What is it? Acne vulgaris, otherwise known as (bacterial) acne, is the most common acne type we have come to know. It refers to a wide array of acne types, some of which being cystic, papules, pustules, nodules, and comedones, commonly known as whiteheads and blackheads (Keri, 2018).
Fungal acne is not acne. It is a skin condition called pityrosporum folliculitis. It is one of many types of folliculitis, a skin condition that causes an infection in your hair follicle. It can look like pimples and is often confused with acne.
Cystic acne occurs when bacteria, dead skin cells, and sebum (the substance that makes your face feel oily) get trapped beneath the skin's surface and become infected. This leads to a large, swollen cyst (bump) that can hurt just to touch.
Fungal acne differs from traditional acne in that you won't see the blackheads, pustules or deeper, painful nodules and cysts.
Fungal acne and hormonal acne are often confused with each other because both types of acne start in the hair follicles. Fungal acne occurs when excess yeast develops, whereas hormonal acne is caused by excess sebum. Fungal acne can result in whiteheads, itchiness and often becomes red, irritated and inflamed.
Cystic acne is the most serious type of acne. It develops when cysts form deep underneath your skin. This can result from a combination of bacteria, oil, and dry skin cells that get trapped in your pores. Although anyone can develop acne, cystic acne tends to occur in people with oily skin.
For moderate to severe acne, you may need oral antibiotics to reduce bacteria. Usually the first choice for treating acne is a tetracycline (minocycline, doxycycline) or a macrolide (erythromycin, azithromycin).
Antibiotics work for most types of inflammatory acne. This includes red pimples, pustules, and mild cystic breakouts. However, they may not work well for severe cystic breakouts or for inflammatory acne that is very hormone dependent.
Due to the fact that cystic acne is only caused by a change in hormones, genetics, and the oil production level in the skin, it must be treated by a dermatologist. Home skin care remedies as well as over-the-counter topical treatment and medication rarely work and can take a very long time to show any sort of result.
You can tell if acne is hormonal or bacteria by its severity if flare-ups occur during hormonal imbalances, and whether topical treatments resolve the issues, or if systemic medications are needed.
Can be an effective ingredient (antimicrobial) to fight both acne bacteria and yeast. However, is best when applied and left on the skin for 10-20mins then rinsed off to avoid dehydrating the skin.
Salicylic acid is yet another effective ingredient to use for fungal acne. The ingredient is known for its exfoliating properties and unclogging of pores. This can help keep your fungal-acne-prone skin protected from yeast growth and also get rid of patchiness and dullness that might come with it.
The bacterial or hormonal acne you're probably used to typically consists of pus-filled bumps or cysts. Regular (bacterial) acne breakouts vary in size and also tend to feature blackheads or whiteheads on the face, Dr. Chung says.
Fungal acne appears on your face due to yeast overgrowth, which may be due to trapped moisture, more moisture, a suppressed immune system, tight clothes, or humid environments. While having some fungus and bacteria on your skin is normal, an imbalance can lead to an overgrowth of yeast.
Fungal acne causes a sudden breakout of small pimples that may seem like a rash. The bumps form in clusters and look similar in size and appearance. Each pimple might have a red border or ring around it.
If you need a cyst gone fast, or if your cystic pimple won't go away, you can visit a healthcare professional for an injection of a diluted cortisone medication called Kenalog. They'll inject the medication directly into the cyst, shrinking it on the spot.
Once developed, cysts can take weeks or even months to clear. They can leave permanent acne scarring on your skin, including red marks, brown marks, pits, indents, or icepick scars. Cystic acne may improve over time, but in some cases, it can last for years and affect large areas of the skin.
Benzoyl peroxide topical acne treatment can be used to treat any type of acne, but it is most effective on inflammatory acne, called acne vulgaris. It can also be used for whiteheads, blackheads, and cystic acne, but it should be used in combination with other medications for these types of acne.
Neosporin does not kill the most common acne-causing bacteria, so it won't typically be effective at fighting pimples or cystic acne. Because it has many moisturizing, skin-healing oils in its ingredients, Neosporin may temporarily tame irritation and also heal areas of damaged, broken skin.
Cystic acne is a severe type of acne where pores in the skin become blocked, which can lead to inflammation and infection. The condition often affects the face, upper trunk, upper arms, and can extend to other areas of the body. "Cystic acne describes deep inflammatory pockets of acne below the surface of the skin.
Hormones stimulate oil production, which leads to the growth of bacteria getting trapped in the pore," she explains. All skin is prone to cystic acne and unfortunately, many of the causes — like age, stress, or genetics — are out of our control, says Shuting Hu, M.D., founder of Acaderma.