Do you have to remove hair for microblading?

Author: Diego Berge  |  Last update: Thursday, March 30, 2023

Since microblading sounds a lot like micropigmentation, which requires the area to be fully shaved beforehand, many people assume it's the same with microblading. Even though these two may sound similar, it's important to remember that you shouldn't shave off your eyebrows before getting them microbladed.

Do you need hair for microblading?

Microblading is a choice of many people who want to add volume and enhance the shape of their eyebrows. However, it can also be a great solution for people who don't have any brow hair at all, such as those who suffer from alopecia or cancer patients.

Do you still have eyebrow hair with microblading?

YES! Hair will still grow outside of your microbladed brow line and needs to be cleaned up. If you prefer a darker brow and have lighter hair, your brows must continue to be tinted so that your hair matches your microblading color, however I recommend tinting to all my clients regardless of the darkness.

Should I trim my eyebrows before microblading?

No. Do not trim your eyebrows before eyebrow microblading, regardless of what the method is. Whether it is waxing, or shaving, or even for laser therapy. At the clinic, the operator should design your eyebrows based on the outline of your natural eyebrows.

What should you not do before microblading?


Do not work out or sweat heavily the day of the procedure (or 2 weeks after) Do not tan or have a sunburned face the day of the procedure. No waxing or tinting 3 days before procedure. Stop taking aspirin, niacin, vitamin E, fish oil, CoQ10 and ibuprofen 48 hours before ...

Microblading HEALING PROCESS (What to expect)

What I wish I knew before microblading?

Your eyebrows will look dark for the first few days.

Like, really dark. “Microblading starts out much bigger and darker,” Cartwright notes of the step. “Brows also continue to darken for a few days before they begin to shed skin.” For the first four days I had as close to caterpillar eyebrows as you could imagine.

What percentage do you tip for microblading?

Once we've assured you it's more than okay to tip for microblading and that you've decided that you do want to tip your microblading artist, the next obscurity is – how much to tip for microblading? Tipping tendencies are more or less the same in every industry: 10-20% of the price of the service.

Why no coffee before microblading?

Simply put, it's the same reason why you shouldn't ingest caffeine before your procedure; both substances (caffeine & alcohol) can thin your blood, resulting in increased bleeding during your microblading procedure.

What happens to your real eyebrows after microblading?

After your initial microblading session, your skin should heal in 25 to 30 days. It'll likely feel tender and painful at first, but this will go away over time. Your brows will also darken and lighten before revealing their final color. It's normal for your skin to flake and peel as healing takes place.

Why did my eyebrows disappear after microblading?

Around 7-14 days, you may notice some flaking/shedding of the skin near the brow area. When the skin flakes off, many times the Microblading strokes have disappeared. THIS IS NORMAL. This is because there is still a thick layer of protective skin creating a veil over the pigment.

Who is not a candidate for microblading?

Who Shouldn't Get Microblading. Individuals prone to keloids, super thin skin, Rosacea or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Unfortunately, since Microblading punctures the skin with tiny needles, we cannot work with clients with these conditions. Individuals with visible redness on the face.

How does microblading look after 3 years?

After a year you will most likely need regular, yearly touch-ups to maintain the original results. Without these touch-ups, Menendez says you would see the microbladed brows fade and will eventually disappear completely after about three years.

Do you still pluck after microblading?

Retaining The Full Gain Of The Treatment

You must stop plucking or threading eyebrows if you want to retain the advantages of the cosmetic treatment. Avoid threading or plucking for at least two weeks after your appointment to get the maximum benefits from the treatment.

What causes microblading to fail?

Getting the brow is too wet after microblading, or using the wrong ointment and even getting too much sun are all possible reasons for fading. Most people choose the dry healing option because it avoids some of the tediousness of wet healing and it results in a crisper finish.

How painful is eyebrow Microblading?

Although the procedure can take upward of 2 hours, most people report only feeling minor pressure or discomfort and less pain than a typical tattoo due to the use of a numbing cream. Of course, this will depend on your own personal tolerance to pain. Some level of pain or discomfort should be expected.

Is microblading just tattooing?

Eyebrow tattooing is a permanent procedure, microblading is not. Microblading is a semi-permanent procedure that can last anywhere between one to three years. Unlike tattooing, microblading allows you to change the shape and style of your brows as often as you like.

How long do you look weird after microblading?

Immediately after your appointment, you should expect some inflammation and the color of the pigment will look a little darker until the area heals—which can take a minimum of two weeks. As part of the healing process, your brows will scab so don't be TOO freaked out when that happens.

How many times can you Microblade your eyebrows?

As mentioned above, microblading can last anywhere from 18 to 30 months. In general, it requires touch-ups once or twice a year. Once pigment from the procedure begins to noticeably fade, you'll need to go back to your practitioner for a touch-up application.

How long do your eyebrows look weird after microblading?

The strokes will appear very natural looking immediately but will be much darker the first week then your desired healed result. Once they peel on day 7-10 they will be 40% lighter than day 1. If skin is sensitive, the area around the strokes can turn red. This will return to normal after a day or two.

What should I avoid the day before microblading?

There are things to avoid before Microblading.

Avoid any sun exposure, as well as tweezing, waxing or threading your eyebrows for at least one week prior to your appointment. Please avoid any alcohol, Advil or caffeine for one day prior to your service. These thin the blood, which can affect pigment retention.

Can I take painkillers before microblading?

Do NOT take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen unless medically necessary, 48-72 hrs prior to your procedure. Tylenol is fine. If you are drinking or taking vitamins and power shakes or power greens, please stop taking 3 days prior to procedure.

Should I wear makeup to my microblading appt?

Is it okay to wear makeup the day of the procedure? Yes. Wearing your makeup the way you do everyday will demonstrate your routine and personal style. If you do not wear makeup, come to your appointment with clean, natural skin.

How long does your first microblading session last?

The first session takes about two to three hours, most of which is spent choosing the right color and then carefully shaping and drawing your brows, so they look as symmetrical as possible. However, the second session will take less time. This should take about one and a half to two hours and is only a touch-up.

Can you sleep on your side after microblading?

Can I sleep on my face after microblading? Don't sleep on your stomach, and don't even sleep on your side. Sleeping with your face smooshed might mess up the healing process after you get your microblading done. Use an airline neck pillow to force yourself to sleep on your back.

Can I drink coffee the day of microblading?

To prepare for microblading please make sure you:

Do not drink coffee or energy drinks on the day of the treatment. No aspirin/ibuprofen for 24hrs before and 24hrs after the treatment.

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