What is a mummy lift?

Author: Prof. Easter Franecki  |  Last update: Sunday, May 7, 2023

The goal of the mommy makeover is to restore a more lifted, youthful look to your body contour. This may require excising excess skin, removing unwanted fat, increasing breast volume with a breast implant and/or addressing volume loss with fat grafting.

What is typically included in a mommy makeover?

Your mommy makeover may include:
  • Breast Augmentation.
  • Breast Lift.
  • Breast Reduction.
  • Tummy Tuck.
  • Circumferential Abdominoplasty.
  • Liposuction.

What's the difference between BBL and mommy makeover?

The difference between a mommy makeover and a BBL is that a mommy makeover includes a combination of procedures (usually breast enhancement, tummy tuck and/or liposuction), while a BBL is just the single buttock lift procedure.

What is the difference between mommy makeover and tummy tuck?


A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty addresses the abdomen only where a "mommy makeover" usually addresses the abdomen and the breasts. Such procedures may include breast lifting, breast augmentation or liposuction.

Do breast lifts hurt?

After a breast lift, you'll have some discomfort, swelling and bruising. Your skin may feel tight. These effects get better over time and last about two weeks. If you had drains near the incisions, your healthcare team will remove them a few days after the procedure.

Mummy Makeover (Breast Lift / Reduction & Tummy Tuck) - Hernia Case

What happens to your nipples with breast lift?

In almost all cases, any change in nipple sensation is only temporary and will usually resolve within 6 to 8 weeks following the breast lift procedure. The reason nipple sensation may be affected is because the nerve supply to the nipple can be disrupted during the operation.

How many years does a breast lift last?

Is a breast lift permanent? When considering surgery, it is only natural to wonder how long breast lift results last. In general, patients are usually able to enjoy their breast lift results for about 10 – 15 years, though some women go much longer before a revision is needed.

How many sizes do you drop with a tummy tuck?

Most women lose between 2 and 3 pants sizes after a tuck, but there are patients who lose even more. If you had a lot of loose skin before the procedure, for example, you could go down 4 more pants sizes.

Is a tummy tuck compared to C section?

In general, there is more dissection involved with a tummy tuck than a cesarean section. In a c-section, there is an intraabdominal component to the operation and the fibrous tissue layer is cut. In abdominoplasty, the fibrous tissue layer is plicated (folded in or tucked) leading to tightness.

Is it worth getting a mommy makeover?

The results can be transformative, restoring your body to how you looked before pregnancy—and often even better. RealSelf members give mommy makeover a 95% Worth It Rating, with many reviewers saying that they feel more like themselves and have a boost in self-confidence.

How much is a mommy makeover?

How Much Is a Mommy Makeover? The average cost of a mommy makeover is $12,700. However, the price for a mommy makeover can range between $9,000 to $20,000 (or more). This wide range in price difference is because a mommy makeover is really a combination of several different surgeries and personalized to each patient.

Does your belly button change after BBL?

Answer: BBL and umbilicus

When fat is harvested from the abdomen it should not impact the umbilicus to any great extent.

Should I get tummy tuck or BBL first?

Responding to this question, plastic surgeons suggest that BBL be performed in the first stage followed by a tummy tuck three months later. This will increase the amount of fat that is available for transfer to the buttocks.

What weight should I be for mommy makeover?

In general, mommy makeovers and other cosmetic surgeries are performed at BMIs of 30 or lower. Talk to Dr. Jean about your options if you have a BMI over 30. As for your overall body weight, you'll need to be close to your ideal weight, preferably within 10-20 pounds of your ideal weight.

How long does a mommy makeover last?

The mommy makeover procedure may last up to four hours. Dr Hamlet is meticulous in his work, and he takes the time to create the results you desire. With a gentle touch and an artful eye, Dr Hamlet delivers satisfaction, one mommy at a time.

How long are you down after a mommy makeover?

Recovery can range from one to four weeks in most cases. Q: How long do I need off from a desk job after a Mommy Makeover? A: Two to four weeks is the average. Some women feel better sooner and choose to return to work one week after surgery.

Where does fat go after tummy tuck?

Where do patients gain weight after a tummy tuck? During body contouring procedures like a tummy tuck, fat cells are eliminated from the body and cannot return. Because of this, patients may gain weight in other places like the buttocks, legs, arms, and breasts.

What is the average age for a tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck surgery consistently ranks among the top plastic surgeries performed around the world, especially for women who tend to carry more weight in their lower tummy. However, many prospective patients worry that they are too old for a tummy tuck. The average age for the procedure falls around 42.

Do they cut your muscles during a tummy tuck?

The surgeon will cut your abdomen from hipbone to hipbone and then contour the skin, tissue, and muscle as needed. The surgery will involve moving your belly button, and you may need drainage tubes under your skin for a few days.

What BMI should I be for tummy tuck?

What is the ideal body weight to undergo abdominoplasty?. In general, patients with body mass index equal or below to 30 are good candidates for abdominoplasty.

How much smaller will my waist be after tummy tuck?

A traditional tummy tuck doesn't make your waist smaller. It removes saggy skin on the stomach. However, when combined with liposuction, we can remove fat from your love handles, lower back, or around the waist. With stubborn fat removal techniques, you can achieve a shapely, voluptuous waistline.

Does your waist size change after a tummy tuck?

A properly performed tummy tuck can reduce your waist size and help you feel confident about your curves again. Some patients may lose many inches off their waist, while others will see more subtle results. It all depends on how much tissue can be removed safely.

How many hours does a breast lift take?

A breast lift, or mastopexy, is performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia. The procedure typically lasts one to three hours. After one or two hours in the recovery room, the patient is discharged to home.

When can I go braless after breast lift?

You should avoid going braless before the six-week mark after your surgery. Dr. Howland requires patients to wear their compression bra for several weeks at all times except when bathing to aid the healing process.

When should a woman get a breast lift?

In general, a nipple positioned at or above the level of the breast fold is desirable, and nipple positions that descend below the fold with the nipple ultimately pointing towards the ground constitute the highest degree of ptosis. Any degree of nipple drooping below the fold may indicate that a breast lift is needed.

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