How do you fix uneven lip fillers?

Author: Branson Dickinson  |  Last update: Friday, June 30, 2023

The Surgical Solution For Correcting Uneven Lips
For lips, this procedure is known as a lip lift. A lip lift involves making an incision and reshaping the lips to alter their look. In the case of asymmetrical lips, the surgeon can help you achieve a more even, symmetrical appearance.

What to do when lip filler is uneven?

Answer: Uneven lips

Ideally, you should wait at least a week before you decide whether filler needs to be removed. This is because uneven swelling can make it difficult to assess lip volume. If after a week there is obviously extra filler, hyaluronidase is a quick and effective solution.

How long does it take lip filler to even out?

Fortunately, dermal fillers work very quickly, and you won't have to wait twelve months to see the full benefits of your injections. That said, these injectable treatments take some time to integrate into your tissues, and it's normal for your dermal filler to take up to two weeks to fully settle into your face.

Can you get lip filler to even out lips?

If you're bothered by asymmetrical lips, you're in luck! Lip filler is a great option to adjust the dimension of your lips. If one side is lacking shape, lip filler can be used to create a shapely look to match the other side.

Is it normal for lip fillers to be bigger on one side?

Well, swelling doesn't necessarily happen symmetrically. Lips may get more swelling on one side than on the other side. Because of this, patients may notice a little bit of asymmetry or unevenness. I often tell my patients to wait 10 days or so, before I would re-see them relating to this.


Why does my lip filler look like its above my lip?

They are injecting too much into the white roll of the lip, which is on the skin side. It is common when you inject from the skin side (which is more comfortable) and with lighter bodied fillers. Every picture I have seen of this lip augmentation (even on their ads), they are overfilling the skin side.

Can you fix uneven filler?

Whether you received too much filler, the filler appears lumpy and does not improve with massage, or your results simply don't look right, we may be able to use the enzyme hyaluronidase to dissolve the filler if you received dermal filler injections with a hyaluronic acid-based product, such as Juvéderm® and Restylane® ...

Why do my lips look uneven after fillers?

The swelling that can often occur after Lip Fillers can cause the lips to look a little uneven for a short time. This doesn't necessarily mean that anything has gone wrong and it may just take a little time for the product to fully settle and for residual swelling to subside.

Can you massage lip filler back into place?

Filler Massage

d like, massage is always an option. Your treatment provider should be able to use their fingers to gently coerce the product back to where it should be, and teach you how to do it yourself if you need additional spot-massaging in the future.

Why is one side of my lip higher than the other?

Many people have asymmetrical lips that are either shorter or larger on one side or have double curves. Oftentimes, this problem is caused by the positioning of the teeth and can be corrected with cosmetic dental procedures.

Can you flatten lip filler?

So while the body naturally breaks them down over time, there is a way to speed up the process: Injections of hyaluronidase. Hyaluronidase is what the body produces naturally to break down fillers, so by injecting more, it allows the lips to regain natural shape quicker, usually going down within 3-4 days.

Should you dissolve lip filler and start over?

At Ethos MedSpa, our extensive experience with fillers has taught us that the best way to address these issues is to dissolve the filler and reinject the lips. Filler migration does not get better on its own. Dissolving ensures that you wind up with the results you want.

Can you manually move lip filler?

Answer: Filler to the Lips

Hi, Yes! you can massage the fillers and have some movement, especially the first day or so. I would be careful though and make sure you speak to your injector first as you can also move the filler out of the lip and undo the work you had done.

How long are lips lumpy after filler?

The most common cause of lumps after a filler treatment is swelling and bruising from the injections themselves. These should naturally subside within the first week.

Can you reposition filler?

It is not likely that the filler products would move if you wait at least a few days before pressing really hard on the areas and having extractions. The hyaluronic acid fillers settle nicely into the skin, and once any swelling goes down, it would be pretty unusual for anyone to be able to displace them.

How do I know if my lip filler is botched?

Some of the common signs of lip fillers going wrong include:
  1. Lumpiness. Successful lip fillers should not be lumpy to the touch or to look at. ...
  2. Lip tissue necrosis. If the lip fillers have not been successfully administered, necrosis of the lip tissue can occur.

How do you adjust lip fillers?

If you are unhappy with lumps, bumps, or irregularities in lip filler, dissolving it with Hyaluronidase is the fastest option. Hyaluronidase (also called Vitrase or Hylenex) is an enzyme that is injected into the tissue to dissolve any hyaluronic acid based filler, including Juvederm, Restylane, and Voluma.

How do you smooth out fillers?

The easiest way to smooth out filler quickly without creating dust, was and still is, wiping with a damp sponge before it dries hard.

Can you move lip filler by massage?

DON'T: massage your lips.

Massaging freshly injected lips risks moving the filler around causing the possibility of desportation and undesirable results.

Why is my top lip bigger than my bottom lip after filler?

Swelling straight after your lip filler treatment is normal and expected. This is the time when the swelling is at its most extreme. The top lip will usually be bigger than the bottom lip and project further than the bottom lip, however this will reduce over time.

Can you massage filler into place?

Although extremely rare, dermal fillers are able to migrate within the skin if consistent and adequate pressure is applied to them. For this reason, we advise patients not to get a facial, massage (on the treated skin), or microdermabrasion for the first two weeks following their filler injections.

Can you move lip filler after 2 weeks?

Generally, within two weeks the lip filler is no longer malleable. You should be able to massage or move your lips without changing the shape of them given you are two weeks post-injection. Though it is not exactly the same for each patient, lip filler stops being malleable after about one week.

Can you push lip filler?

Migrating filler can happen when injectable products are placed into the wrong plane. As Dr. Hahn explains, a thin plane – known as the pars marginalis and pars peripherals – separates the lip muscle (orbicularis oris), and injecting it into the wrong plane can allow the filler to move.

How do you prevent duck lips with fillers?

Fillers come in pre-filled syringes, usually with 1 mL per syringe. To avoid duck lips, stick to one syringe per treatment. Honestly, some times we won't even use the whole syringe to avoid the risk of duck lips.

What makes fillers dissolve faster?

Sun exposure speeds up the aging process on the skin and is one of the leading causes of wrinkles. Those UV rays can also cause certain fillers to break down faster and being absorbed by the body more quickly. To get the best results, use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 every day.

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