What does an alopecia scalp look like?

Author: Mrs. Patsy Conroy Jr.  |  Last update: Thursday, February 9, 2023

Alopecia areata typically begins with sudden loss of round or oval patches of hair on the scalp, but any part of the body may be affected, such as the beard area in men, or the eyebrows or eyelashes.

How do I know if my hair loss is alopecia?

The only sign of alopecia areata is often sudden hair loss. The patches of hair loss can grow larger. Sometimes, the patches grow larger and become one large bald spot.

What does the start of alopecia look like?

Patchy hair loss (alopecia areata)

In the type of patchy hair loss known as alopecia areata, hair loss occurs suddenly and usually starts with one or more circular bald patches that may overlap.

What does alopecia look like on your head?

The main symptom of alopecia areata is hair loss that occurs in small, round patches on your head. This leaves smooth, peach-colored areas of scalp exposed. A mild case of alopecia areata starts with one to two coin-size hairless patches. In many instances, it stops after that.

How do I get rid of alopecia on my scalp?

Medical treatments
  1. Topical agents. You can rub medications into your scalp to help stimulate hair growth. ...
  2. Injections. Steroid injections are a common option for mild, patchy alopecia to help hair grow back on bald spots. ...
  3. Oral treatments. ...
  4. Laser and Light therapy.
  5. Natural treatment.

Alopecia explained and Scalp Exam

What triggers alopecia?

Causes of Alopecia Areata

In alopecia areata, the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, causing inflammation. Researchers do not fully understand what causes the immune attack on hair follicles, but they believe that both genetic and environmental (non-genetic) factors play a role.

What shampoo is good for alopecia?

Ketoconazole shampoos help treat Alopecia by cleaning the skin area around your hair follicle of sebum, or the skins natural oils that are produced. Getting rid of these oils can allow your hair follicles to receive more nutrition and release for your hair to regrow.

How do you confirm alopecia?

Doctors usually diagnose alopecia areata by:
  1. Examining the areas where the hair has been lost and looking at your nails.
  2. Examining your hair and hair follicle openings using a handheld magnifying device.
  3. Asking about your medical and family history.

What are the three stages of alopecia?

Everyone is born with hundreds of thousands of hair on the head. The hair cycle consists of three phases: the growth phase, which is called anagen, the resting phase, which is called catagen, and the shedding phase, which is the telogen phase.

What are the 3 types of alopecia?

Most people know alopecia to be a form of hair loss. However, what they don't always know is that there are three main types of the condition – alopecia areata, alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis.

What do alopecia spots look like?

Alopecia areata frequently presents as the sudden onset of smooth, round, hairless patches on the scalp. The affected areas are usually skin-colored but may have a peach color. Occasionally, there are scattered short colored or white hairs within the hairless patch.

How do you stop alopecia from spreading?

Ways to Stop Alopecia Areata from Spreading or Worsening

Avoiding unnecessary hair or scalp trauma, reducing stress and analyzing your diet are all worthwhile endeavors when attempting to prevent alopecia areata from spreading.

What happens if alopecia is left untreated?

Often, hair grows back within several months, even without treatment. It may grow in fine or white at first, but usually returns to its original texture and color with time. People with alopecia areata may lose and grow back their hair more than once, either in the same patches as before or in different patches.

What causes alopecia in females?

Female-pattern baldness is a pattern of hair loss (alopecia) caused by hormones, aging and genetics. Unlike male-pattern baldness, female-pattern baldness is an over-all thinning which maintains the normal hairline.

At what age does alopecia start?

The condition can develop at any age, although most people develop alopecia areata for the first time before the age of 30. Alopecia areata is not life-threatening and does not cause physical pain. However, the psychosocial effects of hair loss can be devastating.

How quickly does alopecia spread?

The extent of alopecia (how much hair has fallen out) varies and links to the different subtypes. Some said their hair loss involved one small patch about the size of a 1p coin which regrew after a few weeks or months. Others developed more patches which sometimes joined up into bigger bald areas over time.

Can alopecia get better on its own?

Sometimes, hair regrows on its own without treatment. This happens more often when someone has a few patches of alopecia areata, which have been there for less than 1 year. When hair fails to grow back, treatment can help. Self-care also plays an important role in the lives of people who have alopecia areata.

Can alopecia be caused by stress?

A variety of factors are thought to cause alopecia areata (al-o-PEE-she-uh ar-e-A-tuh), possibly including severe stress. With alopecia areata, the body's immune system attacks the hair follicles — causing hair loss.

Is alopecia very serious?

Alopecia areata isn't usually a serious medical condition, but it can cause a lot of anxiety and sadness. Support groups are out there to help you deal with the psychological effects of the condition. If you lose all your hair, it could grow back.

What is the fastest way to cure alopecia?

There is currently no cure for alopecia areata, although there are some forms of treatment that can be suggested by doctors to help hair re-grow more quickly. The most common form of alopecia areata treatment is the use of corticosteroids, powerful anti-inflammatory drugs that can suppress the immune system.

Would alopecia show up in blood tests?

Can a Blood Test Detect Alopecia? Yes, a blood test can diagnose alopecia. Your doctor may order several blood works to determine the cause of the hair loss along with a scalp biopsy.

What is the difference between alopecia and alopecia areata?

Alopecia areata: Alopecia is the medical term for bald. Areata means patchy. This patchy baldness can develop anywhere on the body, including the scalp, beard area, eyebrows, eyelashes, armpits, inside your nose, or ears. Alopecia totalis: The person loses all hair on the scalp, so the scalp is completely bald.

How often should I wash my hair if I have alopecia?

How Many Washes Should You Aim For? While this question truly depends on the nature of your hair and varies from every person, if you have thinning hair, try to wash your hair between 3-4 times a week if necessary; washing thinning hair just 3 to 4 times per week means doing so just about every other day.

What ointment is good for alopecia?


This synthetic, tar-like substance — also widely used for psoriasis — is a common form of treatment for alopecia areata.

What is the best home remedy for alopecia?

Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil has been found to stimulate new hair growth and can even be used to treat androgenetic alopecia. Mix a few drops of rosemary oil into a carrier oil, like argan oil or jojoba oil, and massage it into your hair and scalp before rinsing. You can do this a few times per week.

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