What is the healthiest way to dry your hair?

Author: Dr. Maybelle Howe  |  Last update: Thursday, June 22, 2023

The best way to dry your hair is to let it air dry under the fan as much as possible. However, some experts believe combining air and blow-drying is healthier than just air drying. It is good to let your hair air-dry seventy percent of the way and then blow-dry till they become dry ultimately.

What is the best way to dry your hair without damaging it?

6 Professional Tips: How to Dry Hair Without Damaging It
  1. Prepare your hair before using a blow dryer. ...
  2. Use products to protect your hair. ...
  3. Avoid the high heat setting on your heat tools. ...
  4. Dry your hair in sections. ...
  5. Use the right hairdryer tools. ...
  6. Dry your hair completely.

Is it better to let your hair dry Naturally?

The bottom line. Air-drying your hair can be a great way to give your locks a much-needed break from heat-styling. However, if your hair is on the thicker and coarser side, it may be best to start with a protective product and use a blow-dryer to keep your hair from absorbing too much moisture and causing breakage.

What is a good way to dry your hair?

You want to gradually dry your hair instead of sucking out every bit of moisture. Always keep your hairdryer six inches away from your scalp and keep moving it around for the best results. Or you could add a diffuser attachment to your hairdryer as it spreads out the heat and creates an even air stream.

What is the best way to dry your hair after shower?

One of the best & easy ways to dry your hair after washing, rather than waiting hours, is to leave it alone until it's about 75% dry. Once you've let nature run its course and your hair is slightly damp, grab your hair dryer and blow-dry your hair the remainder of the way.

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Should I dry my hair with a towel or air dry?

Towel-drying your hair is important to help remove water, so hair can dry faster. Yet, the wrong technique can result in extra frizz, tangles, and poufiness. The right ways to air dry hair include gentle drying techniques. It's best to use your towel to squeeze water out from your hair.

How do I keep my hair healthy after a shower?

Apply a leave-in conditioner or light serum to ensure your hair retains the moisture after a wash. This will also help you detangle your hair more easily, especially if it's long. Run a wide-tooth comb through your wet hair to remove tangles. Start combing your hair from the ends working your way up to the top.

Does air drying damage hair?

So while direct, excessive heat can cause damage to the surface part of the hair strands, air-drying can cause trauma to that inner layer. When the cell membrane complex layer swells, it can weaken the hair over time, explains Dr. Longsworth. It can also cause something called hygral fatigue.

How often should you dry your hair?

However, if your hair is already brittle or heat-damaged, it may be best to avoid blow drying while you work on restoring your hair's natural health and vibrancy. Most people with healthy hair can safely blow dry their hair 1-3 times a week.

What dries out your hair the most?

using heat-based drying and styling tools too frequently. shampooing too often. using a shampoo with harsh ingredients, such as sulfates, that are drying for your type of hair. not using a conditioner often enough or one that's designed for your type of hair.

Is it OK to go to bed with your hair wet?

Many people believe that sleeping with wet hair can increase the risk of developing a cold. However, there is no scientific evidence that wet hair directly causes any type of illness, including the common cold.

Is it OK to air dry natural hair?

Whether you use a tool or nature to dry your hair is really a matter of personal preference and how you plan to style it. If you want to just go with the safest choice, heat-free is always going to be the healthiest way to dry natural hair and prevent damage—but blow-drying natural hair certainly has its benefits also.

How often should you wash your hair?

Rossi generally tells his patients they should wash their hair once or twice per week. But if you've had chemical treatments that can make your hair drier — such as bleach, perms or relaxers — you might want to wash it less than once weekly to avoid breaking or brittle hair or split ends, he said.

How can I make my hair dry and brittle healthy?

Dry Hair Treatments and Home Remedies
  1. Wash your hair less often. You may be able to get away with washing once or twice a week instead of every day. ...
  2. Use a mild shampoo. ...
  3. Use a conditioner. ...
  4. Avoid alcohol. ...
  5. Use natural oils. ...
  6. Try a professional deep conditioning. ...
  7. Trim split ends. ...
  8. Take your vitamins (and minerals).

How to get rid of frizzy hair?

How to Get Rid of Frizzy Hair
  1. Give Your Hair a Cold Water Rinse. ...
  2. Opt for a Conditioning Shampoo. ...
  3. Use a Microfiber Towel or Cotton T-Shirt to Dry Hair. ...
  4. Detangle Hair With a Wide-Tooth Comb. ...
  5. Use a Blow Dryer With Ionic Technology. ...
  6. Hair Serums are Key for Removing Frizz. ...
  7. Use a Hair Mask to Nourish Hair and Get Rid of Frizz.

Does cold air damage hair?

For example, cold and dry air can actually cause the cuticle of the hair strand to lift ever so slightly. As a result, moisture doesn't stand a chance of staying locked into the hair shaft. This explains why many women find themselves battling breakage and frustrating frizz during this frigid time of year.

Does conditioner damage hair?

Application of the conditioner on the scalp can make the roots oilier and cause the hair to flatten. Over conditioning or improper rinsing can make the hair dull, lifeless, and prone to breakage.

What not to do to your hair?

These 12 Habits are Damaging Your Hair
  1. Washing your hair too often (or not enough) ...
  2. Rinsing with steaming hot water. ...
  3. Conditioning from the roots. ...
  4. Rough drying with a bath towel. ...
  5. Using the wrong type of hairbrush. ...
  6. Forgetting a heat shield when using hot tools. ...
  7. Sleeping on cotton pillowcases.

What not to do after hair wash?

When you blow dry your hair every day post hair wash, the heat robs your hair of moisture making your hair dry and brittle. Plus, you should know that wet hair is already sensitive and has higher chances of breakage. So make sure you steer clear of blow drying, especially after a hair wash.

How often should you shower?

Generally, she said, "you should be showering, bathing or cleansing yourself every two to three days." Though, if you're working out or engaging in an activity where you are sweating a lot, you may have to shower more often.

Is microfiber towel better than air drying?

Using a Rough Towel

You're better off using a microfiber towel or even just an old T-shirt. These materials are much gentler on your hair and will help you air-dry your hair without frizz. But even with these softer materials, you don't want to vigorously dry your wet hair—this won't do you any good.

Is it better to sleep with wet or dry hair?

Ideally, you should be going to bed with completely dry hair to reduce your risk of fungal infections and hair breakage. Sleeping with wet hair could also result in more tangles and a funky mane to tend to in the morning.

Why is it better to dry your hair with a T-shirt instead of a towel?

Vázquez says the T-shirt will absorb excess water while preventing frizz. “Because T-shirts do not have rough grooves like a towel, the flat surface allows water to sink in and slides over the hair instead of roughing it up.” Another great alternative to using a regular towel is a microfiber towel.

What happens if you don't wash your hair for a year?

Going a long time without washing your hair can cause a buildup of a yeast-like fungus called Malassezia on your scalp. Over time, this leads to a layer of dead skin cells that shed from your head in the form of oily, yellow-ish dandruff flakes. Dandruff can also make your scalp red, scaly, and itchy.

How often should you wash your bedsheets?

Most people should wash their sheets once per week. If you don't sleep on your mattress every day, you may be able to stretch this to once every two weeks or so. Some people should wash their sheets even more often than once a week.

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