Why do exfoliators break me out?

Author: Carter Torphy  |  Last update: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

After applying an active exfoliant to the skin, it loosens up the congestion deep within pores and pushes it toward the surface of the skin -- causing what looks like a breakout but is actually just your skin going through a cycle.

Can exfoliating break you out?

Can Exfoliating Cause Acne? Typically, exfoliating does not cause acne. In fact, in most cases, exfoliating can help minimize acne when performed properly as part of an acne treatment program. Beware though, if exfoliating is done improperly or too often, it can bring on problems.

Is breaking out after exfoliating normal?

You may experience skin purging from exfoliating acids, too. “Certain facials that involve a chemical peel component may also trigger this reaction,” Mraz Robinson says, “because again, it's all about a reaction in response to an accelerated exfoliation.” Your skin is affected by more than what you put on it.

Does exfoliating make you break out at first?

But for those who are new to exfoliating products, it can be considered normal for some to experience initial breakouts (blemishes), especially those with a lot of clogged pores and bumps under the skin.

Can exfoliating make acne worse?

Over Exfoliation

Exfoliating more than 2-3 times a week can have the same effect as over washing, but even worse when it comes to acne. Physical exfoliators can burst whiteheads if you aren't careful, causing bacteria to spread on your face.

Skin Purge VS Breakouts - How To Tell If You're Having A Product Reaction

Can too much exfoliation cause breakouts?

Over-exfoliated skin can become so vulnerable and damaged that it can be easily inflamed. This inflammation can then escalate into an acne breakout. Using too much exfoliant also removes too much of the surface layer of the skin, taking away with it all the trapped moisture.

Why is my skincare routine making me break out?

Skin purging occurs because newly introduced skincare ingredients increase the rate at which your skin cells turnover, causing you to shed more dead skin cells than usual. This, in turn, pushes layers of dead skin off and also brings clogged pores to the surface, Chang says, resulting in more breakouts.

What does purging skin look like?

Skin purging typically looks like tiny red bumps on the skin that are painful to touch. They are often accompanied by whiteheads or blackheads. It can also cause your skin to become flaky. The flare ups caused by purging have a shorter lifespan than a breakout.

How do I know my skin is purging?

Signs your skin is purging
  1. The breakout is limited to areas where you already had skin congestion, whiteheads or blackheads.
  2. Your breakouts cleared up much faster than your usual acne or pimples.
  3. Your breakouts did not leave marks or blemishes on your skin.
  4. All the breakouts seemingly started all at once.

Can you put AHA BHA on pimples?

While AHAs love water, BHAs love oil. They can bypass the oil that clogs pores and dissolve the mix of sebum and dead skin that leads to acne, as well as stabilize the lining of the pore (which contributes to acne). BHAs clear up blackheads, whiteheads, and have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

What does over exfoliated skin look like?

Signs of over-exfoliation

“The skin appears as if it has a radiant shine. However, it is in fact very dry and exposed.” And overexposure can devolve into painful cracking and peeling, explains Geria. For reference, a healthy glow will always look plump and moisturized, not dry, thin, or waxy.

Should I exfoliate if I have acne?

Whether your acne is mild or more severe, regular exfoliation will smooth and soften the skin and brighten your complexion. It also helps reduce breakouts by keeping the pores from becoming clogged with the pus of dead cells and sebum (skin oil).

Can niacinamide cause acne?

Though some people do report experiencing irritation and breakouts after using the ingredient, niacinamide is unlikely to cause purging.

Why is my skin getting worse when I take care of it?

Skin purging is a process that happens when certain skincare ingredients increase skin cell turnover. This encourages shedding of old, dead cells and growth of new, healthy ones. Unfortunately, this process often makes the skin look worse before it looks better.

How do I stop my skin from purging?

How to treat skin purging. “If the skin barrier is compromised when you see purging then start ingredients which help with barrier repair, such as ceramides and hyaluronic acid in a non-comedogenic formulation. If you are using a treatment or product continue with a slower approach.”

Does Paula's Choice BHA cause purging?

Research has shown that a beta hydroxy acid (BHA, also known as salicylic acid) exfoliant can help create a clearer complexion, unclog pores, and renew skin's texture, but some first-time users report experiencing a "purging phase" initially, where they actually have more breakouts.

Is skin purging good?

In the end, purging is a good sign and is just one step to better skin. Keep at it, persevere, and continue using those products to improve your skin.

How long will skin purging last?

Skin purging can last for anything between a few weeks to a few months. It is a faster paced cell turnover process. Cells are replaced in about four weeks in an adult around 30 years of age. As we get older, the cycle takes longer.

Does AHA BHA cause purging?

Acids - The most common acids that can cause skin purging are AHA's and BHA's, which include salicylic acid, malic acid, glycolic acid, and mandelic acid.

How common is skin purging?

Unbeknownst to most, skin purging is actually quite common and can happen when a new product is introduced into a daily skincare regimen.

Can salicylic acid make acne worse?

Acne treatments — especially those that contain active ingredients like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid — are drying and a bit harsh on your skin. If you use too many treatments at the same time, your skin may become irritated, and you may actually suffer more breakouts as a result.

Why does my skin look worse after exfoliating?

After applying an active exfoliant to the skin, it loosens up the congestion deep within pores and pushes it toward the surface of the skin -- causing what looks like a breakout but is actually just your skin going through a cycle.

Why you should not over exfoliate?

Overdoing exfoliation, or mixing different physically-based with chemical exfoliants can cause over-exfoliation, leaving your skin sore, bruised, red and irritated. Signs of over-exfoliation include excessive smoothness and shine of your skin, redness, peeling and flaking, and sometimes even an acne inflammation.

Is it OK to exfoliate everyday?

Recommended For You

Once or twice a week is great, but everyday exfoliation is even better. Clinique Derm Pro Dr. Michelle Henry gives us her top five reasons to exfoliate daily. Once or twice a week is great, but everyday exfoliation is even better.

How do I know if my skincare routine is working?

How to Know Skin Care Is Working
  1. You Have Even-Toned Skin. The most apparent sign that your skincare routine is working is a uniform skin tone. ...
  2. You Have Less Acne. ...
  3. Your Skin Feels Smooth to the Touch. ...
  4. Your Skin Is Hydrated. ...
  5. Your Skin Itches Less Frequently. ...
  6. Your Skin Heals Faster.

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