How attractive is a full beard?

Author: Matt Abshire  |  Last update: Thursday, March 27, 2025

Women find men with light stubble most attractive, and men with full beards as most masculine. A fuller beard is perceived as indicative of good fathering ability and more investment in offspring. Some women do not care for men's facial hair at all.

What is the 3 month beard rule?

Growing a beard isn't an overnight transformation—it's a journey. The golden rule? Commit to at least three months. No shaving. Resist the urge to reach for that razor, no matter how patchy or awkward things look at first.

What type of beard is most attractive?

The study confirmed that “intermediate” beardedness is what most women find the most attractive in a man. Conversely, a man with a full beard is better perceived to be a father and provide security and protection to their family.

Are beards sexier than clean-shaven?

Summary: Cut Throat Club carried out a study, surveying over 100 women and found that overall women preferred men either clean shaven or with a well groomed beard.

Do beards affect attractiveness?

Women judged faces with heavy stubble as most attractive and heavy beards, light stubble and clean-shaven faces as similarly less attractive. In contrast, men rated full beards and heavy stubble as most attractive, followed closely by clean-shaven and light stubble as least attractive.

5 Men's Facial Hair Mistakes Women HATE | Mens Fashioner | Ashley Weston

At what age does a beard grow fully?

Age is a big factor in beard growth. While most men experience some facial hair growth around the age of 16, it doesn't usually turn into a full beard until the mid 20's. Your beard will continue to thicken well into your 30s and 40s, so if your beard is still patchy in your early 20s, try again in a few years.

Do beards mean high testosterone?

A man's ability to grow a fulsome beard isn't actually neatly linked to his testosterone levels. Despite this, a number of studies have suggested that both men and women perceive men with beards as older, stronger and more aggressive than others.

What percent of men have beards?

For the first time in decades more men sport some form of facial hair than not, making the hirsute male the majority. A study by YouGov has found that most men (54 per cent) now say they currently have a beard or moustache, up from 42 per cent in 2016 and 37 per cent in 2011.

Do beards actually look good?

Although studies present conflicting evidence when it comes to the attractiveness of beards, facial hair is consistently shown to augment perception in some way. Beards increase ratings of characteristics such as age, social status, aggressiveness and masculinity.

Do beards look more intimidating?

Studies show that beards intimidate other men, reducing their subliminal dominance behaviors towards you and thus increasing your own subconscious dominance behaviors. In regular terms, beards help you step into a far more confident frame. Confidence is incredibly important to attraction.

What is the rule 5 for beards?

Rule #5: Clean Your Trimmings

If you have a beard, that means you're a man. And if you're a man, you should act like it and clean up after yourself.

Do girls like full beards?

After judging a number of pictures featuring men with varying degrees of facial hair, the vast majority of women found full-bearded men to be the top dogs in the mix. Women saw men with full beards to be the most healthy, and the best suited to parenting.

What is the least attractive beard style?

Whether the style is excessively elaborate, too busy or too cartoonish, you are usually better off replacing it with a more dignified look.
  1. The neckbeard. ...
  2. The solitary soul patch. ...
  3. The sparse, patchy beard. ...
  4. The thin, braided beard. ...
  5. The scruffy, unkempt beard. ...
  6. The sparse, uneven long beard. ...
  7. The conceptual beard.

Who should not grow a beard?

Overall, you should not grow a beard if you want simplicity, professionalism, or if you want to look younger. However, if you think you'll feel better and more confident with a beard, and don't mind the extra patience and maintenance requirements, then go ahead and grow one!

How long is the awkward beard phase?

The awkward beard stage usually occurs about 2 weeks after the man stops shaving and decides to grow out his beard. The awkward beard stage itself can last up to 2-3 weeks, depending on the amount of hair growth and how severe potential patches in the beard may be.

How to stop a beard from looking like pubes?

Regularly Trim Your Beard

Even in the early stages of growth, when it comes to how to stop a beard looking scruffy, trimming is key. Not only will it keep your beard tidy, but it will also help to define the shape you want to achieve.

What does a full beard say about a man?

A study conducted by the Official Journal of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society found that men with moderately full beards are found most attractive, and men with full beards may be perceived as better fathers who could protect and invest in their children. “Men with beards have a powerful look,” Dr.

What is sexier, a beard or no beard?

The results indicated that the women found men with light stubble most attractive; these men were preferred as both short- and long-term partners. However, the women perceived male faces with full beards as the most masculine, aggressive, and socially mature; the women also thought these men looked older.

Do skinny guys look good with beards?

Softening Features: Thin faces often come with sharp, angular features. A beard can soften these angles, making the face appear less harsh and more balanced. This is especially effective with styles that add volume to the chin and jawline.

Are beards losing popularity?

Whilst numerous media noted the possibility that beard prevalence had peaked in the early 2010s, a YouGov poll suggested that beards had become more commonplace in November 2016 compared with August 2011. This was reflected in the persistent decline in the sales of razor blades between 2013 and 2015.

Which ethnicity has most beard?

Ethnicity and Race: Different ethnic groups have varying beard growth patterns. For example, men of Mediterranean descent often develop beards earlier and more fully than men of East Asian descent.

What age does facial hair peak?

Your mid-20s to 30s are often considered the golden years for beard growth. As a matter of fact, most men don't hit peak beard growth until their early to mid thirties. This is when testosterone, the hormone primarily responsible for facial hair growth, peaks.

What races don't grow facial hair?

There is no specific ethnicity that can't grow facial hair, but East Asian individuals, such as Japanese and Chinese, tend to have less facial hair and slower growth rates compared to other ethnicities.

What does a high testosterone face look like?

Manly faces

Testosterone is a masculinizing hormone (though women make it too, just at lower levels than men). High testosterone during development is linked to facial features such as a chiseled jaw, broad face, narrow eyes and rugged cheekbones — think young Paul Newman, or Twilight werewolf Taylor Lautner.

Do beards protect from punches?

According to their findings, published in the journal Integrative Organismal Biology, facial hair is capable of lessening the impact of blunt trauma, such as that of a fist.

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