Should I get a breast lift with or without implants?

Author: Dorian Gutmann IV  |  Last update: Sunday, June 25, 2023

While breast implants add volume and size, a breast lift elevates the breast and removes excess skin tissues to make them appear firm and taut. You may need a breast lift with implants if: You have sagging breasts due to excessive skin tissues or loss of volume. You have excessively flat or lengthen breasts.

Is it better to get a breast lift with or without implants?

Breast lifts are designed to address sagging or loss of perkiness in the breasts. On their own, they don't increase volume, they simply lift and reshape drooping breasts. With implants, the procedure adds fullness to the uplifted breasts. Choosing whether to add implants ultimately comes down to your aesthetic goals.

How do you tell if you need a lift with implants?

As breasts begin to sag breast volume shifts lower in the breast. When a majority of breast tissue falls below the nipple, a lift may be needed. If your nipple point downward (instead of outward) you will probably need a lift.

When can I go braless after breast lift with implants?

Generally speaking, you shouldn't consider going braless for at least six weeks after breast augmentation. Your breasts need to be thoroughly supported during this time to ensure optimal healing. After six weeks, you may occasionally go braless, but try to keep this to special occasions, and don't make it a habit.

What are the disadvantages of breast lifting?

Cons. Because of the removal of skin and repositioning required of this procedure, there is an increased risk of scarring and loss of sensation. In addition, if you're looking for more shape, volume, and contouring options, breast lifts do not offer as many options.

Bellesoma Technique – Breast lift without implants

Is a breast lift a big deal?

Breast lifts are considered minor surgeries, not major ones, but they still require downtime. After your surgery, your breasts will feel tender and sore, and you will need bed rest to recover. Discomfort is to be expected, but your doctor will prescribe medication and ice packs to help alleviate any pain.

Is a breast lift cheaper than implants?

Cost Difference

Breast Lift: The average price of a breast lift is about $5,000. Breast Augmentation: The average cost of breast augmentation surgery is $4,516.

Does a breast lift change the size of your breasts?

Typically, a breast lift (medically referred to as mastopexy) reduces bra size by one cup. However, this is usually not the result of volume loss. When excess skin and sagging breast tissue are removed or repositioned, cup sizes are naturally reduced. For many women, this is a good thing.

What happens to your nipples with breast lift?

In almost all cases, any change in nipple sensation is only temporary and will usually resolve within 6 to 8 weeks following the breast lift procedure. The reason nipple sensation may be affected is because the nerve supply to the nipple can be disrupted during the operation.

Do breast lifts sag over time?

Breast lift surgery is an excellent way to raise the breasts to create a more youthful silhouette. However, like any other surgery, its results don't last forever. Skin continues to stretch as we age, and breasts gradually begin to sag.

How painful is a breast lift?

After a breast lift, you'll have some discomfort, swelling and bruising. Your skin may feel tight. These effects get better over time and last about two weeks. If you had drains near the incisions, your healthcare team will remove them a few days after the procedure.

How long does a breast lift usually last?

Is a breast lift permanent? When considering surgery, it is only natural to wonder how long breast lift results last. In general, patients are usually able to enjoy their breast lift results for about 10 – 15 years, though some women go much longer before a revision is needed.

How long does a breast lift take to heal?

Patients typically are off work for three to seven days. There are no restrictions after three weeks postoperatively. It usually takes 6 to 12 weeks for the breasts to achieve their final shape.

Is a breast lift more painful than augmentation?

In general, as a breast lift involves only removal of skin and a breast augmentation usually involves some work on the pectoral muscle, I think breast augmentations are more uncomfortable and take patients slightly longer to recover from.

When should a woman get a breast lift?

In general, a nipple positioned at or above the level of the breast fold is desirable, and nipple positions that descend below the fold with the nipple ultimately pointing towards the ground constitute the highest degree of ptosis. Any degree of nipple drooping below the fold may indicate that a breast lift is needed.

What size will I be after breast lift?

Breast Lift and Cup Size

Breast lift typically reduces bra size by one full cup. However, in a study featured in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, it was suggested that this has less to do with a loss of volume than with a restoration of comfort.

What weight should I be for a breast lift?

First, you need to be at or below a BMI of 35 in order to safely undergo anesthesia at the time of your procedure. Second, your weight needs to be relatively stable so that your results will be, too.

How long do you have to sleep upright after breast lift?

In most cases, patients continue sleeping on their back for at least 2 – 4 weeks after breast lift surgery to minimize discomfort. Some patients are able to resume side-sleeping comfortably after 1 – 2 weeks, though stomach-sleeping may remain uncomfortable or painful for much longer.

What not to do after breast lift?

Don't: Start Vigorous Exercise without Doctor Approval

Avoid any strenuous activity, including heavy lifting or bending, until Dr. Krau has cleared you. This could be up to four weeks after surgery. Sex should be avoided for one to two weeks.

Is there a scarless breast lift?

We can combine the techniques of shrinking the skin a little bit to lift the nipple up, and add volume with the fat transfer so that we have a non-surgical, minimally invasive, virtually no scar breast lift type of procedure.

Are you awake during breast lift?

You will be awake but unable to feel pain. The surgeon will make 1 to 3 surgical cuts (incision) in your breast. Extra skin, and sometimes some breast tissue, will be removed and your nipple and areola may be moved. Sometimes, women have breast augmentation (enlargement with implants) when they have a breast lift.

What I wish I knew before breast augmentation?

Implants have their risks, so do your research.

Over 10% of patients reportedly experience capsular contraction, a hardening of the breast caused by shrinking scar tissue around the implant. It's possible to develop an infection, which could happen days, years, or even decades after the procedure.

Do your nipples change after breast lift?

Changes in nipple sensation are typical immediately following breast surgery, regardless of whether it is breast augmentation, reduction, or lift. More often than not, this sensitivity returns to normal (or at least close to normal) within a few months of the operation.

What are the most natural-looking breast augmentation?

Gummy bear implants are a type of silicone implant made from a form-stable, cohesive gel. Their unique filling material and teardrop shape provide the most natural-looking results of all breast implant options.

What are the most painful days after breast augmentation?

Postoperative swelling can intensify particularly around the 3-5 day mark, potentially amplifying the feeling of pressure on your chest. Typically, you're likely to feel discomfort after breast augmentation surgery for the first couple of weeks but feelings of stiffness can occur for a month or so.

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