Why doesn't my hair stay blonde?

Author: Shyann Hill Jr.  |  Last update: Friday, March 28, 2025

Chemical Exposure: Regular use of certain chemicals, found in swimming pools or hair products, can also affect hair color. For example, chlorine exposure can cause blonde hair to take on a greenish tint, while overuse of some hair products can lead to hair damage and color change.

Why does my blonde hair not last?

Coloured blonde hair is particularly prone to heat damage from hair dryers, curling tongs and straighteners. Try and lay off the styling tools as much as possible and use a heat protection styling spray before you start. The colour will stay vibrant for longer too.

How do I make my hair stay blonde?

How To Maintain Blonde Hair
  1. Tip #1: Protect Your Blonde From Heat. ...
  2. Tip #2: Keep It Hydrated. ...
  3. Tip #3: Make Your Color Long-Lasting With A Purple Shampoo. ...
  4. Tip #4: Keep It Out Of The Sun. ...
  5. Tip #5: Don't Skip Deep Conditioning and Conditioning Your Hair. ...
  6. Tip #6: End Your Hair Wash With A Cold Rinse. ...
  7. Tip #7: Take Caution With Oils.

Why is my blonde fading so fast?

Water exposure, sun exposure, hard water and pollution all contribute to color fading. And sulfate shampoo, besides being terrible for planet, will fade color too as will warm and especially hot water. All of these factors contribute to fading no matter what the color formula may be. And it also depends on the shade.

Why does my hair not hold blonde?

It won't hold because there is no pigmentation left, you've done enough damage that the cuticle is staying open and not sealing shut again. You're going to need to keep conditioning and not using ANY sort of developer on it for at least two weeks until it at least begins to fix itself.

Why you will never get ‘That Hair’. (I tried for 10 years, brutally honest)

Why is my blonde hair not taking color?

Your hair will not hold color as it has been over processed and has the cuticle wide open not allowing pigment to stick to the hair follicle. You would want to replace the pigment that is missing from the hair.

What causes hair not to hold color?

If your hair floats, it has low porosity, which means it will have a more difficult time both taking in and holding onto color. If your hair sinks, it has high porosity, which means it will take color but may not hold onto it too long.

How can I make my blonde hair last longer?

How to Keep Blonde Hair Healthy with At-Home Care: 8 Blonde Hair Care Tips
  1. Switch Between Blonde-Boosting Shampoos. ...
  2. Apply a Weekly Hair Mask. ...
  3. Prevent and Repair Damage in 90 Seconds. ...
  4. Try a Shower Filter. ...
  5. Hold Off on Heat Styling. ...
  6. Protect Hair Against Sun and Swimming. ...
  7. Finish Styles with the Right Shine Spray.

Why does my blonde hair not stay bright?

Here's a few tips on keeping your blonde bright, not dull or brassy, after your appointment. Don't use purple shampoo too much! Every other week is a good schedule to stick to. Lower your heat settings on your hot tools! Flat irons and curling irons can actually alter the color of your blonde hair.

Why does my hair color only last two weeks?

That's right: One of the biggest reasons for faded hair color is hard water. The same hard minerals that cause limescale around your home can also strip away hair dye. The more you wash your hair with hard water, the worse the problem will get.

What helps make your hair blonder?

Natural bleaching agents like apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, chamomile tea, or cinnamon and honey can lighten hair gently and naturally with minimal damage. Here's a breakdown of how these ingredients can help, but what you should also be wary of: Apple cider vinegar.

How often should I use purple shampoo?

Keep in mind that purple shampoo does not replace your regular shampoo and should only be used once or twice a week. Doss warns that there is such a thing as too much purple. “When you eliminate too much yellow, it visually ends up darker and a lot of people don't want it to look darker,” she says.

What cancels out blonde hair?

Blue and purple shampoos neutralise unwanted brassy tones to reveal a cooler blonde or light brown shade.

What is the rarest hair color?

Nature's Rarest Palette: Red Hair Standing at the apex of rarity, natural red hair occurs in just 1-2% of the global population. This striking shade results from a specific genetic variant of the MC1R gene, requiring both parents to pass on the recessive trait.

Why does my blonde turn brassy so fast?

"These tones can turn due to sunlight, washing with the wrong shampoo that doesn't protect colored hair, or a mistake made by a colorist, like not using a toner," says Rago.

Is purple shampoo a toner?

Is purple shampoo a toner? Any product that dispenses pigment to adjust hair tone can be considered a toner, and that includes purple shampoo. Its pigments work to neutralize brass.

Why is my blonde hair not lasting?

You're washing your hair too often.

Although permanent dyes deeply penetrate the cuticle, the cells still wear down with time and cause your fresh color to fade. If you want that color to last as long as possible, try washing your hair less.

Why do my blonde highlights look dull?

Hot water can dull blonde as it causes the hair cuticles to open. I know washing with cool water is a pain especially when it's cold outside but even just switching from hot to cool when rinsing out your conditioner can help preserve the brightness of your blonde as this will close and seal the cuticles.

Why does blonde hair not stay blonde?

Blonde hair has less melanin than brown hair, specifically lower eumelanin. Over time, your body's increased melanin production can cause your hair to appear darker. Aging: As you grow older, the body's natural processes evolve. Hormonal changes that occur with age can also influence hair color.

Why doesn't my blonde stay bright?

Avoid Rinsing Blonde Hair With Hot Water

Not only does hot water dry out your skin, it also opens up the hair's cuticles, which can result in fading color.

How do you stay naturally blonde?

The best strategy for taking care of natural blonde hair is to avoid chlorinated water. When possible, wear a ponytail or bun when you're in the water or go for full coverage with a swim cap. Also make sure to rinse your hair thoroughly both before and after getting in the pool to minimize chlorine absorption.

Why is blonde hair hard to maintain?

Colored blonde hair is susceptible to dryness, damage, and color fading, often necessitating a more detailed and regular maintenance routine. Environmental factors such as sun exposure, chlorine, and hard water can also lead to brassiness or an unwanted green tint.

Why do my blonde highlights fade so quickly?

Hair color can fade due to a variety of factors, including frequent washing and styling, using products containing sulfates, added salts, and even alcohols, exposure to sunlight, UVA and UVB rays, and even minerals in your water, chlorine and other chemicals.

What is the hardest color to keep in your hair?

Red hair is notoriously difficult when it comes to upkeep. While it's the hardest color to fully strip from your hair, it's also the first to fade, often lightening drastically within the first few washes. So unless you're wanting to touch-up your own color at home, it would be wise to skip the scarlet shades.

Why won't my hair absorb color?

The Science Behind Hair Color Absorption

If it's too closed or damaged, dye can't penetrate well. Healthy hair with an open cuticle layer will soak up color better, giving you that vibrant look. The pH level and the porosity of your hair also affect how well it takes color.

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