Why can't I sleep on my side after a tummy tuck?

Author: Ms. Lori Nolan Sr.  |  Last update: Saturday, April 29, 2023

The reason why you can't sleep on your side after a tummy tuck is that it creates too much tension in the surgical area and can be painful. Sleeping on your side after 3 or 5 weeks after the tummy tuck is even better. In addition to sleeping in the right position, it is also important to ensure a comfortable recovery.

How soon after tummy tuck can you sleep on your side?

Surgeons often recommend sleeping on your back while recovering from a tummy tuck, but you may be able to sleep on your side a few weeks after surgery.

How long do I have to sleep on my back after a tummy tuck?

Depending on the nature and extent of your procedure, you may need to continue sleeping on your back at a bent angle for about 3 – 6 weeks or longer. In some cases, patients who undergo a mini tummy tuck or less extensive procedure may be able to return to stomach-sleeping earlier.

When can I stop wearing compression garments after tummy tuck?

How long do I need to wear compression garments following Tummy Tuck? Following a Tummy tuck surgery for your abdomen, you will be advised to wear compression garments for 6-8 weeks after the surgery.

Can I take my compression garment off at night?

Plastic surgeons recommend wearing a compression garment day and night except when bathing for the first 2 weeks after surgery. This period might vary depending on the procedure and extent of your surgery. After 3-6 weeks, you might be instructed to switch to wearing it for half the day.

Q&A: 'When can you sleep on your side after a Tummy Tuck or a Breast Augmentation?'

What position should I sleep in after a tummy tuck?

During tummy tuck recovery, patients should plan to sleep on their back with their upper body slightly elevated. Just like walking at a slight bend, this modified sleeping position minimizes tension on the tummy tuck incision, reduces discomfort, and encourages proper healing and attractive results.

What helps tightness after tummy tuck?

There are several treatments that can help ease abdominal tightness after tummy tuck surgery. This generally involves at-home care, like dry brushing and massaging. Both of these methods help increase blood circulation and prompts lymph drainage for natural detoxification.

Can you damage a tummy tuck?

Tissue damage.

During a tummy tuck, fatty tissue deep within your skin in the abdominal area might get damaged or die. Smoking increases the risk of tissue damage. Depending on the size of the area, tissue might heal on its own or require a surgical touch-up procedure.

How often should I massage my stomach after tummy tuck?

We suggest scar massage many times throughout the day for 5-10 minutes each session. It is important to strictly follow your post-operative tummy tuck instructions. We encourage you to walk around immediately in the post- operative period.

How long does it take for muscle repair to heal after tummy tuck?

This is a significant change in the muscle structure of the abdominal area. The body requires six to eight weeks to adapt, heal, and set the changes in a permanent, stable fixture.

What not to do after tummy tuck?

Avoid abdominal exercises and strenuous activities, such as bicycle riding, jogging, weight lifting, or aerobic exercise, for 6 to 8 weeks. For 6 weeks, avoid lifting anything that would make you strain.

Should you walk a lot after a tummy tuck?

In the first week after tummy tuck surgery, Dr. Patronella recommends patients take short walks of 10 minutes, gradually increasing this to one mile, twice daily by days 10 to 14 days after the procedure.

Can you overdo it after tummy tuck?

Answer: Activity after a Tummy Tuck

Keeping patients from overdoing it can be a challenge. If you do too much too early you put yourself at risk for seromas, hematomas, or incision separation. Be careful and follow the instructions of your surgeon.

What foods to avoid after tummy tuck?

Foods to Avoid After a Tummy Tuck
  • Fried foods.
  • Baked goods.
  • Sodas.
  • Fast food.
  • Sugary cereals.
  • Foods high in sugar and salt.
  • Alcohol.

How do I know if my tummy tuck muscle repair come undone?

Answer: Tummy tuck muscle repair.

When the muscle repair comes "undone" it usually manifests as a bulge above the belly button. This can be accentuated by lying flat then lifting both your head and feet off the floor.

Why do I have a lower belly pooch after tummy tuck?

Answer: Pooch after tummy tuck

Fullness in the lower abdomen can be related to the intra-abdominal organs. This may be related to bloating of the bowels for example and not be related to swelling of the skin or tissues. Again, give it some more time and speak with your surgeon about your concerns.

Does your waist size change after a tummy tuck?

A properly performed tummy tuck can reduce your waist size and help you feel confident about your curves again. Some patients may lose many inches off their waist, while others will see more subtle results. It all depends on how much tissue can be removed safely.

Why do I look boxy after tummy tuck?

Because the fat layer is not addressed, some patients can end up having a boxy look after the tummy tuck. This means that the tummy is flat and firm, but they don't have any curves, and they look more or less like a box.

Why is my waist bigger after tummy tuck?

Answer: Why is Waist Bigger After Tummy Tuck

If it is soon after your surgery, this could be due to swelling. If it is more than 6 weeks after surgery, it is possible that you have gained weight.

How do I know if I messed up my tummy tuck?

A common sign of an undesirable tummy tuck is poor repositioning of the belly button. If you see that your navel is too high or too low, it might be that it's been misshapen, while pulling and tightening of the skin has distorted the original shape and position.

Can you tear internal stitches after tummy tuck?

You CAN pull out the internal sutures. When we stitch you closed, your body needs to scar it into place to reinforce it. For this reason after a tummy tuck we don't let you do any exercise, heavy lifting, or straining for weeks.

Can internal stitches open after tummy tuck?

No it is not common or easy to “rupture the internal sutures used in a tummy tuck”. This would require a lot of force/pressure. It can be seen however with severe coughing, straining, or lifting after surgery.

Are protein shakes good after a tummy tuck?

Eating Healthy After a Tummy Tuck

Start with clear liquids, then soft foods that are easy to digest. Anything packed with protein but low in sugar and carbohydrates is a good option. A protein shake is a great choice. Pack on the Protein: Protein aids in muscle, tissue, and skin repairs.

Can I eat rice after a tummy tuck?

Adding fiber-rich foods to your post-tummy tuck diet is also recommended. Fiber helps minimize the risk of constipation, which can be an aftereffect of pain medication. Consider having some of these high-fiber foods: Whole grains such as cereals and brown or wild rice are good for digestion and can make you feel full.

How much protein should I have a day after a tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck patients should strive to take in 60 grams of protein each day. Foods high in protein include poultry, fish, meat, nuts, yogurt, soy, dairy, eggs.

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