How to sleep with permed hair in the first 48 hours?

Author: Carrie Kuhlman  |  Last update: Monday, March 24, 2025

Sleep on a satin pillowcase instead to give your hair the freedom to move without damage. You could tie your hair up in a loose bun, braids, or do the plop method. To plop your hair, use a conditioner and wrap your hair up in a microfiber cloth. Then, plop the excess right on top of your head and secure it there!

Will my perm get ruined if I sleep on it?

It's important to keep your permed hair safe while you sleep. Cotton pillowcases cause friction that damages your hair. Sleep on a satin pillowcase and tie your hair up in a loose bun, or do the plop method.

What to do first 48 hours after perm?

You have to wait for 48 hours after the hair is permed before washing it. Once you do wash it, just wash it normally like you did before you got it permed, no special methods needed.

Why do you have to wait 48 hours after a perm?

If you have just received a perm, it is crucial to avoid getting your hair wet for at least 48 hours. During this time, your hair is still in the process of setting, and any exposure to water can cause the curls to weaken or become less defined.

Will my perm loosen up after 2 days?

Clash and volume can be intentional. Usually, we advise letting the perm settle for 48~72 hours immediately after. The perm, if properly permed, will settle to a more permanent state in about two weeks, but the first two to three days are more important. Never brush wet curls; use a wide-toothed comb instead.

how all my hair fell out by making one mistake : story time

Can I brush my perm after 2 days?

Post perm care

Do not brush or pull hair for 24-48 hours. Use a wide tooth comb or pick to untangle your hair. relax your curl. Use a towel scrunching method to dry your locks.

How do you soften a tight perm?

Apply conditioner to your hair, comb it out straight, then wrap it in a cellophane bag. Leave the conditioner on your hair and keep your hair wrapped for up to 30 minutes. After rinsing, your curls will look much more your hair will feel wonderful.

How to sleep on newly permed hair?

Keeping your permed hair safe overnight might be the most difficult task yet. Regular cotton pillowcases can cause friction that damages your hair. Sleep on a satin pillowcase instead to give your hair the freedom to move without damage. You could tie your hair up in a loose bun, braids, or do the plop method.

How do you style permed hair in the first 48 hours?

Keep Hair Loose: Refrain from using hair accessories or tucking your hair behind your ears since these actions may cause the curls to lose their shape. Avoid Excessive Combing: Excessive touching of your hair might make the curls lose their structure, so it's essential to avoid brushing it.

What should I do the first day after a perm?

Directly after your perming appointment, you'll want to limit how much you wash or style your hair. You'll want to wait at least 24 hours, although ideally, you'd wait 2 days, before doing anything else with your hair.

What are the don'ts after a perm?

Don't comb thru your hair during the first 48 hours. Leave it alone as much as possible. Don't use any products in your hair especially leave ins and conditioners. You want to try to keep your hair on the same ph level until the waiting period is up.

Is 48 hours enough for a perm?

How to care for your perm. Don't wash and/or condition your hair for up to 48 hours after your perm to help your style bed in. Wash your hair with products created for curly hair. Our Dream Curls Shampoo and Dream Curls Conditioner nourish and detangle curls and waves, and leave curls bouncy, aligned and frizz-free.

How to make your perm look better?

Virgo Salon Owner and Master Stylist Mateo Jon has a few tips to help you get the best out of your new hair texture!
  1. Immediately After Your Perm. ...
  2. Nourish + Moisturize Your Hair. ...
  3. Shampoo Less. ...
  4. Get the Right Products. ...
  5. Dry Your Hair Correctly. ...
  6. Get Regular Trims. ...
  7. Avoid Heat Styling.

Can I wet my permed hair every day?

As Foster explains, the best way to maintain the look of a perm is “to avoid water.” Water can deactivate your perm and make the curls fall apart. Make sure to keep your hair as dry as possible, especially if it's raining or snowing outside. Ask your stylist how long you should wait until washing your hair.

How to style permed hair in the morning?

Avoid combing your hair in the first 24 hours. Use your fingers to gently style the hair and to twirl the curls around your face. When you do comb, use your fingers or a wide-tooth comb to gently detangle your wet hair while it's covered with the conditioner. Use gentle strokes to avoid breakage.

Can leave in conditioner ruin a perm?

It is a myth that conditioner will relax and ruin your perm. Using the right conditioner is the trick. Use a conditioner which is meant for chemically treated hair as it will help to keep your perm softer and last longer.

Can I put curling cream after perm overnight?

Absolutely! Applying curling cream after a perm is not only permissible but is, in fact, highly recommended.

Can you put oil on freshly permed hair?

Avoid using any serums/hair oil when the hair is wet which will pull down the curls. Serums should only be used as a finishing product after the hair is 100% dry, to anti-frizz the hair.

How long should your first perm last?

A perm typically lasts three to six months, depending on the type of perm you get, your hair type and how well you take care of it. A traditional perm that produces a uniform curl pattern can last 3-6 months, depending on how fast your hair grows and how you treat it.

Will sleeping mess up my perm?

You'll also make your perm last longer with the right sleep routine. Make sure to sleep on your stomach or side instead of your back, which will put pressure on your permed hair. You could also use a silk cap for sleeping to help keep your hair from matting.

Can I put my hair in a ponytail the day after a perm?

Generally, you should wait about twenty-four hours before you let yourself finally start touching your curls. This also means you should avoid styling it, putting it into a ponytail, or bun, or adding clips or accessories to your hair while it is setting.

Why did my perm go away so fast?

Usage of The Wrong Conditioner/Shampoo

An example of an inappropriate shampoo is clarifying shampoo. Although clarifying shampoos are excellent for removing product buildup from natural hair, they are too harsh for freshly permed hair and cause the curls to give way too soon.

Do perms loosen up after the first wash?

It's highly recommended that you wait three days before washing your hair. And try not to get caught in the rain! Not washing your hair will keep water from deactivating the perm and making the curls fall apart. Remember if you go swimming to always wear a cap.

How do you rehydrate your hair after a perm?

Start with a gentle cleansing shampoo, as your newly permed hair needs a little extra TLC. Instead, use a moisturising and nourishing conditioner to keep your curls happy and hydrated. Remember to treat your tresses to regular deep conditioning sessions for that extra boost of moisture and shine!

What to do if you hate your perm?

If you are unhappy with your perm service, go back to your stylist and discuss the alternatives. If it is too curly, your stylist can relax it. If it is not curly enough, wait at least a week to redo it.

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