Does vitamin A work like accutane?

Author: Ulises Harvey  |  Last update: Sunday, March 23, 2025

Both Accutane and oral Vitamin A work in similar ways to treat acne. They are both converted to retinoic acid in the body, which then acts on skin cells. This action leads to several beneficial effects: Reduction in oil production.

What vitamin is a good alternative to Accutane?

In large doses, vitamin A can have similar effects to Accutane. However, because it can build up in the tissues and has similar side effects as Accutane, vitamin A shouldn't be used to treat acne. Can Accutane affect you years later? Most Accutane side effects go away once you stop the medication.

Why avoid vitamin A on Accutane?

You should avoid certain supplements, especially those containing vitamin A. Accutane is a retinoid. Retinoids are effective acne medications that contain a form of vitamin A. Getting too much vitamin A can lead to toxicity, so it's best to avoid using other products that contain vitamin A while taking Accutane.

Is there a prescription vitamin A for acne?

Retinol and Retin-A (tretinoin) are both retinoids — topical forms of vitamin A. Retinol is a common over-the-counter (OTC) ingredient in acne and anti-aging products. Retin-A is a prescription-only acne treatment, but it's used off-label for anti-aging effects, too. Retinol and Retin-A work the same way to treat acne.

How long does it take for vitamin A to work for acne?

As with most acne treatments, vitamin A takes time to work and you should allow for twelve weeks of use before determining whether or not the product has worked for you. It is also advised that you continue to use vitamin A (if it has proven effective) even after your acne symptoms have improved.

Vitamin A in the Treatment of Acne - What Does the Data Say?

Is vitamin A the same as retinol?

Vitamin A (retinol, retinoic acid) is a nutrient important to vision, growth, cell division, reproduction and immunity. Vitamin A also has antioxidant properties.

Can you replace Accutane with vitamin A?

Conclusion. Both Accutane and Vitamin A can be effective treatments for acne, with similar mechanisms of action. Accutane is generally considered more potent and is often the go-to treatment for persistent acne. However, recent research suggests that high-dose Vitamin A may be a viable alternative in some cases.

How to avoid Accutane purge?

Managing the Purging Phase
  1. Maintain a gentle skincare routine.
  2. Use non-comedogenic products.
  3. Stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet.
  4. Avoid picking or squeezing blemishes.

Is Accutane worth the risk?

The risk of developing severe side effects is very low – with only 1 in 500 patients experiencing serious adverse events – and the potential benefits of the treatment are very high, especially for those who have found that no other treatments are effective.

How much vitamin A is equivalent to isotretinoin?

Nevertheless, the authors suggested that given how oral vitamin A is considerably cheaper than isotretinoin, a daily dose of 50,000 to 300,000 IU/day may represent a suitable alternative in cases where isotretinoin is not available. Cook MK et al.

Which vitamin kills acne?

In particular, zinc and vitamins A and D may help treat and prevent acne. Many foods naturally contain these nutrients, including meats, fish, vegetables, and dairy products. Fortified food products, such as breakfast cereals, milk, and fruit juices, are another excellent source.

How long does vitamin A take to work?

However, it may be possible to notice benefits almost immediately after you start supplementing with this vitamin. Consistency is key and our research recommends taking your Feel supplements for at least 3 months to allow your body to adjust and provide the desired benefits.

Can vitamin A cure acne?

Vitamin A can help with acne by reducing inflammation, cell damage, and redness. Topical or oral retinoids can be useful, depending on the severity of the symptoms and how long they have persisted. Anyone looking to use retinoid products for acne should talk to a doctor or dermatologist first.

Is 10,000 IU of vitamin A safe?

For adults, 19 and older, the tolerable upper limit for vitamin A is 10,000 IU per day. Talk to your doctor before taking any dose close to that amount. People who have liver disease or diabetes should not take vitamin A supplements without their doctor's supervision.

Why is Accutane no longer available?

Isotretinoin by any other name is still Isotretinoin

Although the name is still widely recognized, Accutane was discontinued in 2009 due to lawsuits over side effects and diminishing market share due to the availability of the many generic versions of the drug.

Should I pop pimples while on Accutane?

never "clean out" blackheads or squeeze spots – this can make them worse and cause permanent scars. do not use too much make-up or cosmetics – use water-based products described as non-comedogenic (this means the product is less likely to block the pores in your skin) remove make-up before going to bed.

What does Accutane deplete?

Furthermore, this study demonstrated that after a 6 months treatment, isotretinoin can result in decreases in vitamin B12 and folic acid levels. Supplementation of vitamin B12/folic acid should be recommended in cases of their deficiency in patients under isotretinoin therapy.

Is zinc or vitamin A better for acne?

After four weeks, there was a significant decrease in the number of papules, pustules, and infiltrates in the zinc-treated groups. The effect of zinc plus vitamin A was not better than zinc alone. After 12 weeks of treatment, the mean acne score had decreased from 100% to 15%.

Can too much vitamin A cause acne?

Vitamin A from Food

Unfortunately, these vitamin A sources are also acne-triggering, due to their high levels of iodine and androgen (testosterone) stimulating side effects. Carotenoids are another form of vitamin A, found in carrots, orange-yellow vegetables, and leafy greens.

What does an Accutane rash look like?


It results in a severe rash and blistering of the skin and mouth, and could include symptoms such as: Rash, blisters or red spots on the skin. Blisters in the mouth, eyes, ears, nose or genital area. Swelling of the eyelids.

How much vitamin A should I take for acne?

Dietary Intake Recommendations

The recommended daily intake of vitamin A for women is 700 micrograms, and for men, it's 900 micrograms. Most people can get this amount from the foods they eat. As noted, MINDBODYSKIN offers a daily dose of 6,110 micrograms of vitamin A—the sweet spot for treating acne.

Can too much vitamin A be harmful?

Prolonged and excessive vitamin A intake can result in significant organ damage, including the liver, bones, central nervous system, and skin. Liver fibrosis or cirrhosis may be irreversible. Bone abnormalities, such as reduced bone density or fractures, may persist even after discontinuing vitamin A intake.

Is mad hippie vitamin A serum retinol?

It contains Granactive Retinoid (Hydroxypinacolone Retinoate). This is a Retinoic Ester, and is bioavailable in its current state – this means the skin doesn't need to convert it, like it does a retinol for example, so therefore is more potent, but because it is an ester, it's more gentle.

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