How long does a failed drug test stay on DISA?

Author: Rickey Vandervort  |  Last update: Thursday, March 27, 2025

If an employee fails a drug test through DISA's program, it will remain on their account indefinitely.

What happens if you fail a drug test with DISA?

Most notably, the Department of Transportation (DOT) utilizes DISA tests to ensure that drivers refrain from substance use that could endanger themselves or other drivers. If you fail a DISA test, you are removed from your current position indefinitely until you can follow some of these steps.

How far back does a DISA urine test go?

The detection period for urine tests can be between several hours to two months, depending on the substance. For phenobarbital, it's just 6-48 hours. Urine tests can detect marijuana and THC for as long as two months, in the case of daily users.

How long does a failed drug test stay on your record?

However, the results of a positive drug test for certain positions, such as those regulated by the Department of Transportation, may be available for future employers to see. DOT drug test results remain in the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse generally for five years.

Can I check my DISA status?

You can check the status, generate and update tickets in the service now portal. * Requires access to NIPRNet or NIPRNet VPN.

What Happens If You Fail A Drug Test (Employers and Employees)

What shows up on a DISA background check?

The report can include information about pending criminal cases, convictions, or other criminal history where applicable. Employers also use background checks to verify education and employment history, as well as references.

How far back does the DISA background check go?

They go back 10 years with the disa background check. Even if you have misdemeanors they will reject you. I had 2 that were 9 years and 10 months old.

Will a failed drug test show up on a background check?

For most privately-owned companies, previous employers may not disclose the results of a drug test on a background check. For most workers in the United States, their employer will never disclose a failed drug test. However, many government positions require this information and are permitted to seek it.

How long is Disa good for?

How long does a failed drug test stay on DISA? If an employee fails a drug test through DISA's program, it will remain on their account indefinitely.

What does a DISA drug test look for?

Common drugs tested for in a hair sample include methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, opioids, and PCP. A sample of 100 strands of hair cut close to the scalp is collected from the employee from an unnoticeable area of the head.

How long does it take for a drug to be cleared from the body?

Drug detection times

Barbiturates: 2-4 days in urine and 1-2 days in blood. Benzodiazepines: 3-6 weeks in urine and 2-3 days in blood. Cannabis: 7-30 days in urine and up to 2 weeks in blood. Cocaine: 3-4 days in urine and 1-2 days in blood.

What drug test goes back 7 years?

Hair follicle drug testing is a sophisticated method that can detect drug use over an extended period. Unlike urine or blood tests, which primarily reveal recent drug use, hair tests provide a broader detection window, reflecting drug consumption over months.

What will make you fail a DISA background check?

Results that reveal violations of federal law include:

Money laundering. Counterfeiting. Racketeering. Crimes committed across state lines.

Is DISA getting sued?

DISA Global Sued Over Data Breach Affecting 3.3 Million People. DISA Global Solutions Inc. negligently failed to protect the personal information of more than 3.3 million people that was exposed in a 2024 data breach, two proposed federal class actions said.

Can you fight a failed drug test?

The DOT gives an employee who tests positive for drug use to dispute the result within 72 hours of learning of the positive result. When a test result is disputed, a second, more in-depth, test is performed. The employee doesn't provide a specimen for the second test though.

How long does a disa drug test go back?

Oral Fluid Testing

A saliva sample can disclose whether or not an employee has used drugs within 48 hours prior to the test.

What is a DISA Level 2 background check?

Level 2 background checks involve searching state-level and federal criminal records, including arrests, convictions and pending cases.

How do I check my Disa drug test results?

How can an employee obtain a copy of their DISA drug test results? Copies of test results may be obtained through several departments, depending on the results. For positive test results, please contact DISA's Return-To-Duty department, or contact your MRO.

Does a failed drug test stay on record?

The length of time a failed drug screen stays on a record depends on the employer and the type of record. Records from a failed DOT drug test remain in the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse Database for five years or until a person resolves the violation through the return-to-duty process and follow-up testing.

Does a failed drug test go on your medical record?

A failed drug test is not on your permanent record but may be reported to prospective employers, current employers, and government agencies, especially for safety-sensitive positions such as CDL drivers, as required by the U.S. Department of Transportation and other relevant federal laws.

Can I keep my job after failing a drug test?

Generally, and with some exceptions, when an employee fails a drug test, Section 1025 of California's Labor Code allows employers to fire or refuse to hire them.

Does DISA call your employer?

The background screening company will contact verified previous employers to confirm dates of employment, job title, and reason for leaving. Education verifications generally confirm the year of graduation, major, degree earned, and attendance dates.

What does DISA check for?

We are a leading provider of background screening, drug and alcohol testing, and compliance solutions. Leverage our industry-leading expertise that is unmatched in our industry! Since 1986, DISA Global Solutions has enabled employers to hire and retain the best employees.

What are Level 3 background checks disqualifying offenses?

Level 3 Background Check Disqualifying Offenses

A Level 3 background check looks at serious felonies and misdemeanors but goes beyond that by checking for offenses such as identity theft, fraud, or other white-collar crimes.

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