In short, coconut oil has many benefits. One of the most important ones includes using it as a moisturizer to help with dry skin. Using coconut oil as an overnight moisturizer can greatly benefit you if you have crepey skin. This natural product is easy to integrate into your skincare routine and is inexpensive to use.
Unfortunately, no at-home fix will reverse the look of crepey skin, but methods used by dermatologists can often vastly improve the look of your skin.
Dr. Kassouf recommends retinol topical creams to help reduce that crepey look. Retinols help restore skin's elasticity and thicken collagen (which gives our skin its structure) as well as elastin (which gives our skin its stretch).
It also contains Vitamin E and fatty acids which promote the production of new skin cells. The lauric acid in coconut oil helps to repair the damaged skin and also prevents aging signs on the face. It a natural emollient which helps to keep your skin soft and supple.
vitamin E may be effective for crepey skin, but there are many other factors that may affect whether this ingredient would work on your skin or if there are better ingredients that may work for you. Take this skin quiz to find the best ingredients for your skin and build your skincare routine.
Hyaluronic acid will help plump and hydrate skin which improves the immediate appearance of crepey skin. The addition of antioxidants such as Vitamin C, E have the effect of reducing oxidative stress and damage to skin and can stimulate new collagen growth.
Reduces Wrinkles. Water keeps your body hydrated and refreshed and helps maintain your skin's elasticity. People who drink large amounts of water are less likely to suffer from scars, wrinkles, and soft lines and they won't show as many signs of aging as those who drink little amounts of water.
Dry skin brushing tightens and tones your skin by increasing the flow of blood to your skin's outer layers. This increased circulation can also help lessen the appearance of cellulite.
Stand with elbows at shoulder height and bent to 90 degrees, forearms parallel to the floor with 1 weight in each hand and palms facing down. Without moving your elbows, raise forearms perpendicular to the floor, palms now facing forward. Next, press the weights overhead, extending arms. Slowly reverse the move.
Over-the-counter treatments
Lactic acid, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and hyaluronic acid can also help to moisturize the skin and improve the skin's appearance. For crepey skin on your arms or legs, look for a body moisturizer that contains ammonium lactate like Lac-Hydrin or AmLactin.
What causes crepey skin? Photodamage. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from outdoors, or from tanning beds, damages the support structures of the skin, including collagen and elastic fibers. Collagen can repair somewhat over time, but elastic fibers do not.
As just mentioned, collagen the protein that keeps your skin firm and elastic is the most abundant protein in your body. Once sugar attaches to collagen, it becomes rigid and inflexible and therefore your skin is more likely to sag and develop wrinkles- two things you don't want have!
Collagen boosting benefits providing essential oils are chamomile, eucalyptus, frankincense, lemongrass, geranium, rose, and sandalwood. The essential oils for collagen growth are carrot seed, lemon, frankincense, geranium, and neroli. These oils are extremely beneficial for a healthy skin cells renewal.
Argan Oil. Argan oil is made up of 80 percent fatty acids that help fight free radicals, which can cause oxidative stress and lead to premature skin aging. Plus, it contains vitamins A and E that help reduce wrinkles, age spots, fine lines, and sagging skin.
Avocado oil is a natural antioxidant. The oil also seems to have anti-inflammatory effects. When looking for avocado oil, look for oil made from the seeds. They're said to have the most collagen-boosting effects.
When taken by mouth: Hyaluronic acid is likely safe when used appropriately. Allergic reactions might occur but are rare. When applied to the skin: Hyaluronic acid is likely safe when used appropriately. Allergic reactions might occur but are rare.
Retinol (vitamin A) is the most frequently used ingredient in anti-aging creams. But tretinoin, another form of vitamin A, may be the most effective ingredient to firm the skin on your neck and face.
Preventing a Saggy Neck
Raise your chin, looking up as you press your jaw forward. Let your neck extend, allowing the muscles in front to relax as the side muscles (these are known as sternocleidomastoid muscles) are exercised. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds and then repeat it up to 10 times for the best results.
There is no best exercise to get rid of flabby arms.
Reducing fat in just one particular area is not possible! (Unless with liposuction). If you want toned arms, you do need to do specific arm exercises. And, arm exercises should be included in every exercise program.