How long after a tattoo can you shave?

Author: Dr. Joshua Luettgen  |  Last update: Monday, March 24, 2025

Eaves recommends allowing your new tattoo anywhere between two weeks to a month to fully heal before shaving (you can find his tattoo aftercare tips here) — this means no scabbing, peeling or shininess on or around the site of the tattoo.

How soon after a tattoo can you shave?

When Can I Shave Over a Tattoo? After getting inked, you can't shave over the area of your new tattoo until it's fully healed. This could take two to three weeks. During this time, you need to keep your ink protected to allow it to heal properly, so shaving is out of the question.

How long after a tattoo can you use hair removal cream?

Tattoo Age: Older, well-healed tattoos are generally less likely to be affected by hair removal creams compared to fresh tattoos. It's usually advised to wait at least a few weeks after getting a tattoo before using any harsh chemicals on the area.

How to remove hair over a tattoo?

Electrolysis is known for being one of the most successful and trustworthy permanent hair removal methods, especially for those with tattoos. Since your hair follicle will be penetrated deeper in your skin, the treatment will not effect your tattoo's appearance in any way.

Does hair affect tattoo removal?

Moreover, because laser energy is absorbed by hair pigments, it may be unevenly delivered to tattoos during removal treatments. For this reason, some practitioners prefer to shave the patient's eyebrows before Q‐switched laser tattoo removal.

Are you able to SHAVE & WAX A NEW TATTOO?

How soon can I wash my hair after a tattoo?

If possible, don't wash your head for at least four days after scalp micropigmentation. It's normal for your hair tattoo to have some scabbing during the first few days of the healing process, so if you wash your head while it's scabbing and peel scabs off, you may disrupt the healing process and cause scarring.

Can I use Nair over a healed tattoo?

No. Depilatories will not affect tattoos. Where on my body can I use Nair™ products? Our products are designed for use on different areas of your body.

How many days after a tattoo can you use regular lotion?

After the fourth day, switch over to using a plain white non-scented lotion 4 to 5 times a day or as needed when your tattoo becomes dry and flaky, which is normal at this stage.

How to speed up tattoo healing?

7 Hacks To Help Heal Your New Tattoo
  1. Relax and Stay Calm. First things first, relax. ...
  2. Say No to Re-Bandaging. ...
  3. Let Your Tattoo Breathe—No Picking Allowed. ...
  4. Avoid Baths, Pools, and Hot Tubs. ...
  5. Stay Out of the Sun (For Now) ...
  6. Embrace Healthy Lifestyle Habits.

Is Aquaphor good for tattoos?

Eucerin Aquaphor's gentle and non-irritating formula helps to alleviate discomfort, itchiness, and redness associated with brand new tattoos. By providing a soothing and calming effect, it allows the skin to heal undisturbed, promoting a smoother and more comfortable recovery.

How often should I moisturize a new tattoo?

How Often Should I Moisturize a New Tattoo? According to tattoo artists and skincare experts, you should moisturize a new tattoo three times a day. While this might seem excessive, it's important to remember that your skin is still healing and will be very tender from the process.

How long do you have to wait to shave again?

There's really no set rule or right or wrong answer for how often you need to shave. In general, shave every two to three days for a smooth feel and three to five days if you aren't worried about a prickly leg.

When can I shave over my tattoo on Reddit?

2 weeks usually. Depends on how fast you heal, since you aren't suppose to get your tattoo wet for 2 weeks after it's done. You can see how fast you scab and once you're done scabbing/peeling I'd say go for it.

How long after a tattoo can you shower?

It's generally recommended to wait at least 24 hours before jumping into the shower. This initial waiting period gives your skin time to begin healing. When you do shower, try to minimize direct contact with the tattooed area and limit its exposure to water.

When can you shave over a tattoo?

Eaves recommends allowing your new tattoo anywhere between two weeks to a month to fully heal before shaving (you can find his tattoo aftercare tips here) — this means no scabbing, peeling or shininess on or around the site of the tattoo. Once your tattoo is fully healed, however, shave as your heart desires.

What can't you do after a tattoo?

What NOT to do after getting a tattoo
  • Scratching.
  • Picking at scabs.
  • Exfoliating the area.
  • Using petroleum jelly.
  • Direct sunlight.
  • Applying sunscreen to the area until the tattoo is fully healed.
  • Wearing tight clothing.
  • Immersing the area in water (hot tubs, bathtubs, pools, etc.) until the tattoo is fully healed.

What happens if I put too much lotion on my new tattoo?

Applying too much moisturizer restricts the skin's ability to breath, thus causing the pores to clog and can lead to consequent break outs. To avoid these symptoms, follow the aftercare instructions of your tattoo artist and apply the best tattoo aftercare moisturizer: your trusty Ink Nurse cream.

Why is my tattoo fading after 3 days?

Don't worry, this is completely natural. It happens because the old skin, damaged during the tattooing process, forms a thin layer over your tattoo and masks its true appearance. In time this old skin will naturally exfoliate itself, revealing your tattoo underneath in all its vibrant glory.

What causes a tattoo blowout?

One of the most common reasons for tattoo blowouts is the incorrect depth of needle penetration. The skin has three main layers: Epidermis: The top layer, where ink will fade quickly if deposited here. Dermis: The middle layer, ideal for holding the ink.

What stage of tattoo is itchy?

Stage Two (Days 7-14) – Itching and flaking begins, and this continues until layers of dead skin and scabs have fallen off. 3. Stage Three (Days 15-30) – Tattoo looks fully healed but may look slightly cloudy for a few weeks. Deeper layers of skin are still repairing, so continue to look after your tattoo.

Why do tattoo lines get thicker?

Natural migration of pigment in the skin is manifested by: lines become visually wider; a small (about a millimeter) shadow may appear near the tattoo lines; there will be less empty space between the lines.

Can a blurry tattoo be fixed?

Over the course of a few sessions, you can effectively erase the blurry parts of a tattoo to create the crisp design you originally wanted. If you'd rather not worry about being precise, you can always fix tattoo blowout by getting the design fully removed with lasers.

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