Where should you not inject Botox?

Author: Katheryn Hane  |  Last update: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Where to Inject Botox. There are a few key areas to avoid when injecting Botox. These include the forehead, the area between the eyebrows, and the crow's feet. These are some of the most commonly injected areas, and injecting Botox into them can result in a frozen or surprised expression.

What happens if you inject Botox into a vein?

If the Botox injection is allowed to pierce a vein and travel to other areas of the face, partial temporary paralysis may be the result. Some patients have experienced difficulty with speech or freezing of facial muscles after a Botox injection was erroneously allowed to migrate to other parts of the face.

Can you inject Botox wrong?

Injecting into the wrong muscle, bypassing the muscle altogether or injecting into the wrong muscle can result in your Botox having absolutely no effect whatsoever. The rules of injection and strict adherence to the injector's knowledge of facial anatomy must be followed for the ultimate natural look.

Where is Botox supposed to be injected?

Botox is most often used on forehead lines, crow's feet (lines around the eye), and frown lines.

Can you inject Botox too deep?

If the injection is done too fast or too deep, excessive swelling and bruising can occur. Bruising is especially common if the injector hits a vein or pushes to hard. While this is a temporary side effect, the patient will be forced to live with an unsightly bruise for days if not weeks.

Where should you not inject Botox?

Is 50 too late for Botox?

There is no definite age when you should start BOTOX®—it's more about the state of your skin, and everyone's timeline is different. For wrinkle treatments, it's best to start when you notice forehead lines, frown lines, or crow's feet even when your expression is neutral.

Why does Botox sometimes not work?

The most common reason that Botox does not work is that not enough was given. Botox is not a one size fits all treatment and the same dosage does not work for everyone. Some individuals may need additional Botox to reach an effective level of muscle weakness. The Botox may also be old, overdiluted, or fake.

Can Botox be used anywhere on your face?

You can have injectables in your upper face, lower face and around your eyes. Botox is used for three main purposes: muscle spasm control, to stop excessive sweating and cosmetic improvement.

Where should Botox be injected in forehead?

The FDA has only approved certain sites on the forehead for Botox injections. These include horizontal lines across your forehead, as well as the glabella (the “11s” between your eyes).

Can Botox be used around the mouth area?

Botox is a nonsurgical procedure that's used to smooth wrinkles by temporarily relaxing muscles. It can be done around the mouth to reduce the appearance of smile lines. The effects of the procedure typically last about 3 to 6 months.

How can you tell if someone has Botox in their forehead?

“When an area of the face is frozen with absolutely no wrinkles, you can assume the person has had a date with a needle.” "When you look at a photo and see an area of the face that is extremely smooth and shiny," Rusher says, "that can be an indicator that the person may have had Botox."

How can you tell if Botox is botched?

There are two signs you've had a bad Botox injection:
  1. Unusual results such as facial asymmetry (one side doesn't match the other), overarching eyebrows, a drooping eyelid, or not being able to move the forehead at all.
  2. You are unhappy with the results.

Why is my Botox wearing off after a month?

The results from Botox last anywhere between 2-6 months; the average result lasts about 3-4 months. Why does Botox eventually stop working? Your body makes new neurotransmitters all the time, so the “blocking” effect of Botox gradually wears off as these chemicals start circulating in your body again.

Can Botox hit a nerve?

Botox can cause a host of medical conditions. The first of these Bell's Palsy, which is nerve damage that leads to paralysis of the face. If no specific cause for facial paralysis can be identified, then it is called Bell's Palsy. The victim will notice that her/his face starts to droop and the muscles lose movement.

What happens if Botox gets into blood stream?

Botox gets its name from the Botulinum toxin, a protein extracted from Clostridum botulinum (mentioned above). If this live bacteria enters the bloodstream, it will attach itself to muscles and replicate, weakening or completely immobilizing the muscle. This toxin is in fact quite deadly.

Does Botox make you look older after it wears off?

Will it cause you to look older? From a medical point of view, once the effects of Botox wear off, your face will NOT look older. Actually the opposite happens with certainty. Botox injections help you get rid of some of the unwanted wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, chin etc….

What are two Botox areas?

Botox injections are commonly injected into three main sites – forehead lines, crow's feet lines around the eyes and the vertical '11' frown lines between the eyebrows.

Can you use Botox on your neck?

Specifically, BOTOX® improves the contour of the neck by relaxing the muscle bands on the sides of the neck. Known as platysmal bands, these cords stretch from your collarbone to your jawline. They tend to stick out more due to aging, weight fluctuations, and working out excessively.

Can Botox be used under eyes?

Injecting Botox under the eyes is not an approved use. Botox is intended to reduce the appearance of wrinkles in areas where there is significant muscle movement. It may be less effective when injected under the eyes than when used in the forehead, for example.

Is Botox good for crows feet?

Does Botox Work For Crow's Feet? Yes! Botox does work botox for crow's feet, and it can make a dramatic impact even when you have deep lines. Botox reduces the visibility of crow's feet by relaxing the muscles that surround the corners of the eyes.

Can you use Botox on lower face?

Botox® injections in the lower face are becoming more and more popular. Botox® injections in the lower face may eliminate the need for surgery, providing a visual appearance of a “mini” facelift.

Can you have Botox for crow's feet?

Botox Cosmetic is injected directly around your crow's feet with fine needles. Even if you tolerate shots well, your healthcare provider will likely recommend a topical anesthetic, such as ice, to first numb the area. Once the skin around your eyes is numb, your healthcare provider will start the injection process.

What's better Botox or Xeomin?

Botox has the advantage of being around longer, making it a trusted brand. This means that most patients interested in injectables would opt for Botox. However, Xeomin is just as effective at reducing wrinkles in areas like eyebrows, the forehead, and around the eyes.

What causes Botox to wear off faster?

Stress can cause you to inadvertently scowl, frown, and tense your muscles, pressuring the muscles that have been targeted to relax with Botox. This alone can cause the effects to wear off more quickly, but stress can actually cause cellular damage.

Does Botox last longer the second time?

On average, Botox lasts three to six months.

Some patient experience shorter results in the 2-month range. It's not uncommon for first-timers to experience a shorter result the first time and a longer result the second time. Regular users may notice the results last longer over time because the muscles are shrinking.

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