How can I even out my tan fast?

Author: Prof. Verlie Kulas PhD  |  Last update: Tuesday, March 25, 2025

This simple trick involves combining lemon juice and baking soda until it makes a paste. Then, rub the paste on your tan, and let it sit for a few minutes. The acid in the lemon will strip the tan and baking soda is a natural exfoliant. This method is perfect if you just have a few patches that you need to even out.

How to quickly even out a tan?

``Baking soda is highly effective when it comes to toning down your tan,'' says Dr. Solomon. ``Put some baking soda in a glass of water and stir until you make a paste-like mixture. Apply the paste on the tanned areas of your skin and remove after 15 minutes.

How to even out a splotchy tan?

Spot-treat problematic areas: If you notice splotchiness or uneven fading in certain areas, you can spot-treat those areas with a gradual tanning lotion or a product specifically designed for touch-ups. This can help blend and even out the color without having to redo the entire tan.

How long does it take to even out a tan?

Want to even out tan lines naturally? As mentioned above, it's going to take at least two to three months for your skin cells to completely turnover. However, if you're looking for instantaneous results, your best bet is to get a spray tan. “Tan lines due to the sun can take months to remove,” says Alysa.

How to make sure your tan is even?

Always look for exfoliators that are based on a non-abrasive formula and give your skin a thorough exfoliation a day before your tanning session. Moisturize: Hydrating your skin is crucial for an even tan because dry skin can reflect UV rays, leading to uneven coloration.

Tips for getting rid of sun tan | Dr. Hansaji Yogendra

What helps you tan faster?

From beachside secrets to savvy skincare tips, we've got the golden rules to tan faster without burning.
  1. Exfoliate Before Tanning. ...
  2. Apply & Reapply SPF for a Faster Tan! ...
  3. Use a Tan Accelerator to Tan Faster Without Burning. ...
  4. Gradually Increase Sun Exposure. ...
  5. Tan Faster, Not Longer - Remember that More Isn't Always More.

How do I tan back evenly?

How to fake tan your back in 3 steps
  1. Start small: Use a small amount of self-tanning product and gradually add more. ...
  2. Use tanning tools: To reach those difficult spots, use a back tanning applicator. ...
  3. It's all about the strokes: Start at the centre of your back and slowly move outwards using long vertical strokes.

Why do I tan unevenly?

Since it's a well-known fact, you probably know that sun exposure is one of the major causes of an uneven skin tone. Excessive sun exposure, or unprotected sun exposure, can lead to sun spots.

What is the best self-tanner?

After extensive testing, we determined the highest rated self-tanner to be the St. Tropez Self Tan Express Bronzing Mousse. It's an airy mousse that's easy to apply and blend and leaves you with a natural-looking glow. You can also customize the depth of color based on how long you leave it on your skin.

Does a natural tan get darker overnight?

Once skin is exposed to UV radiation, it increases the production of melanin in an attempt to protect the skin from further damage. Melanin is the same pigment that colors your hair, eyes, and skin. The increase in melanin may cause your skin tone to darken over the next 48 hours.

Can I tan over patchy tan?

Add colour where you're paler

An alternative approach is to top up your tan on any areas that seem to have been missed in your initial application. To tan these smaller areas, grab your tanning foam and a kabuki brush.

How do I keep my tan even?

Top Tips for Maintaining Your Tan Throughout the Week
  1. Daily moisturizing. Importance: Moisturizing is key to prolonging the life of your tan. ...
  2. Gentle exfoliation. ...
  3. Touching up with self-tanner. ...
  4. Staying hydrated. ...
  5. Wearing loose clothing. ...
  6. Using tan extenders.

How can I fix my tan overnight?

Using body products with either vitamin C or coconut oil (or both!) are good products to apply onto the skin. All types of natural oils are extremely healthy for your skin. Simply take some coconut oil (mixing other natural oils is okay as well), apply it on the uneven tanned areas, and leave it on overnight.

Why is my sun tan patchy?

To protect itself from the damaging effects of the sun, skin makes more brown pigment, called melanin. That extra melanin is what creates a suntan. But sometimes skin doesn't make melanin evenly. As a result, the skin's coloring, called pigmentation, looks patchy.

How do you get rid of sun tan ASAP?

The first step in removing sun tan is to exfoliate. Exfoliating helps in removing dead skin cells and revealing fresh, healthy skin underneath. You can use a body scrub or a loofah to exfoliate your body. For your face, use a gentle exfoliating face wash, anti-tan face wash, or gentle face scrub.

What is the number 1 rated fake tan?

Best fake tan formulas 2025 at a glance:
  • Best overall: Coco & Eve Sunny Honey Bali Bronzing Foam.
  • Best colour-correcting mousse: Bondi Sands Technocolor 1 Hour Express Self Tanning Foam.
  • Best for beginners: Tan-Luxe x Paris Hilton The Future Airbrush 360 Self-Tan Mist.
  • Best for natural results: St.

What tanner does Kim Kardashian use?

Ardell Body Drench Quick Tan Instant Self-Tanner

Kim Kardashian flashed her own bottle of Body Drench when showing off her travel makeup bag — and she definitely knows a good sunless tan! If you have Amazon Prime, you'll get free shipping, of course. Not yet a member?

What kind of tan lasts the longest?

when there's no such thing as too much of a good tan, you can now b. tan forever + ever (well up to 11 days anyways). while nothing may last forever, we've come pretty close with this ultra long lasting tan that lasts… and lasts… and lasts! scrap your weekly tanning routine and b.

How to fix an uneven tan?

How to fix patchy tan
  1. Gently buff away excess tan. Excess tan often settles onto dry areas, like the elbows, knees, ankles, hands and feet, causing patchiness. ...
  2. Exfoliate the skin. ...
  3. Fill in the gaps. ...
  4. Always use a tanning mitt. ...
  5. Opt for a gradual self tanner.

Which body part tans the fastest?

Previous research by Rees has confirmed what sun worshippers already knew: that the upper back is much more likely to tan than the legs, and that the outsides of the arms go brown far quicker than the insides.

How to fix uneven skin tone?

Dermatologists recommend a simple daily routine that includes a cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Exfoliating your skin once or twice a week with a gentle scrub or chemical exfoliant also helps remove dead skin cells and promote cell renewal, revealing a brighter complexion with a more even skin tone.

How can I get an even tan fast?

Exfoliating the whole body about 3 days before sunbathing helps to remove dead skin cells, eliminate blemishes and stimulate circulation. It prepares the skin for a more even and long-lasting tan. After sun exposure, you can exfoliate gently once a week to keep your skin soft and your tan even and uniform.

Will my tan eventually even out?

Evening them out usually takes time and a lot of patience, but it IS possible. You just need a nudge in the right direction and several neat tricks, and your skin's even tone will be fully restored.

How do you even out a patchy tan?

EXFOLIATION. One of the best solutions for how to apply self tanner evenly is with some good old-fashioned exfoliation. Whether you're using a natural exfoliant like a brown sugar body scrub or you bought one designed specifically for evening out your tan, gently exfoliating your skin will have it glowing in no time.

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