How long does purging with Differin last?

Author: Woodrow Sanford MD  |  Last update: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Generally speaking, dermatologists say purging should be over within four to six weeks of starting a new skin care regimen. If your purge lasts longer than six weeks, consult your dermatologist. It could be that you need to adjust the dosage and/or frequency of application.

How many days retinol purging last?

The purge phase usually lasts for two to six weeks. But, it can vary depending on the skin. It can range from minor pimples to cystic acne, as well as dryness, redness, and peeling. Also, it is important to remember that retinol isn't the direct cause of acne.

Does everyone go through the Differin purge?

Does Everyone Get the Differin Purge? No! Some people don't get the Differin purge at all or they experience far fewer issues than others. It really depends on how severe your acne is, what type of skin you have, how your skin deals with new treatments, the skincare products, and other cosmetics you are using, etc.

How does skin purging look like?

Skin purging typically looks like tiny red bumps on the skin that are painful to touch. They are often accompanied by whiteheads or blackheads. It can also cause your skin to become flaky. The flare ups caused by purging have a shorter lifespan than a breakout.

How long does it take for skin purging to start?

How long does it take for skin to purge? Unfortunately, purging can be a lengthy process and it can take up to three or so months before results start to show, especially if the treatment is an acne medicated treatment.

Differin Purge | Skin Purge vs Breakout | Acne Purging EXPLAINED

How long does it take for Differin to show results?

During the first few weeks of using adapalene, your acne might appear worse because the medication is working on pimples forming inside the skin. It may take 8 to 12 weeks to notice results from this medication. Use this medication regularly to get the most benefit from it.

Does Differin make your skin worse before it gets better?

During the first 3 weeks you are using adapalene, your acne may seem to get worse before it gets better. Full improvement should be seen within 12 weeks, especially if you use the medicine every day.

Does Differin work on cystic acne?

Best overall cystic-acne treatment

He recommends Differin, the only prescription-strength retinoid that's available over the counter. Dr. Samer Jaber, the founder of Washington Square Dermatology, adds, “Differin should be the first OTC product someone with cystic acne should use.”

How do you know if you're purging or breaking out?

So what's the difference between a skin purge and a breakout? Skin purging is when your skin is adjusting to the new product. Spots appear where you frequently get them and they go away faster than a normal pimple. Purging is a sign that the product is working and you should continue with the treatment as prescribed.

Why is retinol making me break out?

Not unlike a society quietly bubbling with rage, the bad stuff lurking in your pores needs to come out at some point. As your skin starts getting accustomed to the retinol, in the first two to four weeks of use, your cell turnover will increase and your pores will... well, purge, and all breakout hell will break loose.

How do you treat skin purging?

How to treat skin purging. “If the skin barrier is compromised when you see purging then start ingredients which help with barrier repair, such as ceramides and hyaluronic acid in a non-comedogenic formulation. If you are using a treatment or product continue with a slower approach.”

How do you stop Differin purge?

Use Differin Gentle Cleanser to keep skin clean. Next apply a thin layer of Differin Gel once every day all over your face — even when your face is clear — for long-term results. Don't be discouraged by temporary retinization that may occur when using Differin Gel; it should subside after about week 4.

Is Differin good for hormonal acne?

They are top-tier when it comes to treating a variety of skin issues, especially acne. Says Dr. Levin, “There are essentially three types of retinoids, all of which are vitamin A derivatives. Differin Gel became the first FDA-approved acne-treatment retinoid that is over-the-counter, [which] is a game changer.

Can Differin be used as a spot treatment?

Since adapalene works by stopping pimples from forming under the skin's surface, just spot-treating existing pimples won't be effective. 2 You have to apply it all over the face, like you would a moisturizer, for it to work properly. When first starting treatment, don't be surprised if you continue to break out.

What can you not mix with Differin?

Avoid using skin products that can cause irritation, such as harsh soaps, shampoos, or skin cleansers, hair coloring or permanent chemicals, hair removers or waxes, or skin products with alcohol, spices, astringents, or lime.

Does Differin Gel get rid of acne scars?

Differin Resurfacing Scar Gel minimizes the appearance of post-acne scars, while visibly improving the appearance of rough, textured skin.

What can you not mix with adapalene?

Q. Can I mix adapalene with alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid? Do not use adapalene at the same time as products containing alpha hydroxy acids (i.e. glycolic acid or lactic acid), benzoyl peroxide, or salicylic acid. This combo can be extra irritating, so you'll have to make a choice.

Does Differin remove dark spots?

Differin Dark Spot Correcting Serum helps to lighten post-acne marks, hyperpigmentation, blotches, age spots, and even freckles. When used every day it can improve overall skin tone and clarity.

Can I use Differin Dark Spot Corrector with Differin Gel?

Answer: Hi Darren, Differin Gel and Differin Dark Spot Correcting Serum should not be used together. After your existing acne has healed, we recommend replacing Differin Gel with the Dark Spot Correcting Serum to heal any acne marks or scars.

Can I exfoliate while using Differin?

So if you're currently battling a bad breakout and have already applied some of your trusty benzoyl peroxide, it's best to hold off starting your Differin treatment. Other products to avoid would be chemical exfoliants or drying agents like toners. After all, Differin is a retinoid that increases cell turnover.

Is cystic acne part of purging?

“Because purging is thought to be due to increased cell turnover, it's really going to bring preexisting microcomedones [small clogged hair particles] to the surface and will potentially turn into whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, and cysts,” Dr. Shah explains.

How do I stop retinol purging?

Keep Your Face Clean

Touching your face or allowing oil or bacteria to build up can also increase the side effects of the tretinoin purge. Only touch your face with clean hands and leave your skin to do its thing. Also try not to pick at flaky or dry skin caused by the purge.

How long do retinol uglies last?

Remember, that 'retinoid uglies' are likely to be temporary, and it will take time before you see the end result. You have three skin layers—the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. Your epidermis is your visible layer, and renews approximately every 28 days.

Can retinol cause purging?

Skin purging happens when new ingredients, like retinol, promote increased cell turnover, which causes clogging and worsening breakouts. This is particularly the case as oil and debris that is trapped deeper underneath the skin comes to the surface.

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