Does lip flip effect kissing?

Author: Ms. Kailyn Lindgren DDS  |  Last update: Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Phillip Dauwe, a board-certified plastic surgeon, explains that patients should wait 3 – 4 days before putting any pressure on their lips – including kissing.

When can I kiss after lip flip?

We recommend avoiding kissing 4+ hours after the lip flip botox treatment. For passionate kissers we recommend to wait a couple of days after the lip flip botox treatment. Lip flip botox treatment does not affect smiling, it will bring the upper lip outward to create an appearance of more volume.

What can you not do with a lip flip?

You can carefully eat or drink shortly after your lip flip procedure. However, take care not to eat any messy foods that may cause you to wipe your face or lips for at least three days. Avoid using drinking straws or smoking for at least three days. Puckering or contracting your lips may cause the Botox to migrate.

Do lip fillers affect kissing?

Kissing can apply a lot of pressure to the lips and increase risk of infection (there is a lot of bacteria in the mouth!), so it is best to avoid kissing for 48–72 hours after getting lip filler treatment. Your lips will probably be a bit tender and swollen, so kissing might not be that appealing anyway!

Can you give oral after lip fillers?

For at least 2 days after lip fillers, you shouldn't engage in oral sex because it could put unwanted pressure on your lips, affecting your healing process. And since there are minor wounds after the treatment, the risk of STDs could be higher than usual. So, we recommend you wait.

Advanced Lip Filler Technique

How long can you kiss after fillers?

This is because kissing can apply a lot of pressure to the lips and increase risk of infection due to the number of bacteria on lips. Therefore, it is best to avoid kissing for 48 hours afterwards – but that doesn't mean a soft peck isn't allowed!

How long does it take for lip flip to show?

When Will I See Results of a Lip Flip? About two to three days after a lip flip, patients will notice that their upper lip appears larger as the muscle relaxes. The maximum results are evident a week to 10 days after treatment.

Does a lip flip make your smile weird?

Done incorrectly or performed on unsuitable patients, a Botox lip flip can easily impact the integrity of the lip structure and affect how you talk, smile, etc.

Does a lip flip wear off fast?

Lip flip results are temporary and last about 8 weeks. The effect wears off quicker than other areas where Botox is injected because the amount of Botox used is necessarily small and the lip muscles are particularly active.

Does lip flip affect bottom lip?

The BOTOX lip flip doesn't actually increase volume in the lips, although it can make the upper lip look a bit fuller when it's performed by a skilled injector. Doesn't address the lower lip.

Can you give oral with a lip flip?

Lip flips have no impact on kissing, and your partner will not be able to feel any difference in the texture of your lips aside from the more “flipped out” lip position. Though any impact on oral sex will be extremely minimal, it may become a bit more difficult to cover your teeth with your lips.

Does a lip flip look natural?

BOTOX lip flips are simple, but they can have a major impact on your appearance. They use a small amount of BOTOX to help you achieve the results you want – fuller, more attractive lips. Lip flips produce natural results, so you can be confident in the way your lips look after your procedure.

Does a lip flip change your nose?

The upper lip's skin and the nose's base are very closely linked. As such, if a plastic surgeon doesn't have the appropriate skills or experience, a lip lift can distort the appearance of the nose, particularly the base and the nostrils. However, this only occurs when a lip lift is done poorly.

Does a lip flip look good on everyone?

As with any surgical procedure, not everyone's smile is suitable for a lip flip – even those who may be good candidates for lip fillers. "The ideal patient is someone who has a hyperactive muscle around their mouth that causes their upper lip to turn in or pull up dramatically when they smile," Dr. Amalfi says.

Does lip flip affect speech?

Possible Side Effects for Botox Lip Flip

It may affect your: whistling, speech, and or drinking. These only last a few days as your body adjusts for them, and also depends on how much your lip lifts as well.

Which is better lip flip or filler?

If you already have a decent amount of volume in your lips but would like to alter the shape, a lip flip might be the better choice. If you want added volume and longer-lasting results, then lip fillers may be what you're looking for.

How many units for lip flip?

For removing lip lines, you'll need about 6 average units. If you're interested in having lip flips, you'll need around 4-6 units. If you aim for plumper lips, Botox is best paired with dermal fillers. With just a few simple injections, our providers can erase your wrinkles and fine lines in no time with Botox.

Can you kiss after getting Botox?

Answer: Kissing after Botox to upper lip

There is no reason to worry. The neurotoxin effects and results depend on the dose, distribution and injection technique. Restrictions on activity are unwarranted. Kissing will not change anything!

Does a lip flip make your bottom lip bigger?

While dermal fillers increase lip size, a lip flip only creates the illusion of a larger lip without adding volume. Lip flips are less invasive and expensive than dermal fillers.

Can you kiss after Botox lip flip?

As with all injectable treatments, there is some downtime involved after a BOTOX lip flip. According to Dr. Dauwe, all patients should abstain from putting pressure on their lips for 3 – 4 days after their appointment. This includes activities like kissing.

What happens if you drink from a straw after lip flip?

Using a straw will put pressure on your new lip fillers and may cause some discomfort, since there will be swelling after the lip injections. Sucking on a straw may also be awkward to manage with swollen lips. All in all, it's best to drink water without a straw after treatment.

Can I get a lip flip every month?

Botox lip flip is not a permanent cosmetic procedure. To maintain the results, you'll need to repeat the procedure roughly every 3 to 4 months, or as long as it takes for the effects of the Botox injections to wear off.

How often can you get a lip flip?

Answer: Lip Flip

If your Botox has worn off, you can get it injected again after two months. If it was your first time having that area injected, your injector may have used a more conservative dose.

How does it feel to kiss Botox lips?

These issues typically resolve with time. Once the swelling has resolved, lips after filler injections generally don't feel any different than they did before, not even when you're kissing. Lips are still soft and natural. The person you are kissing won't know the difference either.

Can lip flip Botox migrate?

If you think your lip filler is on the move – be it days, weeks, months, or years after your injections – you may not be imagining it. Fillers that are incorrectly injected or not suitable for the lips can end up migrating outside the vermillion border, resulting in a 'trout mouth' or 'duck lip' appearance.

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