronidase injections into the original treatment area (e.g. just the lips or just the cheekbones) has caused volume loss, sagging, and textural changes in all facial regions (e.g. one patient had the Restylane in her lips dissolved and attributes her under eye hollows to that treatment).

What not to do after lip dissolving?

It's important to avoid facial scrubs or rubbing the area for 24 hours post-treatment. Sunbathing and direct sunlight should be avoided for the next 24 hours. You should avoid swimming for 24 hours after your appointment. Strenuous exercise will need to be avoided for 24 hours post-treatment.

Which fillers Cannot be dissolved?

Can all fillers be dissolved? Fillers with silicone (which are sometimes used in the lips and face, cannot be dissolved). Other semi-permanent fillers such as Scultpra and Radiesse also can't be dissolved. But temporary fillers, such as Hyaluronic Acid (HA) fillers can easily be dissolved.

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