What happens if I use expired primer?

Author: Alfred Jacobson  |  Last update: Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Old primer clogs pores, leading to breakouts, blackheads, or even painful pimples. Water-based primers are more problematic in this regard as they're the perfect breeding ground for bacteria that cause acne. Beyond breakouts, you could be exposing yourself to certain bacteria that can lead to infections.

Can primer go out of date?

Eye and Face Primer: 1-2 Years

These products tend to be silicone based, so if their texture or color starts to turn, toss them!

Is it safe to use 10 year old makeup?

Yes, you should throw away makeup when it expires. Cosmetics can become contaminated with bacteria over time, which can cause skin infections and eye infections. Check the expiration date on the packaging, or use the ``6M'' or ``12M'' symbols, which indicate the number of months the product is good for after opening.

Can I use makeup from 3 years ago?

Liquid concealer or foundation should be thrown out after a year. Pencil cosmetics, such as certain eyeliners or lip or brow pencils, should also be disposed of after a year. Lipsticks and lip glosses should be thrown away after one to two years of use.

How long is primer good for?

Once opened, you may get around two years out of your primer purchase. While the average shelf life may be estimated to be anywhere between two to ten years, it is important to inspect your primer and test it before using it on any other projects.

Expired Makeup! What Happens When You Use It?

Can I use a 3 year old primer?

Primer can go bad just like regular paint, and it has a much shorter shelf life. Most primers have a storage life of two to three years, considerably less time than a paint can.

Can I use expired makeup primer?

Risks are associated with using expired makeup including, clogged pores and bacterial growth. It's important to be mindful of how long your makeup has been in storage so you can avoid these potential health hazards. Your skin may react to product ingredients if they have reached their expiration date.

Is it OK to use expired makeup?

“Once they break down, the product is more susceptible to microbial growth.” Infections are especially likely with expired eye makeup as they harbor bacteria over time; products such as eyeliners and mascara are used so close to the eye and its moist environment, which makes them perfect breeding grounds for bacteria ...

Can I use a 10 year old eyeshadow palette?

The time from opening to when eyeshadows expire is 12 months but if left unopened, you have a full three years to hang onto them. This is because eyeshadow palettes are generally made with powder formulas. Therefore, they don't harbor as much bacteria as other, liquid makeup products.

How to tell if makeup is expired?

In general, it's best to toss anything that has significantly changed in color, odor or consistency, says cosmetic chemist Ron Robison.

Does makeup expire if unopened?

In general, most makeup can last one to three years unopened (when stored in a cool, dry place, ideally) and then between a few months and a couple of years after opening. Preservatives do break down over time, even before a product has been officially opened and even in the best clean beauty brands.

How long can you use skincare after the expiration date?

As Stenzel explains, holding on to a product past its expiration date can wreak havoc on your skin. "If you don't finish your product within one year, several things can happen," says Stenzel. "First, invisible bacteria can thrive in old products, especially in a humid environment like your bathroom.

Can old makeup cause pink eye?

Perhaps the most common eye problem associated with eye makeup is conjunctivitis, or pink eye. Although most makeup contains preservatives that prevents bacteria from forming, it's still possible to have bacteria grow on your makeup. This could happen if it's expired or not properly concealed.

Can expired primer cause acne?

When it comes to your makeup, use your best judgment. If it looks old, changes texture or smells bad—toss. Expired makeup can harbor bacteria and lead to: Acne.

When to throw out primer?

It's recommended that you replace mascara every three months, lipsticks every year and eyeliner every three to six months (though pencils last longer than liquids). Primers and foundations usually last about two years, Zeichner said, and powdered products like blush and eye shadow are typically the same.

Do primers go bad over time?

The clock starts ticking the moment you pop the top on that primer, though. Again, the specific ingredients and storage conditions dictate exactly how long your primer will last, but in general, 12-24 months is a fair guideline.

Can you use 20 year old makeup?

Most experts agree that no cosmetic product should be used after three years from opening.

Should I throw away 10 year old makeup?

In general, to maintain a clear and attractive complexion you should discard old makeup. It can harbor germs, degrade, and become rancid. Only the most powerful preservatives might inhibit microbes.

What to do with expired cosmetics?

What to do with expired makeup
  1. Do not pour liquids down the drain. This can cause the chemicals to spill into our water supply. ...
  2. Find a local disposal center. If you're unable to get the majority of the product out of the bottle, throw the entire thing in the trash.

Does makeup primer expire?

Primer - Primers can last anywhere from 6 months to 24 months. Face primers: around 12 months, some even up to 24 months. Eyeshadow primer: 6-12 months. The PAO time for RAL's Prime Time Eye Shadow Primer is 12 months.

Can I use 3 year old lipstick?

All lipsticks have a shelf life of 2 years. If yours is more than 2 years old, then it's time to throw it into the bin. You see, using an expired lipstick can cause irritation and inflammation on the lips.

What makeup never expires?

“Powders don't usually contain any water to support microbial growth or oils that could go rancid,” says cosmetic chemist Alex Padgett. “The majority of powder products are just powder and so they won't really expire.” In fact, Padgett says she still uses a palette from 2014.

Can we use an expired eyeshadow palette?

Using expired makeup can lead to serious problems. Here's how to know when to toss it.

Does primer go last?

Moisturizer is skincare—so it should always be the last step in your skincare routine (unless it's daytime, in which case, you should end your routine with sunscreen). Primer, meanwhile, is a makeup product, and it should always be the first step in your makeup routine.

What happens after makeup expires?

You may experience breakouts, bacterial infection, fungal infection, or rashes. Expired lipsticks can bring mouth related ailments like cold sores. Never apply expired makeup onto broken skin. A cosmetic expiration date should be clearly displayed somewhere on the packaging, product label or product casing.

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