Should Restylane feel lumpy?

Author: Georgiana Borer  |  Last update: Friday, April 7, 2023

Restylane injections can have lumps or bumps that show up after the treatment, but they disappear within a couple of weeks. If the bumps do not resolve themselves within one month, your provider can use hyaluronidase to dissolve it.

Should I massage Restylane lumps?

After the 3rd day and before the 7th day post-injection, I recommend massaging any area with a visible bump, excess fullness, or asymmetry, several times a day, until it smooths out. This massage can be performed with a fingertip or the tip of a Q-tip.

Will Restylane smooth out?

Answer: Care for bumps on Lips from Restylane

Small bumps after fillers can smooth out and go away in 2-3 weeks. I do advise clients to massage them gently as long as they are not painful.

Why does my filler feel bumpy?

The most common cause of lumps after a filler treatment is swelling and bruising from the injections themselves. These should naturally subside within the first week.

Is it normal to feel lumps after dermal fillers?

Lumps are actually a common side effect after a dermal filler or lip filler treatment. Often they are a short-term problem, but if not, they are correctable by an aesthetic medical professional.

Is It Normal to Have a Lump or a Bump After a Filler Injection? | Dr. Jonathan Sykes

How long should filler feel lumpy?

Generally, any lumps or bumps that appear after fillers will disappear on their own within one to two weeks. Give the treatment a couple of weeks to improve, applying ice regularly.

Can you massage out filler lumps?

Experiencing lumps in lips after injectable filler is extremely common—and lumps most often resolve naturally with time. Gentle lip massage 5-7 days after the treatment can help smooth any lumps and bumps in the lips.

Do filler bumps smooth out?

Smoothing Out the Lumps

The good news is yes, those pesky filler lumps will in fact go away. It's actually quite uncommon for patients to experience any irritation or lumps following their procedure, but if you do, then you should expect them to dissipate after a few days.

Will my filler smooth out?

The filler can take several weeks to soften and settle into your skin. This means that patients won't see the ultimate results of their treatment immediately. Although individual results will vary, many people achieve the full effect within two weeks after receiving their injections.

How do I know if my filler is botched?

Some of the most common signs of bad lip injections include the following:
  1. Bruising. Bruising is one of the most common complications that occur when lip fillers go wrong. ...
  2. Lumpiness. Uneven, lumpy lips are a common sign of bad lip fillers. ...
  3. Necrosis of the lip tissue.

How long does it take for Restylane to smooth out?

You will see the final results of your treatment about four to six weeks after your treatment, which is about the time it takes for your body to kickstart collagen production to restore facial volume. This is also because it takes about two weeks for this dermal filler to settle into the hollows of your skin.

How long does it take for Restylane to soften?

Answer: Filler setting

The fillers are easily malleable for about two days, so you don't want to do any deep tissue massage or anything like that. You can do your normal skin care routine, but don't press hard.

Does Restylane look better with time?

Will Results Improve Over Time? Absolutely! This injectable gives you improved results over time, unlike many other similar treatments. The active ingredient in Restylane works with the natural regenerative properties of your body, extending the results you'll see after treatment over the course of several weeks.

Why does Restylane cause bumps?

Answer: Restylane and Bumps Under the Skin

Sometimes bumps under the skin is caused when the injector pushes on the plunger as the needle is being withdrawn. If the product is placed superficially (close to the skin) than you will see a bluish tint, this is called the Tyndall effect.

Does massaging filler move it?

In some cases, we recommend our patients massage their fillers following treatment to smooth them out below the skin; however, too much massage too soon may cause the filler to migrate slightly.

Should I massage my face after Restylane?

Although extremely rare, dermal fillers are able to migrate within the skin if consistent and adequate pressure is applied to them. For this reason, we advise patients not to get a facial, massage (on the treated skin), or microdermabrasion for the first two weeks following their filler injections.

Can filler look lumpy at first?

With any injection of a dermal filler into the skin, lumps can occur and it is very common for a patient to feel lumps in their skin days after an injection.

How do you fix lumpy fillers?

When the cause is congealed hyaluronic acid (which usually occurs if you used fillers from the Juvederm and Restylane families), it can be easily corrected by injecting hyaluronidase right into the lump. Hyaluronidase, like hyaluronic acid, occurs naturally in the body.

Is it normal for filler to feel hard at first?

If it is your first time getting an injectable treatment, you may have many questions about the aftercare and healing process. Lip filler may cause the treatment area to feel swollen, hard, or lumpy at first, but this is all part of the healing process, and the fillers will soften and settle over time.

Why do my cheek fillers feel lumpy?

Lumpiness is fairly normal after dermal fillers. Most often this is due to swelling immediately after a treatment. This should resolve within a week but rarely can take several weeks to fully resolve.

How do you get rid of lumps from Restylane?

Will Restylane bumps go away? Restylane injections can have lumps or bumps that show up after the treatment, but they disappear within a couple of weeks. If the bumps do not resolve themselves within one month, your provider can use hyaluronidase to dissolve it.

How long do fillers take to settle?

That said, these injectable treatments take some time to integrate into your tissues, and it's normal for your dermal filler to take up to two weeks to fully settle into your face.

What should you not do after Restylane?

What Should You Avoid After Restylane?
  • Makeup. Makeup is one of the most important things to avoid after your dermal filler treatment. ...
  • Sun Exposure. ...
  • Heat. ...
  • Pressure. ...
  • Strenuous Activity. ...
  • Alcohol Consumption. ...
  • Certain Skin Products. ...
  • Certain Aesthetic Treatments.

Can you feel Restylane under skin?

Lumpiness is very common to feel in your skin in the days after injection of dermal filler into the face, including the upper lip body and the cheeks and the chin area and along wrinkles and folds when injected to lift these. It will usually resolve within a couple of weeks.

Is one syringe of Restylane enough?

Answer: Restylane for Lip Augmentation

Typically 1 syringe is all that is needed to achieve a patient's desired look. If you are looking for a larger look than you may require 2 syringes. I do not like to inject more than 1 syringe at time as to not over inject.

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