Is witch hazel good for facial skin?

Author: Bridgette Dibbert III  |  Last update: Tuesday, May 3, 2022

When applied to the skin, witch hazel-based toners have the potential to ease irritation, injury, and inflammation. Some of the most common uses include acne, inflammatory conditions, and sunburn.

Can you use witch hazel on your face everyday?

Witch hazel is safe to use on your face daily, however, it also depends on how your skin reacts to it. If your skin feels dry and stretchy, use it every alternate day, those with oily skin can use it every day.

Is witch hazel good for your face?

Witch hazel has many benefits for skin, including relieving inflammation, tightening pores, and helping with razor bumps. It may also help reduce acne, since it can cleanse your skin of excess oil.

Is witch hazel good for aging skin?

In addition to its antioxidant properties, which help prevent premature aging, witch hazel has been shown to inhibit elastase, an enzyme that breaks down protein in the skin.

Why you shouldn't use witch hazel?

Aside from the key substance (tannins), many witch hazel products contain alcohol ingredients (like ethanol) that over-dry the skin and sometimes do more harm than good. Some variations can have up to 15 percent alcohol, which might be irritating to certain skin types like people with dry, acne-prone or sensitive skin.


How often should I use witch hazel on my face?

In general, Dr. Shamban says you can use your witch hazel toner anywhere from twice a week to every day, depending on how your skin responds. But when it comes to an alcohol-based astringent, don't overdo it.

Is witch hazel good for skin dermatologist?

Since witch hazel has antioxidant, astringent, and anti-inflammatory effects on the skin, it can serve many purposes. "It can be used as a toner to treat acne and oily skin," says Jennifer Chwalek, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist at Union Square Laser Dermatology.

Does witch hazel remove dark spots?

The high concentration of tannins in the product makes it a great natural astringent, removing excess oil and shrinking pores. From bruises to pigmentation to redness, witch hazel works from the inside out to heal underlying damage and broken skin, and fade dark spots.

Do you use witch hazel before or after moisturizer?

Follow up with moisturizer: It's best to pair witch hazel with a moisturizer to avoid over-drying your skin, says Dr. Schlessinger. Otherwise, you run the risk of triggering more acne. We recommend these dermatologist-approved moisturizers for oily, acne-prone skin.

Does witch hazel shrink pores?

Witch hazel acts as an astringent to help shrink your pores, soothe your skin and reduce inflammation.

How long does it take for witch hazel to work on face?

Do a spot test first to see how your skin reacts.

Wait 5 to 10 minutes to see if your skin reacts. Witch hazel usually works best for oily skin because witch hazel is an astringent. If your skin reacts, you may notice red, irritated skin or a rash develop.

Do you use witch hazel before or after you wash your face?

Get ready to meet the easiest step of your skin care routine. Product instructions will vary, but for the most part, all you have to do is apply the witch hazel toner to a cotton ball or round, then dab the product across your clean, dry skin.

What is the benefit of witch hazel?

How does it work ? Witch hazel contains chemicals called tannins. When applied directly to the skin, witch hazel might help reduce swelling, help repair broken skin, and fight bacteria.

Can you leave witch hazel on your face overnight?

Because Witch Hazel contains tannins and Gallic acid, which helps with broken skin, it is safe to use on the face. As a matter of fact, according to research, applying Witch Hazel topically to the skin provides relief from skin issues like Erythema. Thus, Witch Hazel on face is safe.

Is witch hazel good for dark circles under eyes?

Also avoid witch hazel and other astringents—they won't eliminate the puffiness, Farris says, but they will probably cause dryness and irritation.

What does witch hazel toner do to your face?

Witch hazel makes a fantastic toner. In fact, it is one of the best ways to remove dirt, grime, and excess traces of makeup at the end of the day to keep your skin looking clear and beautiful. Plus, it acts as a great base for moisturizers and other serums.

Does witch hazel clear scars?

Reduce Scars

Since stretch marks are a type of scar, it should come as no surprise that witch hazel can help reduce their appearance, too. "It can be used to help loose or excessive skin around scars or stretch marks to tighten the skin, helping to minimize the scar," Engelman explains.

Is witch hazel Good for private parts?

The Mayo Clinic agrees that witch hazel is a safe perineum treatment and suggests placing chilled witch hazel pads on your perineum to aid in the soothing and healing process. You can also simply fill a little spray bottle with witch hazel and spray away.

Is witch hazel good for blackheads?

While certain types of acne (such as cysts and pustules) are inflammatory, witch hazel may possible benefit noninflammatory acne (blackheads and whiteheads) too. The idea behind witch hazel for acne treatment is that it can act as an astringent by drying out your acne blemishes, much like other OTC treatments.

Does witch hazel remove dark spots on face?

It can also help even out your skin tone. “Witch hazel is known to treat blemishes on the face and the entire body,” says Matles. “When applying witch hazel directly on bruises, it helps fade discoloration and speeds up the recovery process of underlying symptoms of the bruise and blemish.”

Can witch hazel break you out?

Because witch hazel is so astringent, it can make acne worse. Dryness and irritation can affect the skin, along with increasing the chance of leaving post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) behind once the pimple heals.

How do you keep your virgin clean and smelling good?

DON'T douche or use any sprays to cover up the smell as these products can irritate your vagina. Try bathing or showering every day with a mild soap and warm water, and wear cotton underwear. If your discharge continues to have an odor, you may have bacterial vaginosis (BV).

Why is my Vigina itchy inside?

Vaginal itching is an uncomfortable and sometimes painful symptom that often occurs due to irritating substances, infections, or menopause. It may also occur as a result of certain skin disorders or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). In rare cases, vaginal itching might develop due to stress or vulvar cancer.

How do you clean a virgin?

How can I keep my vulva and vagina clean?
  1. When showering or bathing, wash your vulva with warm water and mild or unscented soap. ...
  2. Separate your labia and let the warm soapy water clean all around the clitoral hood and between your labia. ...
  3. Rinse completely and pat dry your vulva with a soft dry towel.

Is witch hazel Good for Whiteheads?

Derived from a flowering plant of the same name, witch hazel may help heal whiteheads with its astringent, pore-opening qualities. Witch hazel is most convenient to use in astringent form. Simply wet a cotton ball with it and use twice per day.

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