Is it better to workout first or massage first?

Author: Dedric Osinski  |  Last update: Tuesday, March 25, 2025

If you prioritize injury prevention, increased range of motion, and mental preparation, a pre-workout sports massage might be a suitable choice. On the other hand, if you're focused on muscle recovery, relaxation, and injury rehabilitation, a post-workout massage may be more beneficial.

Should you exercise before or after a massage?

After a massage, wait about 24 hours before engaging in vigorous exercise, such as running or weight training. Exercising too soon after a massage session may impair recovery from the massage, increase soreness and inhibit the effectiveness of the soft tissue work performed during your massage.

Is it better to use a massage machine before or after a workout?

If you're looking for performance benefits, use it before a workout. Use it after a workout if you're looking for muscle recovery benefits. It's not just your muscles that benefit from the massage gun, though. Your lymphatic system also gets a good workout, which helps to remove toxins from the body.

Is it better to get a massage then gym or gym then massage?

Getting a massage before working out allows the muscles to get warmed up and stretched out. Receiving a massage after lets the body and muscles help relax a bit smoother and help with not being so sore.'' ``I would work out first, then get your massage. When you work out, your body releases lactic acid.

What should you not do before a massage?

  • 1. Eating a heavy meal before the massage
  • 2. Drinking alcohol or caffeine before the massage
  • 3. Being dehydrated
  • 4. Wearing jewelry or other accessories that could interfere with the massage
  • 5. Not communicating with your massage therapist about any injuries or areas of sensitivity Upvote Profile photo for Ssaamir

Can You Work Out While Sore?

What is the 1st rule of massage therapy?

The first rule of massage therapy is to ensure the comfort and safety of the client. This includes creating a comfortable and relaxing environment, using proper techniques and pressure, and communicating effectively with the client to ensure that they are comfortable with the massage.

Why do they say not to shower after a massage?

The temperature of the water can cause your muscles to tense up, which can negate the benefits of massage therapy. The heat can also increase the risk of dehydration. Inflammation may also occur if you are already feeling sore after the massage. Wait at least 1-2 hours before showering or taking a bath.

Can I workout the same day I get a massage?

Massage and exercise are both part of a healthy lifestyle

After a massage, it is important to wait at least 24 hours before doing any strenuous exercise. Strenuous exercise includes running, weight lifting, high-intensity aerobics, power yoga and more.

Can getting a massage after a workout effect muscle growth?

We have consistently demonstrated that although massage may impart beneficial adaptations in skeletal muscle during disuse atrophy and during recovery from atrophy, it does not cause muscle growth when applied to unperturbed, homeostatic muscle (11,12,62).

Is it better to shower before or after a massage?

A warm shower after a massage can be wonderfully soothing. Since massage oils and lotions are meant to do most of their work during the massage, not after it, you don't have to skip the shower for fear of washing away skin-friendly oils.

Do massage guns break up lactic acid?

Lactic acid builds up in your muscles after exercise or other activity. This build-up often causes pain and soreness. When you use a massage gun after a workout, the percussion forces muscle fibers to release lactic acid, reducing the soreness you'll feel.

Is it better to stretch before or after a massage?

Stretching before a massage is immensely beneficial to reap all the advantages a massage gives. When scheduled to receive any type of massage, stretching beforehand helps to relax the muscles and improve circulation.

Is Hydro massage better before or after workout?

However, if you head to the hydromassage table immediately after working out, the soothing warm pressure from targeted jets helps get more oxygen into your muscles and reduces the chances that you'll be sore the next time you hit the gym.

How often should you get a massage?

1. What are the general massage frequency guidelines? It is generally recommended to get a massage once a month to maintain the benefits of relaxation and stress relief. However, some individuals may benefit from more frequent sessions, especially if they have specific health concerns or physical discomfort.

Does Planet Fitness have HydroMassage?

Experience HydroMassage™ at Planet Fitness

What are you waiting for? Experience the full benefits of relaxation and recovery by booking a HydroMassage™ session today.

Is it better to go to the sauna before or after a massage?

Sauna Before Massage

Firstly, the heat from the sauna can help to relax your muscles, making them more receptive to the massage. This can make the massage more effective and potentially more enjoyable. Secondly, the sauna can help to detoxify your body, which can enhance the detoxifying effects of the massage.

Is it better to workout before or after massage?

Before a Workout

Increased Range of Motion: Sports massage techniques, such as stretching and deep tissue massage, can help improve flexibility and increase your range of motion. By receiving a massage before your workout, you may experience greater ease of movement and improved athletic performance.

Do massages help with weight loss?

Experts agree that massage will not directly result in weight loss, but it can aid and support weight loss. Massage can help to reduce DOMS and improve range of motion associated with exercise, as well as promoting better sleep and reduced stress and anxiety - both of which are known to impact weight.

How long should you wait to get a massage after working out?

Research has determined that the very best time to receive a sports massage is 45 minutes after your workout of the day (WOD), but that the human body also benefits greatly from massage within the first 1-24 hours post-WOD.

Is once a week too much for massage?

A massage every week or every two weeks would be ideal but not realistic for every person. We also have to remember that regular massages are important to help prevent injury, pain and tension build up in the muscle fibres and for de-stressing/relaxing the mind and body.

What is the best massage for muscle growth?

Combining Both: Many bodybuilders find that a combination of both sport and deep tissue massage offers the most benefits. This approach provides the best of both worlds, addressing immediate muscle needs while also focusing on long-term muscle health and recovery.

Does giving a massage count as exercise?

The answer is certainly 'yes' – delivering massage therapy treatments for hours every day will definitely help many aspects of your physical fitness. That said, it doesn't provide all of the exercise you need.

What happens if you workout after a massage?

If you take part in strenuous exercise (such as weightlifting, or running) soon after a sports massage, you are putting yourself at risk of straining your muscles and tissue, which could result in swelling, bruising, and loss of strength.

Why masseuse burp when massaging?

It's possible that a masseuse burps because he or she receives the effect of the massage itself. “I mean, masseuses use their energy when applying pressures. So maybe, since they're using their own hands, and the therapy oils, there's a stimulation on their palms.

What should you not do during a massage?

Avoid talking too much.

Talking during a massage is not conducive to staying relaxed. You should let go mentally and emotionally and allow your body to relax. Conversations block the healthy benefits of a massage.

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