What is a Vajacial?

Author: Mrs. Clemmie Hintz  |  Last update: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

A vajacial is typically a 50 minute treatment, which includes a cleanse, mild enzyme exfoliant, extractions of ingrown hairs, followed by a custom mask, completed with a skin brightening serum or spot treatment. A light chemical peel can also be done in this area.

What is the difference between a Brazilian wax and a Vajacial?

Vajacials focus only on the bikini line, pubic mound (the V-shaped area where pubic hair grows), and outer labia, nothing is inserted or applied to the inside of the vagina. These 30 minute treatments are performed solo, there is no Brazilian, bikini or buttstrip wax included.

What are the benefits of a Vajacial?

Vajacials exfoliate and smooth your skin, treating in-grown hairs, smoothing bumps around the bikini line, preventing acne, and keeping your most delicate skin hydrated and smooth. Vajacials are a must-have beauty treatment for the Columbus, Georgia summer when bathing suits are the best way to stay cool.

Does Vajacial hurt?

“Vajacials are safe in the hands of a trained esthetician who is comfortable and experienced in working in this sensitive area,” she says. “Vajacials being performed by inexperienced or poorly trained estheticians could result in infection, disfigurement, and pain — among other unnecessary side effects.”

Do you shave before a Vajacial?

Before Your Appointment

We also cannot perform a vajacial if you have just shaved the morning of your appointment. If you do shave, please don't shave for a few days before your appointment. An Express Vajacial can be added on to your Brazilian waxing appointment (we highly recommend this).

How To Do A Basic Vajacial | Step by Step | Bk Beauty Spa

What is done during a Vajacial?

A vajacial is typically a 50 minute treatment, which includes a cleanse, mild enzyme exfoliant, extractions of ingrown hairs, followed by a custom mask, completed with a skin brightening serum or spot treatment. A light chemical peel can also be done in this area.

How do you do Vajacial step by step?

  1. Start on cleansed skin. ...
  2. Shave off the excess hair using a sharp razor or wax it off. ...
  3. Wash off the skin then exfoliate. ...
  4. Use tweezers to get rid of ingrown hairs then apply a mask.
  5. For a brightening effect, you can use a yoghurt mask. ...
  6. Apply aloe vera gel or coconut oil to calm and moisturise the skin.

How much are Vajacial?

Vajacial Add-On $21.00 — Sugar and Skin Spa.

When should I get a Vajacial?

When should you get a vajacial? The ideal time is 10 days after a bikini or Brazilian wax, because your hair is just starting to appear beneath the surface of the skin. However, that doesn't mean that you have to get a vajacial after every wax.

Can you get a hair bump inside your vag?

An ingrown hair near the vagina develops when the tip of a pubic hair folds back into the skin at the root. This can cause a painful pink or red bump to appear. The bump may be hard or soft and pus-filled. It can also become itchy, inflamed, or infected.

Does Brazilian wax include inner lips?

The Brazilian is basically the same deal—just removing more hair*. * A Brazilian includes the strands along the vagina lips and in your behind. You can opt to leave a triangle or landing strip of hair on top. Or, you can go fully bare.

Does a Brazilian wax include bum crack?

Brazilian wax remove all hair from and around the pubic area, right from the front to the back. It will cover the inner side of the bum as well as the butt crack.

What is brightening Vajacial?

The Brightening Vajacial Kit is a treatment to brighten the skin to help fade dark spots and areas caused by excess production of melanin, and to help fade scarring from breakouts.

How do you exfoliate your vag?

Use your scrubbing tool to gently move along your bikini line in a small circular motion to remove dead skin cells that may be clogging up the pores. Be sure to cover the entire surface of the area. Allow the exfoliate to sit on your skin for up to 3 minutes. Rinse the area well.

How long does a Brazilian wax last?

How long will the results last? After a client's first waxing, the results can last 3 to 6 weeks depending on the individual's hair re-growth rate. In most cases, hair growth is minimal during the first week or two and noticeably increases in the third and fourth week.

Is sugaring better than waxing?

The bottom line. Both sugaring and waxing can be great forms of hair removal if you're looking for lasting results. There's no clear “winner” between the two, because it's ultimately down to preference. Those with sensitive skin types might prefer sugaring because of its gentler nature and more natural formulation.

Can I do my own Vajacial?

Today in beauty treatments you never thought existed, allow us to introduce you to the vagina facial, a.k.a. the "vajacial." Apparently, you can now treat your vag to a soothing, relaxing skin-care treatment in your own home, according to telecommunications site BT.com.

What is a Hydrojelly Vajacial?

Well, ladies, a Vajacial is a facial for your vagina that consists of a hydro jelly mask and warm steam. After an exfoliating wax session, a Warm towel treatment is performed on the vagina, focusing on the bikini liner and outer labia. It does not deal with the inner vagina.

What is a full Brazilian?

While a Brazilian covers a variety of different hair removal styles that remove almost all pubic hair from the pubic region, a full Brazilian removes it all, leaving no hair whatsoever. Choose to leave a neat strip, triangle, a custom design or no hair whatsoever... it's completely your choice.

Do you wear anything during a Brazilian wax?

Before your wax, you will have to strip off your pants and underwear. Some places offer disposable underwear for simple bikini waxes, but if you are having more hair removed than just on the sides, you will likely be completely naked below the waist.

What does a Hollywood Brazilian?

The Hollywood wax involves complete removal of all of the pubic hair, from the front, between the legs, and between the buttocks. It's the complete hair removal solution.

Should I trim before a Brazilian wax?

You always want to make sure you trim any longer hairs before the waxing appointment. “Let your hair grow after every treatment,” suggests Davidov. “Don't wax every two weeks—instead, every four to five weeks after your treatment. While you're waiting, never, ever shave.

How do I prepare for my first Brazilian wax?

How to Prepare for Your Brazilian Bikini Wax
  1. Please shower before your appointment. ...
  2. Hair must be a quarter of an inch (about 10-14 days of growth) to adhere correctly to the wax.
  3. Resist the urge to shave between sessions. ...
  4. Gently exfoliate the night before or take a warm bath to prep the skin before your wax. ...
  5. Chill.

Do guys prefer Brazilian wax or natural 2020?

48% of the men pulled reported that they preferred women's hair natural with what the article called a “Bermuda triangle”(this is trimmed hair and waxed sides). 17% said they like “a landing strip”, 15% preferred a heart-shaped, and only 12% reported that they preferred a full-on Brazilian(no hair at all).

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