What is better thread lift or mini facelift?

Author: Colin Blick DVM  |  Last update: Sunday, April 23, 2023

While both options have the same goal of re-suspending your sagging jowls, the only benefits that PDO thread lift offer are avoidance of cutting your skin and perhaps less expensive. Because there's no cutting, the recovery might be quicker than a mini facelift.

Is a thread lift the same as a mini facelift?

What's The Difference Between The Two Procedures? For a mini facelift, your surgeon will pull back and remove excess, sagging skin using incisions, while a thread lift involves threads being injected into your skin, which is then pulled back.

Is threading better than a facelift?

Since a thread lift is less invasive than a facelift, a greatly reduced recovery time means results show much sooner compared to a facelift. Still, a thread lift is a form of minor surgery so it may have side effects. Some potential side effects include: Tenderness or pain after the procedure.

What is the downside of a thread lift?

Complications: Although thread lift is considered minimally invasive, some sutures and cuts are required. There is still a risk of complications such as bruising, thread breakage, thread extrusion, fever, and infection.

What is the best age for a mini facelift?

In general, good candidates for mini facelifts are men and women in their mid to late 40s up to 60s or 70s. There is not a cut-off age, per se, but instead we look at one's overall health, mobility, and treatment goals.

Thread lift and Mini Facelift | Which One Is The Right Facial Rejuvenation Procedure For You

Is 60 too old for a mini facelift?

Can Someone Be “Too Old” for a Facelift? There is no age at which an individual is too old for any cosmetic enhancement, so long as they are healthy enough to undergo the rigors of surgery, anesthesia and recovery from the procedure.

Does a mini facelift get rid of jowls?

With a mini facelift, the skin can be easily adjusted to make your jowls and neck smoother and wrinkle-free. Jowling and general aging of the lower face occurs along the jawline, at the sides of the chin, and below your chin.

What age should you get a thread lift?

The ideal thread lift candidate is usually in his or her late thirties to early fifties, whereas most patients over the age of about 55 will benefit more profoundly from facelift surgery.

What happens when thread lift wears off?

When the sutures begin to dissolve, it is likely you will notice the gradual return of sagging features. However, there is evidence to support that collagen is produced in the tissues surrounding the threads, which can lead to a longer lasting effect.

How many years does thread lift take off?

Thread lifts generally last between 12 and 18 months. However, this is dependant upon the individual patient and their age, lifestyle, skin type and how quickly their body breaks down the sutures. The procedure itself delivers immediate results.

Does threading help sagging jowls?

A Thread Facelift is a safe, convenient procedure that reduces sagging around the cheeks and jawline. Special, clear threads are used to inconspicuously re-position and hold skin and facial tissue in place.

Does threading get rid of jowls?

The thread lift is a minimally invasive alternative to a facelift. It combines a medical-grade threading material and the physical “pulling” or “lifting” of the skin to tighten the thread and reduce wrinkles. Targeted areas can include the jowls, jaw line, brow line, under eye area, forehead and cheeks.

Can thread lift help jowls?

If you're bothered by low-hanging jowls but aren't ready for surgery, a polydioxanone (PDO) thread lift might be the solution you need. At Yco Facial Plastic Surgery, our skilled surgeon Mario Yco, MD, provides PDO thread lifts, which can revitalize your facial aesthetic without the risks of surgery. Dr.

Is a mini facelift worth the money?

RealSelf members give mini facelifts a 92% Worth It Rating, with many saying the procedure made them feel more like themselves again. That's similar to the Worth It Rating for full facelifts, which cost about $5,000 more on average.

Does a thread lift make you look younger?

This treatment can benefit your appearance in two ways. The first is that PDO threads will physically lift your skin into a tighter position when the threads are inserted into the sub-dermal layers of the skin. The physical lift will reduce sagging skin and help you achieve a younger appearance.

Is thread lift worth it?

The thread lift may do an excellent job of pulling the jawline, jowls and chin right back up close to the bone, instead of drooping. The thread lift creates a much more youthful-looking facial profile without the need for dramatic surgery, which for the cost, can be worth it for men and women alike.

Does thread lift look natural?

Because it relies on your body to increase collagen and elastin production to lift and tighten the skin, the results look completely natural. You'll have an improved appearance, but you won't look as though you had some type of surgical procedure done to achieve younger-looking skin.

Which thread lift is the best?

To achieve effective lifting of facial tissue the bi-directional threads are preferred as they provide immediate anchoring to the tissue and the thread cannot move either way due to the two-way direction of the barbs.

What age should you get PDO threads?

These signs can include mild to moderate skin laxity, particularly in the mid-face, and fine lines and wrinkles around the nose, mouth, and chin. Most of the time, candidates for this treatment are between the age of 30 and 55.

Can you feel threads in your face?

In the absence of complications, thread lifts look and feel relatively undetectable. In some cases, people have reported being able to feel the thread after it's inserted or noticed bumpiness at the surface of their skin, says Dr. Lee. Realistically though, some results can only be achieved with a surgical face-lift.

How many threads do I need for a thread lift?

On average, patients require between 2 – 4 threads on each side of the face for a mid-face thread lift. An additional 2 – 4 threads may be needed for the lower face and/or neck.

Are you put to sleep for thread lift?

Thread lift is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation technique that will lift and tighten sagging skin. It's a minor procedure that doesn't require general anesthesia.

How much younger will I look after a mini facelift?

You can look literally a decade younger than before the mini-facelift, with useful definition restored to your chin, jaw, and lower facial area, and previously sagging skin tightened up. You'll simply see a much better version of you in the mirror each morning.

Are muscles tightened on mini facelift?

Fat and excess skin may be removed or redistributed from the face. The underlying muscle and connective tissue are redistributed and tightened. If there's minimal skin sagging, a “mini” facelift may be done. This involves shorter incisions.

How painful is a mini lift?

Because a mini facelift is less invasive than a full facelift, most patients report feeling minimal pain and discomfort following their surgery. It is common to experience some slight bruising and swelling. However, these issues should dissipate within a few weeks.

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