What is the best age for a tummy tuck?

Author: Wilfrid Schumm  |  Last update: Sunday, April 9, 2023

Most women who choose this procedure are in their late 30s, early 40s, or beyond. However, when it comes to your age, as long as you are committed to maintaining results, don't plan on getting pregnant again, and are in good health, any age is the right age.

When should you not get a tummy tuck?

Obese or overweight. Body Mass Index (BMI) over 30. Any previous clotting issues or surgical complications. Currently taking any medications, anticoagulants, or supplements that might interfere.

What happens to tummy tuck as you age?

Tummy tuck surgery results will vary depending on a person's age. For example, a younger patient can expect to see very smooth abdominal skin after abdominoplasty. However, an older patient's skin is typically less elastic than that of a younger person and won't automatically “snap back” to fit the body's new contours.

Do you have to be at your ideal weight for a tummy tuck?

Expect to be at a stable weight before your tummy tuck

It is important that you be close to your desired weight for six to twelve months before undergoing a tummy tuck. Most surgeons will recommend patients be between 10-15 pounds from their goal weight.

At what size can you get a tummy tuck?

A BMI of less than 30 is ideal for a tummy tuck candidate. Of course, you CAN still have a tummy tuck if you are overweight and get still good results.

When is the best time to have a tummy tuck?

What no one tells you about a tummy tuck?

One thing people don't realize about a tummy tuck is that after the surgery it can be difficult to sit or stand upright. You'll want to have someone on hand to help you get around your home and help with daily tasks that you might not be up to, such as washing the dishes, getting the mail or doing the laundry.

What I wish I knew before I got a tummy tuck?

Slow healing

A tummy tuck takes a long to heal. After leaving the bed for minimum tasks around the house, you will likely experience fatigue. You must give yourself additional two weeks to heal or walk properly. Resultantly, it makes the healing time four weeks.

How many sizes do you drop with a tummy tuck?

Most women lose between 2 and 3 pants sizes after a tuck, but there are patients who lose even more. If you had a lot of loose skin before the procedure, for example, you could go down 4 more pants sizes.

How many lbs do you lose with a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck can result in a weight loss of approximately four pounds. If you opt for a mini truck, you can expect to lose around three pounds of excess skin and fat. If you opt for an extended tuck, you can expect to lose around five pounds of excess skin and fat.

Will I go down a pant size after tummy tuck?

Having said this, most women after a tummy tuck will go down a size or two. Some will go down even more! However, some patients will not have a change of size, and rarely, some will actually wear a larger size. Most women will go down a size or two after an abdominoplasty and be very happy with their new appearance.

How much does a tummy tuck cost?

The average cost of a tummy tuck is $6,154, according to a 2020 American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) report. But that amount doesn't include costs for things like anesthesia, the operating room, or medication. Once you add in those costs, the price tag can soar to $20,000 depending on your location.

What is the risk of getting a tummy tuck?

Changes in skin sensation.

Like any other type of major surgery, a tummy tuck poses a risk of bleeding, infection and an adverse reaction to anesthesia.

Can a tummy tuck cause problems years later?

This study found that 8.2% reported pain within the past week between 3 months and 9 years after abdominoplasty, most often located under the umbilicus in the same location as the incision line, suggesting direct nerve injury in this area as the primary cause.

Does a tummy tuck lift your pubic area?

Abdominoplasty is designed to remove fat and tighten loose skin in the abdominal area, which can have a positive impact on the appearance of the mons pubis. However, if the pubic area is more than minimally saggy, a tummy tuck won't help enough.

Is a tummy tuck similar to a C section?

In a C-section, an incision is made transecting the abdominal muscles. While a tummy tuck incision is similar to a C-section, the intra abdominal component of the operation is not there. This essentially means that a tummy tuck is less invasive procedure compared to the cesarean section.

How long after a tummy tuck can you walk normally?

Most patients are able to walk up-right within 2 weeks. Some patients may take longer. At my clinic, we do encourage the patients to try to walk upright after about 1 week. Speak to your surgeon regarding post-operative recovery and what you can expect.

What happens if you lose 20 pounds after tummy tuck?

Weight Loss After a Tummy Tuck

For example, if someone who has had a tummy tuck loses ten, twenty, or even thirty pounds after their procedure, their skin may shrink nicely enough to maintain their tummy tuck results.

Is it easier to lose weight after tummy tuck?

Many Women Have Long-Term Weight Loss after 'Tummy Tuck,' Reports Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Most Overweight Patients Show Lasting Weight Loss One Year after Abdominoplasty.

Is it harder to lose weight after a tummy tuck?

While it is absolutely possible to lose weight after abdominoplasty, the amount of weight you can expect to lose depends on the type of procedure performed, how much excess skin you have, how much excess abdominal fat you have, and how much overall fat you need to lose.

Does your waist size change after a tummy tuck?

A properly performed tummy tuck can reduce your waist size and help you feel confident about your curves again. Some patients may lose many inches off their waist, while others will see more subtle results. It all depends on how much tissue can be removed safely.

Why am I gaining weight after tummy tuck?

During body contouring procedures like a tummy tuck, fat cells are eliminated from the body and cannot return. Because of this, patients may gain weight in other places like the buttocks, legs, arms, and breasts.

What happens to back fat after tummy tuck?

Will fat come back after liposuction and tummy tuck? The fat cells that are removed via liposuction during a tummy tuck will not return, but this doesn't necessarily mean the cosmetic results are permanent. Weight gain can generate new fat cells and cause the remaining fat cells to become enlarged.

Is a tummy tuck very painful?

There will be some discomfort after a tummy tuck, with the worst discomfort experienced within the first week. On a scale of 1 – 10, pain is often estimated at around a 6-7 for the the first few days to a week, reducing to around a 3 – 4 in the second week. This would, of course, depend on the individual.

What should your BMI be before a tummy tuck?

What BMI Is Good for Tummy Tuck? BMI below 30 considered as an ideal BMI for tummy tuck, but you can have a tummy tuck with good results even if you are overweight. BMI 35 is the maximum acceptable BMI for tummy tuck.

How do I prepare my body for a tummy tuck?

How should I prepare for a tummy tuck?
  1. Get lab testing or a medical evaluation.
  2. Take certain medications or adjust your current medications.
  3. Stop smoking.
  4. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.

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