When should a boy start shaving?

Author: Loyce Koch  |  Last update: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Shaving is a big deal to many boys and they often look forward to it, even if they have to wait a while for puberty to catch up with them. Most boys won't develop facial hair until they're well into puberty (generally around age 14 or so), while others may need to begin shaving in the later tween years.

At what age should my son start shaving?

The ages vary and can be anywhere from 8 to 15. Although there is no right age to begin shaving the decision often depends on a number of factors including how much hair he has and if it's bothersome or embarrassing to him.

Are 12 year olds supposed to shave?

There's really no right or wrong age for kids to begin shaving. It all depends on when their body changes and their interest level. For instance, some girls start puberty as young as age 8 or 9, while boys start puberty a little later.

Should a 12 year old boy shave his mustache?

While there is no exact age that is recommended for a boy to start shaving, it highly depends on how visible and noticeable his mustache and facial hair is and how much it bothers him. As a rule of thumb, facial hair starts to develop when a boy hits puberty. This could be anywhere between 9-15 years old.

Is it OK to shave your face at 13?

It won't hurt you -- unless you have bad acne. In that case, you should shave as little as possible. If you have a father, older brother, uncle or a male teacher, they can also offer tips and instructions.


Should an 11 year old boy shave?

Most boys won't develop facial hair until they're well into puberty (generally around age 14 or so), while others may need to begin shaving in the later tween years.

Can 9 year old shave legs?

“Some girls start shaving their legs as early as age 10 or 11, some girls don't even think about shaving legs up to age 20 and others don't want to shave at all,” Dr. Kronborg added. “The same goes for boys. They may want to try and grow a full beard while others feel more comfortable shaving.”

Can I grow a beard at 16?

How come I've got almost no hair on my face when friends my age already have a beard? Getting hair on your face is one of the last changes of puberty. On average, boys start noticing hair on their face around age 15 or 16. Exactly when the changes of puberty occur can vary a lot.

Should I shave my beard at 17?

There's nothing like a particular age to start shaving. You can start shaving whenever you feel you want to. However, you must realise that shaving does make the skin a little rough - so if the hair growth is not very thick - you could just do with trimming the hair with a trimmer- if u don't want to shave right away.

Should a 15 year old shave his mustache?

Yes, it's very normal for teen boys to shave their mustache. Every boy will go through puberty at different ages, speeds, and have slightly different effects. If your mustache hair grows quickly, looks thick, and it bothers you, then feel free to shave it.

Should I shave my Moustache at 16?

Yes. Shave that thing. When you're 16, your stache is probably pretty thin, and doesn't look too good. Shave it, and wait until you're a bit older to grow out a mustache (if that's what you want to do).

Should a 14 year old shave pubic hair?

It's also completely normal if your teen wants to shave places other than their face, such as their legs, arms, or pubic area (aka manscaping). While there aren't any health consequences to shaving, it IS important for your teen to understand that shaving these other areas is different than shaving their face.

How can I grow a mustache at 15?

Tips To Help Your Teenage Son Grow His Mustache And Beard Faster:
  1. Clean The Face Regularly: Ask your teen to wash his face twice a day using a mild cleansing gel or soap. ...
  2. Exfoliate Dead Skin Cells: ...
  3. Eucalyptus: ...
  4. Take adequate amount of vitamins and minerals. ...
  5. Have Regular Protein Intake. ...
  6. A balanced diet. ...
  7. Massage: ...
  8. Rest well.

How can a 15 year old grow a beard?

  1. Exfoliate your skin to grow a beard.
  2. Clean your face regularly to grow a beard.
  3. Moisturizing your skin to grow a beard.
  4. Watch out for Ingrown hair to grow a beard.
  5. Manage stress to grow a beard.
  6. Use growth stimulants to grow a beard.
  7. Essential vitamins to grow a beard.
  8. Resist trimming to grow a beard.

Why do 15 year olds have beards?

Why do some teens grow a beard while others can't? It has to do with testosterone, DHT, and androgen receptors. If you are genetically prone to having high T & DHT and sensitive receptors, then you will be able to grow a beard at a very young age. Most guys will, however, not be able to.

Can a 11 year old grow a mustache?

In male adolescence

Facial hair in males does not always appear in a specific order during puberty and varies but may follow this process: During puberty, the first facial hair to appear tends to grow at the corners of the upper lip (age 11–15). It then spreads to form a moustache over the entire upper lip (age 16–17).

How can a 10 year old get rid of armpit hair?

Simple Ways to Remove Underarms Hair
  1. Using an Epilator. One of the easiest and most convenient options for getting rid of unwanted underarm hair is using an epilator. ...
  2. Waxing Underarm Hair. ...
  3. Using a Razor. ...
  4. Using Depilatory Creams. ...
  5. Using Tweezers.

Should I let my 8 year old shave?

Using a razor to get rid of dark hairs at that age may set her up for nicks, infections, bleeding or scabbing. It may also cause a post razor burn. It would be wise to wait until she is older--close to about 10 or 11 years. Even at that age the first few shaves should be supervised.

Is 9 too early to shave?

What age should girls start shaving? Take shaving. Most girls will begin to start showing an interest in shaving their legs when they hit puberty. These days, puberty can start as young as eight or nine, but for most girls, it begins any time between the age of 10 and 14.

At what age does beard grow fully?

Typically, full beard growth is possible starting at around age 18, but for many men, that time may not arrive until they're 30. So, if you're not getting the beard growth you want, it may be because it's not your time.

How do I ask my parents for a razor?

Explain to her how uncomfortable the hair makes you feel. Say, "I have so much hair and it embarrasses me, maybe you had less, so you didn't feel the urge to shave until later, but I feel really awkward. May I please get your permission to shave?" I want to shave my legs and underarms for dance class, but it's winter.

Why can't I grow a beard at 18?

Genetics also affect where facial hair grows and when your beard reaches its full potential. “From ages 18 to 30, most beards continue to develop in thickness and coarseness,” he says. “So if you're 18 and wondering why you don't have a full beard yet, it just may not be time.” Ethnicity can also play a role.

What is full beard?

Growing and shaping a full beard takes some serious dedication. It consists of a beard, moustache and whiskers, which will grow together to cover your cheeks, chin and neck – making this beard style suitable for any face shape.

Does beard stop height?

No, it does not. Height is determined by genetics and diet.

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