What is a mini tummy tuck vs full tummy tuck?

Author: Kian Beier  |  Last update: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

A full tummy tuck corrects sagging skin and loose muscles over the entire abdomen, while a mini tummy tuck is for women whose loose skin, lax muscles, and fat deposits are concentrated below the belly button. The choice, ultimately, comes down to your needs and goals for the procedure.

Are mini tummy tucks worth it?

A mini tummy tuck is generally ideal for people who just have a small area of concern below the navel where there is a “pooch” that protrudes. It's a less invasive procedure that is often easier to heal from while still providing you with the flatter, more toned tummy that looks great in fitted outfits and swimwear.

Do you get another belly button with a mini tummy tuck?

A mini tummy tuck is appropriate for patients with minimal excess skin and whose concerns are limited to the area below the bellybutton. So, no incision is made around the bellybutton, and it's not moved or reshaped.

Does mini tummy tuck tighten muscles?

A mini tummy tuck is good for patients who have just a small amount of excess abdominal skin and have some minor skin sagging due to aging. In a mini tuck, Dr. Fedele makes a shorter incision, again just below the bikini line. Underlying abdominal muscles are tightened, and excess fat is removed.

What is the best type of tummy tuck?

Extended Tummy Tuck

This is considered the best type of tummy tuck for patients who have lost a considerable amount of weight and are looking to refine their body contours. The surgery involves a longer incision as the scope is larger, but recovery times tend to stay the same as a traditional abdominoplasty.

Full Tummy Tuck vs. Mini Tummy Tuck

What is ultimate tummy tuck?

An abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is a major surgery that removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen. The surgery also tightens muscles. It can be appropriate for women who have had many pregnancies or anyone who has lost a lot of weight. Additional Details.

How long is a mini tummy tuck scar?

During a mini tummy tuck procedure, an incision about 4 to 8 inches long will be made to your lower abdomen. This is about the length of the average C-section scar. In fact, if you've had a C-section, they'll likely use the same incision for a mini tummy tuck, although it may be longer.

Can you fix Diastasis Recti with mini tummy tuck?

A mini tummy tuck differs from a traditional tummy tuck in that it does not address the entire abdomen nor does it correct a diastasis recti, the separation of abdominal wall muscles most commonly experienced post-pregnancy and/or weight loss.

How long after a mini tummy tuck can I exercise?

Four to six weeks after surgery: Patients can start a moderate workout routine such as walking on an incline, riding a stationary bike, or working out on an elliptical – in short, all cardio exercises can be performed.

What is a mini abdominoplasty?

While most people think the term “mini” simply implies a shorter incision, the actual medical definition of a mini tummy tuck refers to removing some skin in the lower abdomen without incising around the belly button or tightening the muscles above the belly button.

Is it normal to have a bulge after tummy tuck?

Swelling in the abdominal area is perfectly normal and expected after a tummy tuck. In this area of the body, the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels work as a drainage system for fluids. During a tummy tuck, these vessels are cut.

How do I get rid of my tummy tuck bulge?

Stay mobile: While it is essential that patients get plenty of rest during tummy tuck recovery, it is also important to incorporate very light walking into your daily routine. This helps to reduce swelling, improve circulation, and minimize the risk of postoperative complications, such as blood clots.

How long are drains in after a tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck drains remain for ​5-7 days​ after the surgery. Most patients need​ 2 weeks​ of time off work to recover. Dr. Rochlin will provide instructions on how to keep the drain tubes clean and empty the fluids, which accumulate into a bulb that's emptied ​​a few times a day.

Who is a good candidate for a mini tummy tuck?

The best candidates for a mini tummy tuck will have minimal amounts of loose skin or muscle tissue that they'd like to have tightened to create a firmer, more toned look. Thus, men and women with very thin, slender builds, or those who are very active and physically fit can typically benefit from a mini abdominoplasty.

How painful is a mini tummy tuck?

Patients do not experience pain during their procedure. After the skin and muscles of the lower abdomen are tightened, patients may feel sore, tight, and tender for several days. Comfort can be maintained with rest, limited activity, and appropriate medication.

Does a mini tummy tuck remove stretch marks?

A Tummy Tuck, particularly a mini tuck that focuses primarily on addressing the abdominal pouch, won't always be able to take away stretch marks. Stretch marks, which sometimes develop during pregnancy, form when the skin tears deep below the surface because it can't keep up with a quickly growing part of the body.

Can you get abs after a tummy tuck?

Can I get a six-pack after a tummy tuck? While an abdominoplasty does tighten the abdominal muscles, the surgery alone isn't designed to give you the appearance of a six pack. However, it is typically possible for the patient to achieve this look through an exercise routine once their recovery process is complete.

How long do you have to wear a binder after a mini tummy tuck?

Following a Tummy tuck surgery for your abdomen, you will be advised to wear compression garments for 6-8 weeks after the surgery. It should be worn throughout the day and should be removed only while you bathe.

How long do you wear compression garment after mini tummy tuck?

While patients heal, they wear a compression garment around the waist for about 2 to 3 weeks to preserve the results of the procedure and keep the area tight. Used by athletes, compression garments promote circulation and reduce swelling.

Do plastic surgeons fix diastasis recti?

By placing permanent internal sutures in the fascia to close the separation, a plastic surgeon can repair a diastasis recti to restore a firmer, flatter abdominal shape. This often also alleviates secondary issues such as back pain, hernia or stress incontinence.

Can I get a mini tummy tuck after C-section?

While tummy tucks after C-Sections are perfectly safe, you do have to wait a bit before undergoing the elective plastic surgery procedure. Dr. Frank recommends that you wait 6-12 months after your C-Section to ensure that you have properly healed from that surgery.

Can liposuction fix diastasis recti?

Can Liposuction Correct Diastasis Recti? Even though diastasis recti looks like excess fat, liposuction will not correct the situation. Liposuction removes excess fatty deposits from the abdomen; it does not tighten sagging skin or abdominal muscles.

Do you need drains with a mini tummy tuck?

The no-drain option is often appropriate for mini tummy tuck patients. If you are interested in getting a tummy tuck, I will discuss this option at length and make a recommendation based on whether I feel it could be a good approach for your surgery.

What is a fleur de lis tummy tuck?

The Fleur de Lis tummy tuck is designed to remove significant excess skin from the entire midsection. This procedure consists of a horizontal incision similar to the traditional tummy tuck, as well as an incision that runs vertically up the middle of the stomach.

What happens 2 weeks after tummy tuck?

What happens 2 weeks after a tummy tuck? At 2 weeks, there is still swelling in the treatment area, however, the pain, bruising, and feeling of tightness are starting to ease. The patient should continue to wear compression garments.

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