Can you move your face after PDO threads?

Author: Noel Boehm  |  Last update: Monday, April 10, 2023

Restrict facial movements for one day. Make sure to rest for a full day after getting the treatment. You can move around wherever you want, but don't perform any strenuous activity or heavy lifting for three weeks. You can take pain killers as required after the procedure.

Can you dislodge PDO threads?

PDO threads can be difficult to remove due their fragility. The possible need for surgical removal of the threads should be considered when selecting areas for application.

What should not do after PDO thread lift?

To ensure the best results, there are several things you must avoid after a PDO thread lift. These include sleeping on your stomach or side, wearing makeup, drinking alcohol, making extreme facial expressions, and receiving facials and facial massages.

Can you smile after PDO threads?

Avoid any direct pressure to the face and area where the sutures were placed for one week after the procedure (for example, sleeping face down, excessive chewing, talking, yawning, smiling and other facial movements during the week after your procedure.

When can I sleep on my side after PDO thread lift?

Sleep on your side

You need to avoid this for about a week after your thread lift procedure. Try to sleep on your back with your head propped up on a pillow to minimize swelling after a thread lift.


How long after thread lift can I smile?

We are advised not to make extreme facial expressions and movements for the first 2 weeks to avoid the tiny cones being dislodged from the tissues which gives the initial mechanical lift. So I was super careful not to smile or open my mouth too much.

How long does it take for PDO threads to absorb?

Your skin fully absorbs the thread within 4 to 6 months while your own collagen builds around the thread. This procedure lifts and shapes without leaving you any scar tissue.

What is the downside of a thread lift?

Complications: Although thread lift is considered minimally invasive, some sutures and cuts are required. There is still a risk of complications such as bruising, thread breakage, thread extrusion, fever, and infection.

Should I ice my face after PDO threads?

Things to Do After Thread Lift Treatment

Here are some more things you should do after the treatment: Ice the treated area for a few minutes for four to five times during the day for the first week if you are experiencing slight bruising or swelling. Restrict facial movements for one day.

Can PDO threads lift eyes?

PDO Threads are not only ideal for lifting saggy eye and brow skin. They also trigger an increase of collagen to the area, which supports the newly lifted skin and promotes elasticity for a natural smoothed, tightened look.

Can I talk after PDO thread lift?

This gradually diminishes and is usually minor by two weeks. If the threads are anchored below your mouth, you will feel tugging with chewing, speaking, and laughing. You will want to avoid widely opening your mouth for two weeks while the threads are incorporating.

How do you get the best results from thread lifting?

Avoid alcohol of any kind as well as smoking. This will help speed your recovery and provide better treatment results. Stop taking Vitamin E and supplements such as Fish Oil, Krill, Garlic, Chili, Ginseng, Ginger & Green Teas. Any aspirin-based products such as Ibuprofen, Neurofen, Naprosen/Naprogesic should be avoided ...

Is it normal to have lumps after thread lift?

Although rare, it is not uncommon for a painful lump to develop after a thread lift procedure. This may be caused by the thread buckling or curling under the skin.

What happens when PDO threads move?

Answer: PDO

Sometimes a thread can slip a bit out of place under the skin and sounds and feels frightening to the patient. There are no ramifications to this, other than if the thread slips enough, you will lose some of the lifting benefit. Other threads can be placed to re-suspend the area if necessary.

Can a thread lift be undone?

Can a thread lift be reversed? Yes, it can be reversed, although this is not recommended. Speak to your surgeon about the possibility.

Should I massage my PDO threads?

AVOID TOUCHING/PRESSURE/MASSAGE: Please avoid touching the area for 24 hours. Try to avoid direct pressure on your face such as sleeping “face down” for 1 week. No massage or treatment to the area for 1 month.

How do I know if my PDO thread broke?

How can you tell if a PDO thread broke? You may feel the puncture points used to insert the threads for a few weeks as they heal. There may also be a feeling of tightness from the pulling of the skin. In some cases, the threads can migrate or move.

How long are you swollen after PDO thread lift?

The effects of a PDO Thread Lift will settle into place over a 2-4 week period; however, at two weeks, any swelling or bruising that may occur will have subsided. No high impact exercise / yoga for two weeks. You may use ice packs on the treated areas to help with swelling and discomfort.

Can a thread snap from a thread facelift?

Thread breakage is a potential side effect. The threads may break due to excess facial movement, rubbing the skin, or exposure to moisture. When it does happen, breakage tends to be near the ends near the incision point.

Can you feel threads in your face?

Fortunately, because the threads placed under the skin during a thread lift are so small, the patient will not feel any of this happening. Most people cannot feel their sutures at all once the skin has healed around them.

What is the downtime after a thread lift?

The downtime after the PDO thread lift is quite short: around two to three days. Like with all procedures, there may be some bruising, swelling, or mild tension in the threaded areas. Recovery from the treatment is minimal, and you're often able to return to work the very same day.

Do PDO threads look better over time?

You will probably see some initial firming and lifting right after your procedure, with your thread lift face results continuing to take shape over the next three weeks or so. As your body begins to naturally generate collagen, your tightened, lifted outcomes should continue to improve for the next few months.

How many PDO threads for full face?

On average, patients require between 2 – 4 threads on each side of the face for a mid-face thread lift. An additional 2 – 4 threads may be needed for the lower face and/or neck.

Do PDO threads get better over time?

These results will appear over time, so once you leave your appointment, you can rest in the fact that your results will just keep getting better over time. Within six to eight months, you'll experience your final results. Results do vary among patients, but most people enjoy results that last for 18 months or longer.

How long does it take for Threadlift to settle?

You'll see instant results from the physical lift, but there is more to come since collagen takes 2-3 months to generate fully. You can expect a complete recovery from your thread lift in no more than two weeks.

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