How long do you have to wear loose clothes after a spray tan?

Author: Mckayla Herzog  |  Last update: Saturday, March 22, 2025

Right after your appointment we don't recommend wearing leggings, jeans, sport bras, or tight fitted clothes. For 24 hours after your appointment, it's best to avoid any moisture getting onto your skin. During your first rinse, avoid using any soap and don't use any exfoliating products as this will rub off the tan.

How long to avoid tight clothes after spray tan?

How long after a spray tan can I wear tight clothes? While it's tempting to jump back into your skinny jeans or body-hugging dress right after your session, it's best to hold off for a bit. The tan will fully develop and set into your skin after about 24 hours.

When can I wear normal clothes after a rapid spray tan?

Try your best to wear loose clothes to avoid water and sweating for 6-8hrs whilst the tan is developing on the skin before showering off the residue. The tan will continue developing for a further 12hrs your final developed colour of the tan is achieved after the full 24hrs.

Can I wear a bra after I wash off my spray tan?

Even with a clear , I wouldn't recommend it. With any spray tan, bronzer or clear, it's important to stay it dark loose clothing. Tight clothes like a bra can cause friction on the skin from just every day movement resulting in a patchy tan.

How long until you can wash off a spray tan?

Your tan will continue to develop to up to till 8 hours, which you can then wash off with water only (no soaps or sponges etc.)

What to Wear After Spray Tanning

When can I wash my hands after spray tan?

This might sound disgusting to some, but the water coming into contact with your skin will either make the tan wash off completely or make it develop uneven/patchy. So for the best results avoid water for 8-10 hours after your spray tan appointment.

Can I shave 2 hours before spray tan?

Avoid shaving immediately before your spray tan session. Ideally, shave 24 hours prior to allow your skin to recover and avoid any potential irritation. Exfoliate gently: If you're shaving before tanning, gently exfoliate your skin using a mild scrub or exfoliating glove.

Will clothes ruin my spray tan?

Avoid Wearing Anything Too Tight

Tight clothing such as tight jeans, leggings, or bras can leave lines on your skin and ruin your tan. Instead, wear loose-fitting clothing that allows your skin to breathe and move freely.

Can you get a pedicure the same day as a spray tan?

Nail appointments ideally should be done 24 hours before your spray tan. Nails and pedicures CAN be done the day of your spray tan, but please exfoliate any lotion or residue off. Nail appointments CANNOT be done immediately after your spray tan.

What are the rules after a spray tan?

Wait to shower for at least 2-8 hours (your artist will let you know when to rinse) after your spray tan, but no more than 24 hours after. This includes staying away from all moisture, including working out, cleaning, lotions, and liquid foundation.

What will ruin a spray tan?

Loofahs, washcloths, brushes, and body washes with microbeads are all going to hasten the tan's departure. Your first shower after your spray tan will likely result in a puddle of colored water around your drain, but this is normal. As you leave the shower, make sure to pat yourself dry with the towel, don't rub.

Does rapid spray tan keep developing after shower?

Please note: the tan will continue to develop even after the shower, so do not be alarmed if you're not as tanned as you expect to be. The tan will continue to develop over the next 12-24 hours.

Can I sit normally after a spray tan?

Can You Sit After Spray Tanning? Yes! You just want to be sure there's a piece of clothing between you and any sticky surfaces - including your skin. That's why we recommend wearing long pants and a long shirt until your first shower.

How long does it take for a spray tan to look normal?

To give the DHA enough time to fully set, it is recommended you wait a minimum of six hours after your spray tan. If you wait 24 hours you will see the optimal results. Showering sooner may diminish the intensity of the tan.

How to get the best results from a spray tan?

Remember, a great spray tan starts with great preparation. So exfoliate, moisturize, dress wisely, and keep your skin product-free on the day of your session. Once you've got your gorgeous glow, take good care of it. Avoid sweating, stay hydrated, moisturize generously, and resist the urge to take hot showers.

Does spray tan develop after being washed off?

Rapid Spray Tans, with a quick wash off of 1-4 hours continue to develop for up to 24 hours after the first wash off. Do not be alarmed at the colour of your skin if it is lighter than expected after your first wash as it will continue to develop / darken.

When can I wash my face after a spray tan?

We recommend waiting at least 4-8 hours after your spray tan before you shower for the first time, but don't wait more than 24 hours.

Will a pedicure mess up a spray tan?

Ideally enjoy a pedicure PRIOR to your spray tan…just be sure they do not use lotion on your legs (feet are okay). You can get a pedicure after your spray tan has set in (so wait a day) just be sure they do NOT use exfoliating scrub or hot towels on your legs.

Can I wear a bra after a spray tan?

After Treatment Advice

Please do not schedule your manicure, pedicure, or waxing appointments after your tan, as these treatments will remove any color from your skin. If possible, do not wear a bra until you have rinsed the cosmetic bronzer off.

How long do you have to wear baggy clothes after a spray tan?

But the best part is that loose or oversized clothes don't pull on the skin, which significantly helps minimize streaks and blotches. So, how long do you need to wear loose-fitting, dark clothes? I recommend waiting until after your first shower before jumping into jeans or tights.

How long does a spray tan last if you shower every day?

A good quality spray tan will last up to a week, though it does vary according to your skin regime and the depth of the spray tan you opt for. A light bronze can fade in around 5 days, while a darker shade will stay put for a good week.

What is the best thing to wear after a spray tan?


After your tan, you should wear loose-fitting clothing so your tan doesn't rub off or look uneven. The perfect outfit is a long, black t-shirt dress and sandals. You'll want to avoid wearing anything tight, like jeans, leggings, yoga pants, socks, or sneakers.

Do and don'ts of spray tan?

Continue to avoid makeup, perfume, deodorant, soaps, and lotions during the development period. Do not wear tight clothing or bras after a session. Follow your technician's advice on when to shower based on the solution used. Avoid sweating excessively for the first 24 hours.

Can you fake tan with hairy legs?

Tanning lotions are fantastic for gliding across smooth skin but can be trickier to blend into a hairy chest, legs and arms. We recommend you opt for a tanning spray or mousse instead because the lighter texture is easier to buff into the skin even when applied over hairy areas.

How to get rid of black pores after spray tan?

You can help your pores close quickly by switching your shower to cold for a quick blast of cold magic. Alternatively, if this sounds like your worst nightmare, you could rub something cold from the freezer over your problem areas so less self-tan gets into them.

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